yaakaito / NLTHTTPStubServer

Fake server for iOS testing.
MIT License
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Fake server for iOS testing.

Can register fake response by expect or stub.

[[[server expect] forPath:@"/api/"] andJSONResponseResource:@"fake-response" ofType:@"json"];

Getting Ready


pod 'NLTHTTPStubServer'

First Step

The most simply example with GHUnit async test case. Servers URL is localhost:12345 on default.

- (void)testMostSimply {

    // Get shared server instance.
    server = [NLTHTTPStubServer sharedServer];

    // Register fake response for localhost:12345/fake
    NSData *data = [@"RESPONSE" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
    [[[server expect] forPath:@"/fake"] andPlainResponse:data];

    // GHUnit: Setup async test
    [self prepare];

    // Access to localhost:12345/fake
    __weak id that = self;
    [NSURLConnection sendAsynchronousRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"http://localhost:12345/fake"]]
                                       queue:[[NSOperationQueue alloc] init]
                           completionHandler:^(NSURLResponse *res, NSData *data, NSError *err) {

                                // Getting a fake response!
                                GHAssertEqualStrings(toString(data), @"RESPONSE", nil);

                                // GHUnit: notify!
                               [that notify:kGHUnitWaitStatusSuccess];


    // GHUnit: wait for status...
    [self waitForStatus:kGHUnitWaitStatusSuccess timeout:10];

    // Invoked all expects?
    [server verify];

Next Step

Get a server instance and clear

Get shared instance.

NLTHTTPStubServer *server =[NLTHTTPStubServer sharedServer];

Remove all fake responses.

[server clear];

Expecations and verifycation

[[server expect] forPath:@"/fake"];

Register fake response. Server will response this fake if requested /fake. After this setup the functionality under test should be invoked followed by

[server verify];

When expected response has not been invoked, verify method will raise an exception.


[[server stub] forPath:@"/fake"]

stub is like expect, But stub is existing if invoked it. verify ignores response that registered by stub.



NLTPath generate complicated path. For example, This request has two GET parameters.

[[server expect] forPath:[NLTPath pathWithPathString:@"/fake" andParameters:@{
        @"k1" : @"v1",
        @"k2" : @"v2",

This request can matches /fake?k1=v1&k2=v2 or /fake?k2=v2&k1=v1.


Can use [NLTPath anyValue] to parameters value.

[[server expect] forPath:[NLTPath pathWithPathString:@"/fake" andParameters:@{
        @"k1" : [NLTPAth anyValue]

This request can matches /fake?k1=hogeeeeeeee, /fake?k1=fugaaaaaaaaaa and mores.

HTTP Method

[[server stub] forPath:@"/fake" HTTPMethod:@"POST"];

Status code

[[[server stub] forPath:@"/fake"] andStatusCode:200];

Simulate waiting

[[[server stub] forPath:@"/fake"] andProcessingTime:10.0f];

Checking POST body

[[[server expect] forPath:@"/fake" HTTPMethod:@"POST"] andCheckPostBody:^(NSData *postBody) {
        NSString *postBodyString = [that toString:postBody];
        GHAssertEqualStrings(postBodyString, @"POST_BODY", nil);

Supporting content-types

[[[server expect] forPath:@"/fake"] and{ContentType}Response...]