yacineMTB / talk

Let's make sand talk
572 stars 42 forks source link


Talk asset art

Let's build a conversational engine so we can talk to our computers! Demo with audio

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Supported platforms

Right now, we have been testing this on linux + cuda. The project is still at an early stage, and requires a lot of elbow grease to get running. We'll keep on making it better as time goes on!


Wed Jun 21 2023



The intended audience for this project at the current state is people who are comfortable with hacking things together.

Using bundled bash script (experimental)

chmod 775 build.sh

If you would like to install piper automatically: (this downloads the piper binaries and the default TTS model)

source install_piper.sh true $([ -n "$BASH" ] && echo 1 || echo 2)

WARNING: The bash script will move the existing config.json file to config.json.bkp and create a new one instead.


Using manual steps

Running the whole package

Display graphs

A graphviz file talk.dot will be created when you press ctrl-C.

You can view the graph by running npm run graph, which will plot an svg and open it.


Please do

The bindings suck! How do I make them do what i want?

vim ./${llama/whisper}/examples/addon.node/addon.cpp