yaegassy / coc-volar

Volar (Fast Vue Language Support) extension for coc.nvim
MIT License
267 stars 6 forks source link
coc coc-extensions coc-nvim neovim vim vue


fork from a vuejs/language-tools/extensions/vscode

Vue Language Features (Volar) extension for coc.nvim



:CocInstall @yaegassy/coc-volar

scoped packages


[RECOMMENDED] Additional installation of "watchman"

In the @vue/language-server used by coc-volar, it utilizes the workspace/didChangeWatchedFiles notification to watch files within the project.

In coc.nvim, it is recommended to install watchman in order to utilize this feature.

If you have difficulty installing watchman, you can use coc-volar without watchman, but you may not be able to immediately use volar's IntelliSense with the newly added files.

In this case, please execute the command to restart the language server.


Depending on the project like mono repo or how Vim/Neovim is started, workspaceFolders may not be recognized correctly.

If workspaceFolders are not recognized correctly, the language server may parse unnecessary project folders, etc., slowing down the operation. Or Language Server may not work properly.

The default configuration of coc.nvim resolves to the directory where the .git, .hg, or .projections.json files reside as the workspace root.

coc-volar has also already added vite.config.ts, vite.config.js, vue.config.js or nuxt.config.ts to the extension side to resolve workspace root.

If further customization is needed, set b:coc_root_patterns in ".vimrc/init.vim".


  au FileType vue let b:coc_root_patterns = ['.git', '.env', 'package.json', 'tsconfig.json', 'jsconfig.json', 'vite.config.ts', 'vite.config.js', 'vue.config.js', 'nuxt.config.ts']

For more information, check this coc.nvim's wiki.


If the completion menu disappears when typing -, add the iskeyword setting to .vimrc / init.vim.

autocmd Filetype vue setlocal iskeyword+=-

Configuration options


More features

Other major LSP feature are of course supported as well.

completion, definition, typeDefinition, diagnostics, hover, signatureHelp, references, codeLens, formatting, rename and more...




This extension is built with create-coc-extension