yafeng / pan-cancer-proteogenomics-analysis

this repo contains workflow and scripts used for pan-cancer Proteogenomics analysis
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This is the workflow of the "Proteogenomics analysis of non-coding region encoded peptides in normal tissues and five cancer types" article. This workflow is modified from a previously published Integrated proteogenomics analysis workflow (IPAW)

1. LC-MS/MS Raw Files

Prepare LC-MS/MS Raw Files. LC-MS/MS raw files of 40 normal samples from 31 healthy tissues and 926 cancer samples from five cancer types were obtained from National Cancer Institute Clinical Proteomic Tumor Analysis Consortium and PRoteomics IDEntifcations database.

2. Data conversion

The IPAW requires the mzML files format as input files. Therefore, Convert Raw files to mzML files by ThermoRawFileParser.

convert the raw files using one core: (raw files are listed in rawfilelist.txt, one line for each file)

while read f;do mono ThermoRawFileParser.exe -i="$f" -o=/hwfssz5/ST_CANCER/CGR/USER/zhuyafeng/MS_Data/PXD000561_mzML/ -f=1 -m=1; done < rawfilelist.txt

-o :the converted output file path

rawfilelist.txt : contains the raw data absolute path.

to convert the raw files in multiple cores in parallel:

cat rawfilelist.txt |parallel -j 24 mono ThermoRawFileParser.exe -i={} -o=/data/home/yz332/MS_data/PXD000561_mzML/ -f=1 -m=1

-o :the converted output file path -j : the numbers of cores to run in parallel

CPTAC usually shares the MS raw data in mzML.gz format. To extract mzML files in specified folder, use:

for f in *Proteome*/*_mzML/*.gz; do 
STEM=$(basename "${f}" .gz)
gunzip -c "${f}" > /path/"${STEM}"

/path/ : absolute file path for the extracted mzML files.

3. Database construction

The healthy tissues

To search the proteomics data of the healthy tissues, we used a core database which contains the human protein database of Ensembl 92, CanProVar 2.0 variant peptides and peptide sequences from three frame translation of annotated pseudogenes and lncRNAs.Pseudogenes were downloaded from GENCODE v28 including both annotated and predicted12. LncRNAs were downloaded from LNCpedia 4.1.

  1. The core database : VarDB2+Ensembl92.noCOSMIC.fa

  2. Build the decoy database: the decoy peptide was produced by reversing protein sequences in the target database.

    decoy.py VarDB2+Ensembl92.noCOSMIC.fa VarDB2+Ensembl92.noCOSMIC.revCat.fa
    # create index for the decoy databas
    java -Xmx10000M -cp /hwfssz5/ST_CANCER/CGR/USER/zhuyafeng/MSGFplus/MSGFPlus.jar edu.ucsd.msjava.msdbsearch.BuildSA -d VarDB2+Ensembl92.noCOSMIC.revCat.fa -tda 0

The tumor tissues

For each cancer type, genomics data detected mutations were downloaded from the Cancer Genomic Data Server (CGDS) and then converted to mutant peptide sequences, which were added to the core database. For example,lung cancer database construction

  1. download the file data_mutations_extended.txt

  2. Build a variation database

    Python3 mutations_to_proteindb.py lungcancer_path1/data_mutations_extended.txt Ensembl92+75.cds.all.fa lung_path1/mutproteins.fa
    Python3 mutations_to_proteindb.py lungcancer_path2/data_mutations_extended.txt Ensembl92+75.cds.all.fa(ref) lung_path2/mutproteins.v2.fa
    Python3 digest_mutant_protein.py Ensembl92+75.cds.all.fa lung_mutpeptides.txt lungcancer_path1/mutproteins.fa lungcancer_path2/mutproteins.fa lungcancer_path3/mutproteins.fa lungcancer_path4/mutproteins.fa ...
  3. Add to the core database.

    cat /hwfssz5/ST_CANCER/CGR/USER/zhuyafeng/proteogenomics-analysis-workflow/VarDB2.0/VarDB2+Ensembl92.noCOSMIC.fa lung_mutpeptides.txt > VarDB2+lungMut+Ensembl92.fa
  4. Build the decoy database The decoy peptide was produced by reversing protein sequences in the target database.

    Python3 decoy.py VarDB2+lungMut+Ensembl92.fa VarDB2+lungMut+Ensembl92.revCat.fa
    # create index for the decoy database
    java -Xmx10000M -cp MSGFPlus.jar edu.ucsd.msjava.msdbsearch.BuildSA -d VarDB2+lungMut+Ensembl92.revCat.fa -tda 0

4. Analyse your mzML files

Customize the input files and parameter:

  1. A tab deliminated text file with mzmlfilepath(absolute path) and setname

    --mzmldef adrenal_gland_filelist_setnames.txt

if you find out each set contains the same number of MS data file, you can quickly create filelist_setnames in this way:

for example, if there are in total 6 sets(experiments), each set contains 12 fractions/files:

ls -1 $PWD/*.mzML >filelist.txt
for i in {1..6};do printf "set$i"'%0.s\n' {1..12};done >setnames.txt
paste filelist.txt setnames.txt > filelist_setnames.txt
  1. Quantitative method --mods labelfree_Mods.txt (iTRAQ, TMT mod files under mod folder)

  2. Instrument --inst 3

    • 0: Low-res LCQ/LTQ (Default)
    • 1: Orbitrap/FTICR/Lumos
    • 2: TOF
    • 3: Q-Exactive

An example of nextflow bash job command is shown below.

export NXF_WORK="/ldfssz1/ST_CANCER/CGR/USER/maleyao/IPAW_work/Normal/adrenal_gland/work"

nextflow run ipaw.hg38.MSGFplus2018.v6.nf --msgfjar /hwfssz5/ST_CANCER/CGR/USER/zhuyafeng/MSGFplus/MSGFPlus.jar \
--tdb $path2/VarDB2+Ensembl92.noCOSMIC.revCat.fa \ ## target decoy combined databases
--gtf $path/VarDB2.0/VarDB2.gtf \
--inst 3 \
--mods labelfree_Mods.txt \ #Modification file for MSGF+. Default file is for TMT labelled samples
--mzmldef adrenal_gland_filelist_setnames.txt # a tab deliminated text file with mzmlfilepath(absolute path) and setname 
--knownproteins $path/Ensembl/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.pep.all.fa \
--blastdb $path/VarDB2.0/UniProtApr2018+Ensembl92+GENCODE28.proteins.fasta \
--snpfa $path/VarDB2.0/MSCanProVar_ensemblV79.filtered.fasta \
--genome $path/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta \ #Genome Masked FASTA to BLAT against
--outdir results \ #Output directory
--activationFilter HCD \
--MS2error 0.02 \
--qval 0.01 \
-profile testing --tasks 4 --thread 1\
-resume \ # use it to resume the jobs from the last stopped process.
--PrecursorMassTolerance 10ppm \
--FragmentMethodID 3 \
--mzid2tsvConverter /hwfssz5/ST_CANCER/CGR/USER/zhuyafeng/MzidToTsvConverter/net45/MzidToTsvConverter.exe

The resulting directory will contain the following files


5. Score plots

This Script plots the distribution of retention time, precuror mass, precursor mass error and three MSGF-plus database search scores( MSGF, SpecEValue, Evalue) . Script :

Require files :

Add annotation to novel coding loci (pseudogenes).

Script :

Require files

Script :

Require file:

8. Calculate MS1 intensity

we use moFF published on nature method to extract MS1 intensity(label-free).

  1. prepare input files (txt_data) and move them to a subfolder txt_data

    Script :

    • PrepareTxt_data.r

    Require file:

    • novel_psmtable.txt
  2. create a subfolder raw_data and create links to all raw files in this folder. If all raw data files are in one folder (without subfolders inside), you can skip this step,using that folder path as the "raw_repo" parameters in the following config file

  3. prepare config file see example:config_example.ini

  4. run moFF

    python /hwfssz5/ST_CANCER/CGR/USER/zhuyafeng/moFF/moFF/moff_all.py --config_file /path/config_example.in

9. Count reads

The script searchs the reads that support novel peptides from RNA-Seq BAM files.

Script :

Require file:

python scam_bams.py --input_gff novel_peptides.gff3 --bam_files bam_files_list.txt --output novelpep_readcount.txt