yakdere / Android_TwitterClientwithFragments

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This application allows to see user timeline, mentions, user and following user's profile as well as sending a new twit.

Features User can view their home timeline tweets. User can view the recent mentions of their username. User can scroll to bottom of either of these lists and new tweets will load ("infinite scroll") User can click on the profile image in any tweet to see that user's profile.

TODO Will Update soon!! User can click on the profile image in any tweet to see that user's profile. When a network request goes out, user sees an indeterminate progress indicator Tweet Character counting

Technical Challenges Using fragments Endless pagination ActionBarSherlock for tabs OAuth HTTP Client for accessing authenticated APIs Pull to Refresh library

Screen Shots ![Screenshot] (http://www.imageurlhost.com/images/r7xql3e57hadcuje2icv.png)