yakuter / gossl

Cross platform, easy to use SSL/TLS toolset
Apache License 2.0
188 stars 13 forks source link
certificate go golang ssh-copy-id ssh-keygen ssl ssl-certificates tls tls-certificate

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Gopher design by Tugay BALCI


GoSSL is a cross platform, easy to use SSL/TLS toolset written with Go and built with ❤️



Executable binaries can be downloaded at Releases page according to user's operating system and architecture. After download, extract compressed files and start using GoSSL via terminal.

MacOS Homebrew Install

MacOS users can install GoSSL via Homebrew with the commands below.

brew tap yakuter/homebrew-tap
brew install gossl



version command displays the current version of GoSSL

gossl -v
gossl --version


help command displays default help and existing commands. It can also be used to get sub command helps.

gossl help
gossl help cert


key command generates RSA private key with provided bit size.

gossl key --help
gossl key --bits 2048
gossl key --bits 2048 --out private.key
gossl key --bits 2048 --out private.key --withpub


info displays information about x509 certificate. Thanks grantae for great certinfo tool which is used here. A file path or a valid URL is used to get details of the certificate.

gossl info cert.pem
gossl info --url google.com


cert command generates x509 SSL/TLS Certificate Request (CSR), Root CA and Certificate with provided private key.


gossl cert --help

Generate Certificate Request (CSR)

gossl cert \
    --key private.key \
    --out cert.csr \
    --days 365 \
    --serial 12345 \

Generate Root CA

gossl cert \
    --key private.key \
    --out ca.pem \
    --days 365 \
    --serial 12345 \

Generate Certificate

gossl cert \
    --key private.key \
    --out cert.pem \
    --days 365 \
    --serial 12345


verify command verifies x509 certificate with provided root CA in PEM format.

gossl verify --help

// Verify certificate with root CA 
gossl verify --cafile ./testdata/ca-cert.pem --certfile ./testdata/server-cert.pem
gossl verify --cafile ./testdata/ca-cert.pem --certfile ./testdata/server-cert.pem --dns

// Verify URL with root CA
gossl verify --cafile testdata/ca-cert.pem --url


ssh command generates SSH key pair with provided bit size just like ssh-keygen tool. These key pairs are used for automating logins, single sign-on, and for authenticating hosts.

gossl key --help
gossl key --bits 2048
gossl key --bits 2048 --out ./id_rsa
// output will be written to ./id_rsa and ./id_rsa_pub files


ssh-copy connects remote SSH server, creates /home/user/.ssh directory and authorized_keys file in it and appends provided public key (eg, id_rsa.pub) to authorized_keys file just like ssh-copy-id tool.

gossl ssh-copy --help

// This command will use default SSH public key path as "USER_HOME_DIR/.ssh/id_rsa.pub"
gossl ssh-copy remoteUser@remoteIP

// This command will ask for password to connect SSH server
gossl ssh-copy --pubkey /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa.pub remoteUser@remoteIP

gossl ssh-copy --pubkey /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa.pub --password passw@rd123 remoteUser@remoteIP


  1. Add generate command for generating private key, root ca and x509 certificates in one command
  2. Add cert template format read from yaml file
  3. Add certificate converter command like DER to PEM etc.