yandeu / docker-swarm-visualizer

🐋 A Visualizer for Docker Swarm using the Docker Engine API and Node.js.
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Server Replicas and Port Forwarding #7

Open dmerz75 opened 2 years ago

dmerz75 commented 2 years ago

Hi - couple questions:

  1. I read that the replicas might stay at 0 if the port is already in use. But even if I change the port, they remain at 0. Do you know the resolution for this?

    ID             NAME                 MODE         REPLICAS   IMAGE                   PORTS
    yp5735t6r2qq   visualizer_agent     global       0/3        yandeu/visualizer:dev
    x2nspbiqh2a5   visualizer_manager   replicated   0/1        yandeu/visualizer:dev   *:9500->3500/tcp
  2. Do you know the best port forwarding command for viewing the server? (in this case - I want view the server running on a manager node of a raspberry pi cluster.)

    # ssh -L local_port:destination_server_ip:remote_port ssh_server_hostname
    ssh -L 8080:192.168.*.*:9500 pi@pi0
dmerz75 commented 2 years ago

I found editing .ssh/config and adding this option to be the easiest solution for viewing a remote server.

LocalForward 9500 localhost:9500