yangbisheng2009 / nsfw-resnet

🔥🔥NSFW implement in pytorch(色情图&性感图识别,本程序经过了线上大数据集测试,性能优异效果良好)🔥🔥
352 stars 61 forks source link
image-classification image-recognition nsfw pytorch resnet resnet101

English | 中文版


NSFW - not safe for work

Python 3.7 Pytorch 1.4.0 cuDNN 7.3.1 License CC BY-NC


Trained on 600,000 labled pictures:


pytorch 1.0+
If you want pytorch 0.4, please download V1 release.


python train.py --model resnet101 --epochs 90 --batch-size 512 --checkpoint ./checkpoint --data-dir ./data

python test_confusion_matrix.py

python predict --model resnet101 --checkpoint ./checkpoint/x

#if your machine has connected to the internet and you dosen't want to download the image to your disk
cat urls.txt | python predict_url.py

Training data source

Special thanks to the nsfw_data_scraper for the training data. If you're interested in a more detailed analysis of types of NSFW images, you could probably use this repo code with this data.
If you want make better result.Contact me.I can provide you the best training data.

Current status

Sexy and porn is a little similar.In my view,it does'nt matter.  




I have tried various methods include some pretrained models like resnet/inceptionv3 and data augumentation and finetuing.

Here are some tips which make a greate effect to the final result:


Thanks for my wife FeiFei Li. She gave me lots of encouragement. And made the beautiful logo for NSFW preject.
Thanks for my workmate Kuai Li. He gave me lots of good suggestion.

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