yanhaiming56 / SynthText_Chinese_py3

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SynthText_Chinese_version from JarveeLee

Modify from https://github.com/JarveeLee/SynthText_Chinese_version.git to generate chinese character.

Due to SynthText_Chinese_version is writen by python2 and opencv2.So, I modify this program by python3 and opencv3.

My OS is Ubuntu18.01, python3.6, opencv3.4. But I am not sure whether it can run on other OS.

Of course,you can genetate the "dset.h5" file by yourself.You must download these files: The 8,000 background images used in the paper, along with their segmentation and depth masks, have been uploaded here: http://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~vgg/data/scenetext/preproc/filename, where, filename can be:

You can create a folder,such as "dataset" and put the files into this folder,and copying the "gen_dset.py" into this folder. You also have to unzip the "bg_img.tar.gz" to this folder.You only run:

python gen_dset.py

The "gen_dset.py" file can generate 99 images infomation,if you want to generate more images infomation,You can modify the 35th line of this file.Modify "i == 100" to "i == n",'n' denotes a number which is you want to generate quantity of image. Then you just copy the generated file "dset.h5" to the folder "data".You only run:

python gen.py

If You want to visualize these synthtext images,you can run:

python gen.py --viz

Note: I do not own the copyright to these images.

More detail content,you can consult the https://github.com/ankush-me/SynthText.