yannickulrich / presenter

A WebApp to use your iPad (or other tablet PC) as presenter
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Presenter is a tool for presentations. While the slides are shown on the beamer, you control the presentation via an iPad while seeing your notes and highlight important things on the slides.


You must have the following programms installed:



  1. Downloading this to your htdocs folder (eg. /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/)
  2. Configuration
    1. Open http://localhost/presenter/tools or where ever use saved this on your PC
    2. Enter a (secure) password
    3. Upload a PDF (your slides) and a notes.txt (your moderator notes, see below)
  3. Connect your tablet PC
    1. Get your IP-address (eg ifconfig)
    2. Open this IP on your tablet and navigate to the presenter
    3. Enter the predefined password and log in
  4. Connect guests (optional)
    1. Repeat steps 3.1 - 3.2 with every guest



This only works an the computer where the localhost is running

The LaTeX interface


The Notes have to be seperated by "\n> ".