yanshouwang / camerax

A camera plugin for flutter, which use CameraX on Android, native API on iOS, supports camera preview, capture and analyze.
MIT License
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camera camerax flutter ml


A camera plugin for flutter, which use CameraX on Android, native API on iOS, supports camera preview, capture and analyze.

Note: This plugin is inspired by the official camera project but more simple to use, and use MLKit in native for image analyze.


Getting Started

Add camerax as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.

  camerax: ^<latest-version>


Make sure you have a miniSdkVersion with 21 or higher in your android/app/build.gradle file, because the camera2 API which CameraX used only support Android 5.0 or above.

Note: You can run the example on a device emulator with Android 11 or higher and physical devices, CameraX doesn't work when running on emulators with Android 10 or lower. See https://developer.android.google.cn/codelabs/camerax-getting-started#5


Make sure you have a minimum deployment target of 10.0, because the MLKit only support iOS 10.0 or above, you can uncomment the first line platform :ios, '10.0' in your iOS project's Podfile



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