yaqwsx / DrLCD

Calibration of MSLA Resin Printers LCD For Even Backlight
GNU General Public License v3.0
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DrLCD – Calibration of MSLA Resin Printers LCD For Even Backlight

The backlight of the masked SLA resin printers isn't perfect and it can affect the dimensional accuracy.

This device allows you to measure the backlight and compensate for the defects:


It does so via a moving a sensor over the printer's LCD:

The device

You can learn more in the corresponding blog post.


The repository contains a Marlin-based firmware in the fw directory and command line control app that allows you to acquire data and process them in the drlcd directory.


# Installation
$ pip install git+https://github.com/yaqwsx/DrLCD.git@master

# Acquire data
$ drlcd measurelcd --size <display_size_in_mm> --resolution <number_of_samples> --fast <output_file>
# E.g. drlcd measurelcd --size 202x130 --resolution 202x130 --fast frist-saturn2-mesurement.json

# Visualize measurement
$ drlcd visualize --show --title "<graph name>" <measurement file> <output HTML>

# Create compensation map
$ drlcd compensate --measurement <measurement file> --min <low value to compensate> --max <high value to compensate> --by <amount of dimming> --screen <resolution in px> --cutoff <black value for screen detection> <output PNG file>