yarikdot / puppet-postfix

Puppet Postfix module supporting multiple instances
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Manage multiple postfix instances.

This plugin is extended version of https://github.com/thias/puppet-postfix and it is backwards compatible!

Original plugin usage example

class { '::postfix::server':
  myhostname              => 'mx1.example.com',
  mydomain                => 'example.com',
  mydestination           => "\$myhostname, localhost.\$mydomain, localhost, $fqdn",
  inet_interfaces         => 'all',
  message_size_limit      => '15360000', # 15MB
  mail_name               => 'example mail daemon',
  virtual_mailbox_domains => [
  virtual_alias_maps      => [
  virtual_transport         => 'dovecot',
  # if you want dovecot to deliver user+foo@example.org to user@example.org,
  # uncomment this: (c.f. http://wiki2.dovecot.org/LDA/Postfix#Virtual_users)
  # dovecot_destination     => '${user}@${nexthop}',
  smtpd_sender_restrictions => [
  smtpd_recipient_restrictions => [
  smtpd_sasl_auth       => true,
  sender_canonical_maps => 'regexp:/etc/postfix/sender_canonical',
  ssl                   => 'wildcard.example.com',
  submission            => true,
  header_checks         => [
    '# Remove LAN (Webmail) headers',
    '/^Received: from .*\.example\.ici/ IGNORE',
    '# Sh*tlist',
    '/^From: .*@(example\.com|example\.net)/ REJECT Spam, go away',
    '/^From: .*@(lcfnl\.com|.*\.cson4\.com|.*\.idep4\.com|.*\.gagc4\.com)/ REJECT user unknown',
  postgrey              => true,
  spamassassin          => true,
  sa_skip_rbl_checks    => '0',
  spampd_children       => '4',
  # Send all emails to spampd on 10026
  smtp_content_filter   => 'smtp:',
  # This is where we get emails back from spampd
  master_services       => [ ' inet n  -       n       -      20       smtpd'],

The most common parameters are supported as parameters to the postfix::server class, but any other ones may be added using the $extra_main_parameters hash parameter, to which keys are main.cf parameter names and values can be either a value string or array of strings.

Example :

class { '::postfix::server':
  extra_main_parameters => {
    'virtual_mailbox_lock' => [
    virtual_minimum_uid => '1000',

Mutli-instance example

include ::postfix::params

class { '::postfix::install':
    mysql => true,

# Default instance as a null-client

postfix::instance { 'default':
    myhostname             => $fqdn,
    mydomain               => $fqdn,
    myorigin               => $fqdn,
    mydestination          => "$fqdn, localhost",
    message_size_limit     => '15360000',
    master_service_disable => 'inet',
    # default_database_type = cdb
    # indexed = ${default_database_type}:${config_directory}/

# Relay server using dovecot as a backend

postfix::instance { 'out':
    myhostname                   => $fqdn,
    mydestination                => 'localhost',
    message_size_limit           => '15360000',
    smtpd_banner                 => '$myhostname ESMTP $mail_name (Debian/GNU)',
    inet_interfaces              => 'all',
    relayhost                    => '',
    mynetworks                   => ' [::ffff:]/104 [::1]/128',
    myorigin                     => $fqdn,
    smtpd_sasl_type              => 'dovecot',
    smtpd_sasl_path              => 'inet:',
    smtpd_client_restrictions    => [ 'permit_sasl_authenticated', 'reject' ],
    smtpd_recipient_restrictions => [ 'permit_sasl_authenticated', 'permit_mynetworks', 'reject_unauth_destination' ],
    readme_directory             => 'no',
    mailbox_size_limit           => '0',
    recipient_delimiter          => '+',
    extra_main_parameters        => {
        biff                            => 'no',
        broken_sasl_auth_clients        => 'yes',
        smtpd_sasl_auth_enable          => 'yes',
        smtpd_sasl_authenticated_header => 'yes',
        smtpd_sasl_security_options     => 'noanonymous',
        smtpd_sasl_local_domain         => '$myhostname',
        append_dot_mydomain             => 'no',
        master_service_disable          => '',
        authorized_submit_users         => '',
