yarox24 / EvtxHussar

Initial triage of Windows Event logs
MIT License
89 stars 7 forks source link

Icon EvtxHussar

Initial triage of Windows Event logs. This is beta quality software.

Input data

Output data

Example output

Chart (HTML)

Live chart demo

Subset of columns only (Click for fullscreen preview)


Output directory structure


Interesting features

Which events are supported?

Please look into maps/ (which contains Layer 1 maps)

Quick usage

Parse events (C:\evtx_compromised_machine\*.evtx) from single host to default Excel format (also generate chart)

EvtxHussar.exe -o C:\evtxhussar_results C:\evtx_compromised_machine

Parse events (C:\evtx_many_machines\*\*.evtx) from many machines recursively saving them with JSONL format

EvtxHussar.exe -f jsonl -r -o C:\evtxhussar_results C:\evtx_many_machines

Parse only 2 files (Security.evtx and System.evtx) and save them with CSV format

EvtxHussar.exe -f csv -o C:\evtxhussar_results C:\evtx_compromised_machine\Security.evtx C:\evtx_compromised_machine\System.evtx

Parse events with 100 workers (1 worker = 1 Evtx file handled) Default: 30

EvtxHussar.exe -w 100 -r -o C:\evtxhussar_results C:\evtx_many_machines

Parse with custom maps relevant to incident

EvtxHussar.exe -m C:\incident_specific_maps -r -o C:\evtxhussar_results C:\evtx_many_machines

Parse only with selected Layer2 maps e.g. PowerShellUniversal,PowerShellScriptBlock

EvtxHussar.exe --includeonly PowerShellUniversal,PowerShellScriptBlock -r -o C:\evtxhussar_results C:\evtx_many_machines

Parse with all Layer2 maps but exclude e.g. FirewallUniversal

EvtxHussar.exe --excludeonly FirewallUniversal -r -o C:\evtxhussar_results C:\evtx_many_machines

Generate chart only

EvtxHussar.exe --includeonly ChartOnly -r -o C:\evtxhussar_results C:\evtx_many_machines

Parse events only (disable chart generation)

EvtxHussar.exe -c none -r -o C:\evtxhussar_results C:\evtx_many_machines

Usage (as Velociraptor plugin)


Blog article

:memo: https://atos.net/en/lp/securitydive/how-to-accelerate-analysis-of-windows-event-logs


Usage: EvtxHussar [--recursive] [--output_dir OUTPUT_DIR] [--format FORMAT] [--workers WORKERS] [--maps MAPS] [--templates TEMPLATES] [--includeonly INCLUDEONLY] [--excludeonly EXCLUDEONLY] [--chart CHART] [--scriptblockxor] [--debug] [INPUT_EVTX_PATHS [INPUT_EVTX_PATHS ...]]

Positional arguments:
  INPUT_EVTX_PATHS       Path(s) to .evtx files or directories containing these files (can be mixed)

  --recursive, -r        Recursive traversal for any input directories. [default: false]
  --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR, -o OUTPUT_DIR
                         Reports will be saved in this directory (if doesn't exists it will be created)
  --format FORMAT, -f FORMAT
                         Output data in one of the formats: Csv,JSON,JSONL,Excel [default: Excel]
  --workers WORKERS, -w WORKERS
                         Max concurrent workers (.evtx opened) [default: 30]
  --maps MAPS, -m MAPS   Custom directory with maps/ (Default: program directory)
  --templates TEMPLATES, -t TEMPLATES
                         Directory with Apache Echarts template (Default: program directory)
                         Include only Layer2 maps present on the list comma separated (Name taken from YAML) [default: {[]}]
                         Start with all Layer2 maps and exclude only maps present on the comma separated list (Name taken from YAML) [default: {[]}]
  --chart CHART, -c CHART
                         Generate frequency chart of all .evtx files (Not only the ones supported by maps). Valid values: html,none [default: html]
  --scriptblockxor, -x   Apply XOR on reconstructed PS ScriptBlocks with key 'Y' (0x59) to prevent deletion by AV [default: false]
  --debug, -d            Be more verbose [default: false]
  --help, -h             display this help and exit
  --version              display version and exit

Then the winged hussars arrived, coming down they turned the tide

Winged Hussars