It is thought that the Windows related file name issue is resolved but it is not tested yet.
Collection of memes from our friends group brought together in a soundboard.
I thought it would be fun to try to make this app cross platform on a couple of often used platforms.
The goal of the app is to have a fun, nice looking, functional sound board with the memes (that can be found in the audio directory).
The platforms I'd like to have the app working on:
Because of the multitude of languages and platforms, every pull request and commit should be prefaced with either the language or platform it is related to. For example, a commit to the python implementation should be prefaced with [PYTHON], while the javascript/html implementation should be prefaced with [WEB].
The project is licensed under the MIT license which can be found in the LICENSE file.
Feel free to fork the repo and make contributions by either improving an existing implementation or creating a new implementation using the existing sources.
Whenever you have a 'finished' contribution, you can make a pull request to the master branch and it'll be looked at to see if it fits the standards and if it works.
After merging, the code will be provided of your user name to show who contributed to which parts.