yasd251 / checkbox-sounds-plugin

Adds a nice completion sound for checkboxes when ticked in Obsidian
MIT License
6 stars 2 forks source link

Checkbox Sounds for Obsidian!

Adds a simple completion sound when a checkbox is ticked-off

How to Use

  1. Activate the plugin within "Community Plugins" Tab
  2. Use your mouse to tick off a checkbox
  3. A completion sound will be played!

You may also choose to change the sound to another sound within the Settings Tab of the Plugin

Potential Improvements

  1. Adding more sounds to menu
  2. Enabling Checkbox sound to play even if ticked off with CMD+L
  3. Allow users to add their own sounds!
  4. Add option to play a random sound on tick


If you find this plugin useful or satisfying in any way and wish to support the development of this plugin further, please feel free to buy me a cup of coffee!

Thank you so much.