yasheena / telnetspy

Telnet Server For ESP8266: Cloning the serial port via Telnet. "Debugging over the air"
MIT License
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arduino arduino-library debugging-tool esp32 esp8266 over-the-air rfc854 serial telnet-server

Telnet server for ESP8266 / ESP32

Cloning the serial port via Telnet.

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📝 Table of Contents

🎈 Description

🚀 Usage


Add the following line to your sketch:

#include <TelnetSpy.h>
TelnetSpy LOG;

Add the following line to your initialisation block void setup():


Add the following line at the beginning of your main loop void loop():


Use the following functions of the TelnetSpy object to modify behavior

  1. void setPort(uint16_t portToUse)
  2. void setWelcomeMsg(const char* msg) / void setWelcomeMsg(const String& msg)
  3. void setRejectMsg(const char* msg) / void setRejectMsg(const String& msg)
  4. void setMinBlockSize(uint16_t minSize)
  5. void setCollectingTime(uint16_t colTime)
  6. void setMaxBlockSize(uint16_t maxSize)
  7. bool setBufferSize(uint16_t newSize)
  8. uint16_t getBufferSize()
  9. void setStoreOffline(bool store)
  10. bool getStoreOffline()
  11. void setPingTime(uint16_t pngTime)
  12. bool setRecBufferSize(uint16_t newSize)
  13. uint16_t getRecBufferSize()
  14. void setSerial(HardwareSerial* usedSerial)
  15. bool isClientConnected()
  16. void setCallbackOnConnect(void (*callback)())
  17. void setCallbackOnDisconnect(void (*callback)())
  18. void disconnectClient()
  19. void clearBuffer()
  20. void setFilter(char ch, const char msg, void (callback()) / void setFilter(char ch, const String& msg, void (*callback())
  21. char getFilter()
  22. void setCallbackOnNvtBRK(void (*callback)())
  23. void setCallbackOnNvtIP)(void (*callback)())
  24. void setCallbackOnNvtAO)(void (*callback)())
  25. void setCallbackOnNvtAYT)(void (*callback)())
  26. void setCallbackOnNvtEC)(void (*callback)())
  27. void setCallbackOnNvtEL)(void (*callback)())
  28. void setCallbackOnNvtGA)(void (*callback)())
  29. void setCallbackOnNvtWWDD(void (*callback)(char command, char option))

1. void setPort(uint16_t portToUse)

Change the port number of this Telnet server. If a client is already connected, it will be disconnected.

Default: 23

void setPort(uint16_t portToUse)

2. void setWelcomeMsg(const char* msg) / void setWelcomeMsg(const String& msg)

Change the message which will be sent to the Telnet client after a session is established.

Default: "Connection established via TelnetSpy.\n"

void setWelcomeMsg(const char* msg)
void setWelcomeMsg(const String& msg)

3. void setRejectMsg(const char* msg) / void setRejectMsg(const String& msg)

Change the message which will be sent to the Telnet client if another session is already established.

Default: "TelnetSpy: Only one connection possible.\n"

void setRejectMsg(const char* msg)
void setRejectMsg(const String& msg)

4. void setMinBlockSize(uint16_t minSize)

Change the amount of characters to collect before sending a Telnet block.

Default: 64

void setMinBlockSize(uint16_t minSize)

5. void setCollectingTime(uint16_t colTime)

Change the time (in ms) to wait before sending a Telnet block if it's size is less than (defined by setMinBlockSize).

Default: 100

void setCollectingTime(uint16_t colTime)

6. void setMaxBlockSize(uint16_t maxSize)

Change the maximum size of the Telnet packets to send.

Default: 512

void setMaxBlockSize(uint16_t maxSize)

7. bool setBufferSize(uint16_t newSize)

Change the size of the ring buffer. Set it to 0 to disable buffering. If buffering is disabled, the system's debug output (see setDebugOutput) cannot be send via telnet, it will be send to serial output only. Changing size tries to preserve the already collected data. If the new buffer size is too small, only the latest data will be preserved. Returns false if the requested buffer size cannot be set.

Default: 3000

bool setBufferSize(uint16_t newSize)

8. uint16_t getBufferSize()

This function returns the actual size of the ring buffer.

uint16_t getBufferSize()

9. void setStoreOffline(bool store)

Enable / disable storing new data in the ring buffer if no Telnet connection is established. This function allows you to store important data only. You can do this by disabling storeOffline for sending unimportant data.

Default: true

void setStoreOffline(bool store)

10. bool getStoreOffline()

Get actual state of storing data when offline.

bool getStoreOffline()

11. void setPingTime(uint16_t pngTime)

If no data is sent via TelnetSpy, the detection of a disconnected client has a long timeout. Use setPingTime to define the time (in ms) without traffic after which a ping aka a chr(0) is sent to the Telnet client to detect a disconnect earlier. Use 0 as parameter to disable pings.

Default: 1500

void setPingTime(uint16_t pngTime)

12. bool setRecBufferSize(uint16_t newSize)

Change the size of the receive buffer. Set it to 0 to disable buffering in TelnetSpy (there is still a buffer in the underlayed WifiClient component). Returns false if the requested buffer size cannot be set.

Default: 64

bool setRecBufferSize(uint16_t newSize);    

13. uint16_t getRecBufferSize()

This function returns the actual size of the receive buffer.

uint16_t getRecBufferSize()

14. void setSerial(HardwareSerial* usedSerial)

Set the serial port you want to use with this object (especially for ESP32) or NULL if no serial port should be used (Telnet only).

Default: Serial

void setSerial(HardwareSerial* usedSerial)

15. bool isClientConnected()

This function returns true if a Telnet client is connected.

bool isClientConnected()

16. void setCallbackOnConnect(void (*callback)())

This function installs a callback function which will be called on every Telnet connect of this object (except rejected connect tries). Use NULL to remove the callback.

Default: NULL

void setCallbackOnConnect(void (*callback)())

17. void setCallbackOnDisconnect(void (*callback)())

This function installs a callback function which will be called on every Telnet disconnect of this object (except rejected connect tries). Use NULL to remove the callback.

Default: NULL

void setCallbackOnDisconnect(void (*callback)())

18. void disconnectClient()

This function disconnects an active client connection.

void disconnectClient()

19. void clearBuffer()

This function clears the transmit buffer of TelnetSpy, so all waiting data to send via a telnet connection will be discard.

void clearBuffer()

20. void setFilter(char ch, const char msg, void (callback()) / void setFilter(char ch, const String& msg, void (*callback())

This function allows to filter the character given by "ch" out of the receiving telnet data stream. If this character is detected, the following happens:

void setFilter(char ch, const char* msg, void (*callback())
void setFilter(char ch, const String& msg, void (*callback())

21. char getFilter()

This function returns the actual filter character (0 => not set).

char getFilter()

22. void setCallbackOnNvtBRK(void (*callback)())

This function installs a callback function which will be called whenever the telnet command "BRK" (Break) is received. Use NULL to remove the callback.

Default: NULL

void setCallbackOnNvtBRK(void (*callback)())

23. void setCallbackOnNvtIP(void (*callback)())

This function installs a callback function which will be called whenever the telnet command "IP" (Interrupt Process) is received. Use NULL to remove the callback.

Default: 1 (=> ESP.restart will be called)

void setCallbackOnNvtIP(void (*callback)())

24. void setCallbackOnNvtAO(void (*callback)())

This function installs a callback function which will be called whenever the telnet command "AO" (Abort Output) is received. Use NULL to remove the callback.

Default: 1 (=> disconnectClient of TelnerSpy will be called)

void setCallbackOnNvtAO(void (*callback)())

25. void setCallbackOnNvtAYT(void (*callback)())

This function installs a callback function which will be called whenever the telnet command "AYT" (Are you there) is received. Use NULL to remove the callback.

Default: NULL

void setCallbackOnNvtAYT(void (*callback)())

26. void setCallbackOnNvtEC(void (*callback)())

This function installs a callback function which will be called whenever the telnet command "EC" (Erase Character) is received. Use NULL to remove the callback.

Default: NULL

void setCallbackOnNvtEC(void (*callback)())

27. void setCallbackOnNvtEL(void (*callback)())

This function installs a callback function which will be called whenever the telnet command "EL" (Erase Line) is received. Use NULL to remove the callback.

Default: NULL

void setCallbackOnNvtEL(void (*callback)())

28. void setCallbackOnNvtGA(void (*callback)())

This function installs a callback function which will be called whenever the telnet command "GA" (Go Ahead) is received. Use NULL to remove the callback.

Default: NULL

void setCallbackOnNvtGA(void (*callback)())

29. void setCallbackOnNvtWWDD(void (*callback)())

This function installs a callback function which will be called whenever the telnet commands "WILL", "WON'T", "DO" or "DON'T" are received. Use NULL to remove the callback.

Default: NULL

void setCallbackOnNvtWWDD(void (*callback)())

💡 Hint

Add the following lines to your sketch:

TelnetSpy SerialAndTelnet;
#define SERIAL SerialAndTelnet
// #define SERIAL Serial

Replace Serial with SERIAL in your sketch. Now you can switch between serial only and serial with Telnet by only changing the comments of the defines.

🔔 Important

💡 Note: The order is not important.

📖 License

This library is open-source and licensed under the MIT license.

Do whatever you like with it, but contributions are appreciated!