Kanban App for the terminal written in rust
This kanban app will allow the user to be more productive by prioritizing tasks and achieving goals faster
I am new to rust and wanted to learn the language in a project-oriented manner, feel free to drop feedback on my code😁. Another reason for building a TUI is that I spend the majority of my time in the terminal whether it is testing or running code or writing code in neovim. I haven't been able to find any other alternatives so I have started to make my own!
Feel free to make a pull request or make a new issue, I am open to suggestions ✌️
I currently do not own a Mac so I am unable to test the app on Mac, if you can test it on Mac, please let me know if there are any issues.
- [ ] BYODB - Bring your own DB (As I am not able to keep the free supabase db online at all times, an option for multiple database backends that can be configured)
- [ ] Create a vs code extension, for adding quick notes and tasks, with / commands for specific boards cards or types etc (think more about this in future)
- [ ] Create a parallel web ui for the app that can be hosted from the app itself with a startup flag (e.g. --web-ui --port 8080)
- [ ] Optimize logger to handle high volumes of logs (app becomes sluggish when there are a lot of logs)
- [ ] Make configuration for integer values more user-friendly (e.g. when changing the number of columns in the kanban board)
- [ ] Implement animations for UI elements
- [ ] Implement a way to sync with other services like notion
- [ ] Write Tests
- [ ] Add a Tutorial for new users (Preferably in the app itself with animations and highlighting of UI elements)
- [ ] (Chore) Add documentation to functions and useful comments
- [ ] (Chore) Refactor convoluted functions with many nested statements
Completed Features
- [X] Add ability to move boards (e.g. move a board to the left or right)
- [X] While adding a new tag show a list of existing tags to choose from (like a context menu)
- [X] Implement selection in text input mode for editing text
- [X] Add a date picker for the date field
- [X] Unify all text input fields and improve the way they are handled (currently there are multiple ways to handle text input)
- [X] Drag and Drop cards with the mouse
- [X] Allow for vertical movement in text fields (e.g. card description)
- [X] Encryption for Cloud Saves
- [X] Implement Cloud saves
- [X] Ability to scroll through logs
- [X] Ability to Undo and Redo actions
- [X] Ability to change date formats
- [X] Ability to search for cards and boards in the command palette
- [X] Ability to filter cards by tags
- [X] Allow Card to be modified in Card View
- [X] Implement a way to add custom colors (Theme support)
- [X] Implement a way to interact with the kanban board using the mouse (Clicking, Scrolling are supported as of now)
- [X] Added ability to export kanban data to JSON
- [X] Implement a Command Palette (like in vs code (Ctrl + Shift + P)) as a way to interact with the app instead of using keybindings
- [X] Implement previews for loading a save
- [X] Toast Message Implementation -- (Inspired by nvim-notify)
- [X] Improve Help Messages
- [X] Custom Keybindings
- [X] Implement the Kanban Boards ( the main UI basically )
- [X] Auto Save on exit
- [X] Save/Load Kanban state
- [X] Hide/Un-hide UI elements
- [X] Refactoring UI Logic
- [X] Focusing and highlighting UI elements
- [X] Input Handling
- [X] Logging
Known Issues
- [ ] Cursor for Card Tags and Comments is incorrect when tag is longer than available space
PSA (i.e. Public service announcement)
- Cloud saves are now encrypted. Please keep your generated key safe. It is usually located in "config/rust_kanban/kanban_encryption_key" after signing up. If you lose your key, you will not be able to access your data (I Cannot see your data nor edit it/decrypt it). If you have lost your key, you will have to delete your data and generate a new key using the -g flag.
- You can also provide an alternate key with the --encryption-key flag when starting the app. This will allow you to store your key in a password manager or a file that is not on disk.
- linux example : rust-kanban --encryption-key $(cat ~/.config/rust_kanban/kanban_encryption_key)
How to use
Default Keybindings
Keybinding |
Action |
'Ctrl + c' or 'q' |
Quit |
'Tab' |
Next Focus |
'BackTab' |
Previous Focus |
'c' |
Configure |
'Up' |
Move Up |
'Down' |
Move Down |
'Right' |
Move Right |
'Left' |
Move Left |
'i' |
Take User Input (when filling out a form) |
'Insert' |
Exit user input mode |
'h' |
Hide UI Element |
'Ctrl + s' |
Save State |
'b' |
New Board |
'n' |
New Card |
'd' |
Delete Card |
'D' or 'Shift + d' |
Delete Board |
'1' |
Change Card Status to Completed |
'2' |
Change Card Status to Active |
'3' |
Change Card Status to Stale |
'4' |
Change Card Priority to High |
'5' |
Change Card Priority to Medium |
'6' |
Change Card Priority to Low |
'r' |
Reset UI to Default |
'm' |
Go to Main Menu |
'Ctrl + p' |
Toggle Command Palette |
'Esc' |
Go to Previous View |
't' |
Clear Toast Messages |
'Mouse Left Click' |
Select UI Element |
'Mouse Middle Click' |
Open Command Palette |
'Mouse Right Click' |
Go to Previous View |
'Mouse Scroll Up' |
Scroll Up Cards |
'Mouse Scroll Down' |
Scroll Down Cards (for cards) |
'Ctrl + Mouse Scroll Up' |
Scroll to the right (for boards) |
'Ctrl + Mouse Scroll Down' |
Scroll to the left (for boards) |
'Ctrl + z' |
Undo |
'Ctrl + y' |
Redo |
Available Themes
- Default Theme
- Light
- Midnight Blue
- Slate
- Metro
- Matrix
- Cyberpunk
- Dracula