yassinekebbati / GA-optimized-MLP-based-LPV_MPC

This is the implementation of the work done in "Optimized self-adaptive PID speed control for autonomous vehicles" paper.
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This is the implementation of the work published in the following paper "Autonomous driving using GA-optimized neural network based adaptive LPV-MPC controller". The paper is freely accessible at this link: https://upcommons.upc.edu/bitstream/handle/2117/383650/Autonomous_driving_using_GA-optimized_neural_network_based_adaptive_LPV-MPC_controller.pdf?sequence=1

Steps to run the code:

This implementation requires MATLAB, Yalmip, and at least one solver such as gurobi, quadprog...etc. you can install yalmip by following the steps in this link : https://yalmip.github.io/tutorial/installation/ To run the Python code and build a neural network and train it you need to install the libraries used in the code :


If you find this work useful or use it in your work please cite the main paper:

Kebbati, Y., Ait-Oufroukh, N., Puig, V., Ichalal, D., & Vigneron, V. (2022, December). Autonomous driving using GA-optimized neural network based adaptive LPV-MPC controller. In 2022 ieee international conference on networking, sensing and control (icnsc) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.

@inproceedings{kebbati2022autonomous, title={Autonomous driving using GA-optimized neural network based adaptive LPV-MPC controller}, author={Kebbati, Yassine and Ait-Oufroukh, Naima and Puig, Vicenc and Ichalal, Dalil and Vigneron, Vincent}, booktitle={2022 ieee international conference on networking, sensing and control (icnsc)}, pages={1--6}, year={2022}, organization={IEEE} }