This is the implementation of the work published in the following paper "Autonomous driving using GA-optimized neural network based adaptive LPV-MPC controller".
The paper is freely accessible at this link:
Steps to run the code:
This implementation requires MATLAB, Yalmip, and at least one solver such as gurobi, quadprog...etc.
you can install yalmip by following the steps in this link :
To run the Python code and build a neural network and train it you need to install the libraries used in the code :
- You can run the LPV_MPC controller by launching the script "MAIN_LPV_MPC.m".
- The simulation requires data for trajectory, disturbances, MLP network...etc, these are loaded automatically by the script (make sure all files are in the same folder).
- Try and experiment with different parameters for the controller (Prediction horizon Np, constraints, Q and R weights), you can also test the controller in different trajectories (two are provided: double lane change trajectory in "DLC_pos_data.mat/DLCwind_data.mat/DLC_data.mat" and a general trajectory in "Pos_data.mat/test_data.mat/wind_data.mat").
- To launch the GA optimization for the LPV_MPC controller, just run the script in the file (LPV_MPC_APP).
- The GA algorithm will optimize the MPC weighting matrix Q.
- Try optimizing with different hyperparameters for the GA algo, you can modify the number of iterations, number of populations, Min/Max limits for optimization variables as well as other parameters (see "%% GA Parameters" in LPV_MPC_APP.m).
- You can evaluate the GA algorithm on a simple sphere function that runs relatively fast by running the script (SPHERE_APP.m). Note that the GA algorithms need these files to run (Mutate.m/RouetteWheelSelection.m/RunGA.m/SortPopulation.m/TournamentSelection.m/UniformCrossover.m)
- Run the Python code in ( This will build a neural network and train it using the data in the included xlsx file.
- Run the script (Network_Import.m) to convert the built and trained Keras network to mat data. you can use it in the LPV_MPC controller.
- You build different networks by changing the structure (depth/width) of the neural network and modifying the hyperparameters: learning rate, batch size, epoch..etc.
If you find this work useful or use it in your work please cite the main paper:
Kebbati, Y., Ait-Oufroukh, N., Puig, V., Ichalal, D., & Vigneron, V. (2022, December). Autonomous driving using GA-optimized neural network based adaptive LPV-MPC controller. In 2022 ieee international conference on networking, sensing and control (icnsc) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
title={Autonomous driving using GA-optimized neural network based adaptive LPV-MPC controller},
author={Kebbati, Yassine and Ait-Oufroukh, Naima and Puig, Vicenc and Ichalal, Dalil and Vigneron, Vincent},
booktitle={2022 ieee international conference on networking, sensing and control (icnsc)},