yasuflatland-lf / liferay-dummy-factory

🏭 Liferay DXP / 7 Dummy data generation portlet
MIT License
49 stars 35 forks source link
batch-generation batch-job batching debug debugging-tool debugging-tools dummy-data generator liferay mock-data mockup mockups

What's Dummy Factory?

Build Status Coverage Status

Dummy Factory generates dummy data for debugging use. Please don't use this for a production use.

What does Dummy Factory generate?

Required environment


Version Link
7.4 https://github.com/yasuflatland-lf/liferay-dummy-factory/tree/master/latest
7.3 https://github.com/yasuflatland-lf/liferay-dummy-factory/tree/7.3.x/latest
7.2 https://github.com/yasuflatland-lf/liferay-dummy-factory/tree/7.2.x/latest
7.1 https://github.com/yasuflatland-lf/liferay-dummy-factory/tree/7.1.x/latest
7.0 https://github.com/yasuflatland-lf/liferay-dummy-factory/tree/7.0.x/latest
  1. Download jar file according to the version above and place it int ${liferay-home}/deploy
  2. Start Liferay bundle and login as an administrator.
  3. After the jar is properly installed, navigate to Control Panel -> System Settings -> Platform -> Thrid party and enable JQuery.
  4. Reboot the bundle.
  5. Navigate to Control Panel, under Marketplace, Dummy Factory will be found.
  6. Now you are ready to create dummy data! Enjoy!

How can I compile Dummy Factory on my own?

  1. Create a Liferay Workspace for appropriate version (7.2.x branch is for 7.2, for example)
  2. Clone this repository to ${liferay_workspace_home}/modules.
  3. At the root directory, run ../gradlew clean assemble or blade gw assemble if you've installed blade tool. liferay.dummy.factory-x.x.x.jar will be created under /build/libs/ directory.
  4. To install onto your Liferay bundle, startup Liferay bundle on your local and run blade deploy. Dummy Factory portlet will be deployed.

Bug / Enhancement request

Please create a issue on this repository.

Known issues