yavko / Dotfiles

My amazing NixOS catppuccin themed dots
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Cat NixOS dots

structure similar to @fufexan's[^fuf] dots

My Catppuccin[^cat] themed dotfiles written in nix, managed with home-manager[^hm] & NixOS



nixos-rebuild switch --flake . --use-remote-sudo

OS Support

Only NixOS is supported as of now, no nix-darwin, no NixNG, and no generic linux


Don't exist, because I don't feel this is unique enough to be shown off ATM, this is just so I have a public place to show my dots, but in the near future, that will not be the case 🙂

Overview of components



My shell is Z-shell[^zsh], prompt is Powerlevel10k[^pk], and my plugins are managed with home-manager[^hm], (Oh My ZSH free, and will always be)


Good ol' Kitty[^kty] with JetBrains Mono Nerd[^jbm]


Just Macchina[^mc] nothing special, cat is in ascii.nix 🙂


GTK and Kvantum (QT)

Just using the respective themes from Catppuccin[^cat]


Hyprland[^hypr], because who doesn't love Hyprland[^hypr]?


ATM its all yoinked from @fufexan[^fuf], which is built in eww[^eww]. Though don't use my setup as its mostly broken, working on a refactor in rust, and a refactor of menu.

Display Manager (AKA Login Manager)

Gtkgreet[^gtkg] running under Greetd[^gtd], running under cage[^cage], though the styling is pretty broken.



For music I use DownOnSpot[^down] to download my music from Spotify (Not using bypass, I'm paying for premium), which is tagged using beets[^beet], then that music is synced with Nextcloud[^ncld], and played through MPD[^mpd], which is controlled by ncmpcpp[^nc]

Non music (aka video)

I have a basic MPV[^mpv] setup configured, but that's it, nothing special


NixOS secrets are managed through agenix[^anix]

Old home secret stuff

This does not apply anymore, I use agenix for everything, but my custom home secrets setup is still there is someone wants

Since agenix[^anix] doesn't support home secrets, nor did homeage[^hage] work for me, or work how I wanted it too, I found it would be faster just to use write my own, maybe I'll publish and improve my implementation later on



[^fuf]: His profile [^hypr]: Hyprland's repository [^anix]: Agenix's repository [^hage]: Homeage's repository [^nc]: ncmpcpp's repository [^mpd]: MPD's website [^down]: DownOnSpot's repository [^cat]: Catppuccin's home repository [^beet]: Beet's website [^hm]: Home Manager's repository [^pk]: Powerlevel10k's repository [^zsh]: Z-Shell's website [^mc]: Macchina's repository [^kty]: Kitty's website [^jbm]: Jetbrains Mono's website [^eww]: Eww's repository [^gtd]: Greetd's repository [^gtkg]: Gtkgreet's repository [^mpv]: MPV's website [^ncld]: Nextcloud's website [^cage]: Cage's repository