yawaramin / fsharp-typeclasses

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F# Typeclasses: a Dictionary Encoding Approach

A lot of people have tried to encode Haskell-style typeclasses or ML-style modules and functors in F#. So far there have been two major stumbling blocks: (1) F#'s lack of higher-kinded types, and (2) F#'s lack of a compile-time mechanism for implicitly selecting implementations based on types.

The state of the art in F# seems to be https://github.com/palladin/Higher , a library for higher-kinded programming in F#. The problem with Higher and most other F# typeclass efforts is that they make heavy use of object-oriented techniques, which--although they work--are clunky and difficult to implement. Writing new instances--the very thing that gives typeclasses their extensibility--should be a piece of cake.

This library, fsharp-typeclasses, aims to make that possible by borrowing ideas heavily from both Haskell and Scala.


The basic idea is to encode a typeclass as a record type holding the methods (the typeclass operations), and encode instances as record values. This is pretty much how Haskell implements it behind the scenes. However, we take some code organisation steps to make things easier on ourselves.

Module Structure

We structure a typeclass (e.g. Functor) as a module Functor in a file functor.fs with a corresponding signature file functor.fsi. We use the signature file heavily in our approach, to help us constrain our types but also keep the implementation clean and clutter-free.

In the Functor module we have a record type t which has a field corresponding to the Functor map method, with an appropriate function type.

Next, we have the various instances which are appropriate to declare in the typeclass module, as they're based on standard library types like option, list and array.

Next, we have a nested module Ops which exposes the typeclass's methods in an easy-to-use way given any typeclass instance. The intention is that the user will open this module to get all the typeclass operations; they won't actually have to open the actual top-level typeclass module itself. Of course, they'll need to pass in instances, but they can access the instances safely qualified by the module name, e.g.

open Functor.Ops

let list = map Functor.list fst [1, 2; 3, 4]
//  list = [1; 3]

Finally, we (optionally) have another nested module Laws which encodes the laws the typeclass is expected to obey in the form of functions which take the relevant instances and any other inputs they need and output a bool indicating whether the law is obeyed or not for those instances and values. This practice is also used quite often in Haskell and Scala to ship typeclasses with their expected invariant behaviours in the code itself.

Signature Files

As mentioned, we make heavy use of signature files to assign exact typing information to all our functions and values. The feedback loop between implementation and signature files helps to derive higher-quality code.

Higher-Kinded Types

We skip over the problem of the lack of higher-kinded types by just passing in fully-applied types as type parameters. This means that instead of having a Functor.t<'f>, we have a Functor.t<'a, 'b, 'fa, 'fb>. Now, admittedly, there's no guarantee with these type parameters that they'll actually obey the functor requirements, e.g. if 'fa is a list<'a> then 'fb must be a list<'b>. There's nothing enforcing this at compile time. But in my opinion we partially make up for that by shipping functor laws right beside the functor definition; once we implement property-based testing of the laws, they will be almost as solid as in languages with higher-kinded types.

Explicit Dictionary Passing

For now, we are forced to pass in typeclass instances explicitly as shown above. F# does not have a general-purpose implicit resolution technique available. However, we are no worse off here than with ML modules and having work with them explicitly. Also, there may be some way to leverage F# code quotations to simulate implicit resolution.

Exploration with JSON Encoding

So far the most comprehensive exploration of this typeclass technique is in the To_json module. We provide instances for simple types and combinators to derive instances, ranging in complexity from simple (deriving a JSON converter of an array of something given a converter instance for that thing) to complex (deriving a converter instances for an arbitrary product type given multiple converter instances for its component types).

Note in particular the full suite of unit tests of the JSON instances in the FsharpTypeclassesTest.To_json_test module. These tests show a good cross-section of usages, from building instances out of simpler instances (much like ML functors, actually) to using the instances for JSON conversion.