Add MariaDB JSON support to Laravel. Requires at least MariaDB 10.2.3 (and 10.2.7 to use ->json() migrations)
Using composer:
$ composer require ybr-nx/laravel-mariadb
Include MariaDBServiceProvider in your config/app.php:
'providers' => [
* Package Service Providers...
set driver in database configuration to mariadb
'defaultconnection' => [
'driver' => 'mariadb',
Adds needed validation to json fields during migrations
$table->json('field') //CHECK (JSON_VALID(field))
$table->json('field')->nullable() //CHECK (field IS NULL OR JSON_VALID(field))
Builds json select statements to work with MariaDB
$query->where('somejson->something->somethingelse', 2)
DB::table('sometable')->select('sometable.somedata', 'sometable.somejson->somedata as somejsondata')
And also JSON_SET() works in MariaDB as in MySQL 5.7
DB::table('sometable')->where('somejson->somedata', $id)->update(['somejson->otherdata' => 'newvalue']);
NB There is bug in MariaDB < 10.2.8 JSON_EXTRACT() behaviour function. It's fixed in MariaDB 10.2.8:
//works with string in MySQL & MariaDB 10.2.8
$query->where('somejson->something->somethingelse', 'somedata')
//works with string in MariaDB < 10.2.8
$query->where('somejson->something->somethingelse', '"somedata"')