ycoady / UVic-Distributed-Systems

Our extravaganza in building cool systems that involve multiple computational devices.
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UVic Dept of Computer Science

CSC 462/562 Spring 2015!

Welcome to our extravaganza in building cool systems that involve multiple computational devices, CSC 462/562 Distributed Computing. This course is for fearless 4th year undergrads and grads.

Date Topics Homework
Jan 5 Intro and basics of Distributed Systems Read Tutorial and do exercises 3, 9, 11 (post to coursespaces!)
Jan 8 Intro to RPC, DNS Read RPC, DNS, Post comments and prepare for Lab
Jan 12 Intro to Keys and [Lab 1] (https://github.com/ycoady/UVic-Distributed-Systems/tree/master/LAB1) Post comments for papers
Jan 15 RPC versus LPC Post comments for papers
Jan 19 DNS and NTP and [Lab 2] (https://github.com/ycoady/UVic-Distributed-Systems/tree/master/LAB2) Read Logical Clocks and Distributed Snapshots
Jan 22 Intro to Logical Clocks Post comments on Logical Clocks
Jan 26 Intro GEE (Rick) and [Lab 3] (https://github.com/ycoady/UVic-Distributed-Systems/tree/master/LAB3) Post comments on Distributed Snapshots, Read Two Phase Commit (Chapter 7, up to 7.5)
Jan 29 Overlay Networks (Rick) Update on [Portal Crash] (https://github.com/ycoady/UVic-Distributed-Systems/blob/master/PortalCrashUpdate.md)
Feb 2 Microsoft (Rob) Intro to [Lab 4] (https://github.com/ycoady/UVic-Distributed-Systems/tree/master/LAB4) and Check out the [BitTorrent Protocol] (http://www.bittorrent.org/beps/bep_0003.html)
Feb 5 Distributed Snapshots and Projects What questions are you able to address on this [checklist] (http://monkey.org/~marius/checklist.pdf)?
Feb 9/12 Happy Family Day and Reading Week! This classic paper (particularly the lattice!) clarifies issues involving [Consistent Global States] (http://www.eecs.harvard.edu/cs262/Readings/babaoglu93consistent.pdf)
Feb 16/19 Projects and Midterm! This on the CAP Theorem [retrospective] (http://www.infoq.com/articles/cap-twelve-years-later-how-the-rules-have-changed) helps in understanding how distributed systems have evolved!
Feb 23 Project 2 ideas! GEE this is [terrific!]()
Feb 26 Peter from Heroku Post any questions on forum! He will ask you about the CAP Theorum!
Mar 2 Abebooks Scrunch Part1 Meet in ECS 660
Mar 5/9/12 Project Presentations! 10 minutes, can use laptop/blackboard, be ready to ask questions!
Mar 16 Abebooks Scrunch Part2 Meet in ECS 660
Mar 19 Do incentives work? Read BitTyrant for Monday
Mar 26 Midterm
Mar 30 Final Scrunch! Meet in ECS 660
Apr 2 Project Presentations Final wrap up!