yearn / seafood

13 stars 21 forks source link


Seafood is a public vault monitoring dashboard that lets you simulate operations like harvests and allocation changes while tracking asset flows and APY changes.


Dev environment setup

First get node installed. For an easy way to install a particular node version in your dev environment, or multiple node versions on the same system, try Node Version Manager (NVM). See for install instructions.

1 - With NVM installed, install node 16 (or higher) and yarn

nvm install 16 # or later
npm install -g yarn

2 - Clone this repo, install dependencies

git clone
cd seafood
(yarn && cd api && yarn)

3 - Configure local environment variables

cp env.example .env

4 - Run the app

cd ~/git/seafood # or wherever you cloned it
yarn start

Open a browser at http://localhost:3000

Project structure


/api - Resources for serving Seafood's backend api \ /api/routes/vision - Facades over Yearn's vision api \ /api/routes/abi - Smart contract abis \ /api/routes/getVaults - Vault and strategy related data. (obsoleting) \ /api/routes/github - Generate GitHub bearer tokens for Seafood users \ /api/routes/tenderly - Generate Tenderly simulation forks \ /api/routes/tradeables - List tradeable erc20s for a given trade handler


/public - Static files \ /scripts - Help scripts used in dev \ /src - Resources for building Seafood's frontend \ /src/abi - Some static abis that are needed by Seafood and some that..aren't 👀 \ /src/math - Logic for computing APY and APR on demand \ /src/components - Most of Seafood's React components go here \ /src/components/controls - Specifically, common UI controls live here \ /src/context - Seafood's React hooks live here. So why call it context? \ /src/ethereum - Various utilities for querying RPCs. (obsoleting) \ /src/utils - Various utilities that seemed happiest in a folder called utils 😁 \ /src/config.json - This was a more convenient way to configure previous versions of Seafood. It moves to envars eventually


Seafood uses Jest for testing. Some tests require rpc integration, so first set this envar:

TEST_RPC=<eg, your infura mainnet url>

Infura not required, but you'll need a premium rpc or your own node to test.

Run tests like this:

yarn test


><(((*> - Onward!