yeastgenome / AGAPE

AGAPE (Automated Genome Analysis PipelinE) for yeast pan-genome analysis
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AGAPE (Automated Genome Analysis PipelinE) for yeast pan-genome analysis is designed to automate the process of pan-genome analysis and encompasses assembly, annotation, and variation-calling steps. It also includes programs for integrative analysis of novel genes.


Read "INSTALL.txt" file in the package

-- USAGE --

Read "README.txt" file in the package


Song G, Dickins B, Demeter J, Engel S, Gallagher J, Choe K, Dunn B, Snyder M, Cherry J (2015) AGAPE (Automated Genome Analysis PipelinE) for pan-genome analysis of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. PLoS ONE, 10(3): e0120671.