yellows8 / 3ds_smashbroshax

3DS wifi beaconhax for Super Smash Bros.
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This is haxx for Super Smash Bros for 3DS, via local-WLAN beacon haxx. The haxx triggers while the application is scanning for local multiplayer sessions, when the beacon is being broadcasted. In certain cases the application may somewhat hang or crash prior to any actual ROP being run: this hax is not completely reliable, one reason is because the heap layout not always being in the intended state. Another reason(which actually seems to be the main cause usually) is that the ROP may fail to recv another beacon quickly enough, which results in jumping to using a stack which is all-zeros(there's no good way to do error checking/looping for that, partly because of lack of space). Also note that in some cases it may take a while for the hax to trigger.

Since this is all contained in a single wifi beacon, the amount of space available for the hax is very small: currently almost all of this space is used.

This .git was originally created on September 26, 2014.

This will not work on 3DS systems where config-mem UNITINFO( is clear for dev-unit, unless you manually adjust the COMMID values in the Makefile.

Note that because this is a local-WLAN beacon broadcast, all 3DS systems in range doing regular smash-3ds multiplayer session scanning will be affected by doing this broadcasting(if the running game/demo version is outdated): either the system would crash/etc(such as when the hax version doesn't match the app version), or code would run on the system(which normally would only end up executing an infinite loop due to failing to load the payload, unless the hax was built with PAYLOADURL). Therefore, please don't broadcast this when there's 3DS systems in range which are not your own doing the above scanning.

The Smash 3DS code handling beacons from Wii U does not involve the vulnerable function used with the normal multiplayer beacon handling.


Currently only the update-title is supported for post-v1.0.0. Gamecard/standalone-eShop versions which include post-v1.0.0 are not supported currently, since those use different codebins from the update-title.

Supported application builds:

This exploit was fixed with the regular-demo update, which was released at the following date-times:

This exploit was fixed with the v1.1.3 Smash Bros game update released on December 15, 2015. The previously vulnerable function is now identical to the one from the updated demo mentioned above. See below regarding running old game-versions.

EUR and JPN full-game .code binaries addresses-wise are basically the same, for v1.0.4 at least. Hence, the filenames for these two regions include "gameother".

This can't be completely blocked with the main app without a system-update: even if an app-update would fix it, one could just rename/whatever the update-title directory on SD card to force the system to not use the update-title(the directory name could be restored to the original later when not using this hax). One could also do this if the currently installed update-title version is not supported, or when the latest version of the update-title isn't supported(where the currently installed version isn't supported).
The above mentioned directory is at the following SD card location: "/Nintendo 3DS/{ID0}/{ID1}/title/0004000e/{TIDHigh}". Where TIDHigh for the update-title is one of the following:


ctr-wlanbeacontool from here is required:

Make params:

Only one of the PAYLOAD* params must be specified. The commands used for the release-archive is: make clean && make "PAYLOADPATH=/smashpayload.bin"


Remember to always broadcast the beacon on the same channel as specified in the beacon itself(channel 6 with the default pcap base). The following data must not be changed in the beacon frame while it's being sent: host/BSSID MAC addresses, and all of the beacon tags. The MAC address with the default base pcap is: 59:ee:3f:2a:37:e0.

The built beacon-hax pcaps are located under "pcap_out/". In the filenames, "vXYZ" means game-version "vX.Y.Z". Full-game filenames for USA include "gameusa", while the other regions filenames include "gameother".

One way to send the beacon is with aireplay-ng, however that requires a patch, see aireplay-ng.patch. For example, to send the beacon with aireplay-ng(the wifi interface must already be in monitor mode + be on the correct channel): aireplay-ng --interactive -r {beaconpcap_path} -h {host mac from pcap} -x 10 {wifi interface}

This can be used with the homebrew-launcher otherapp payload. However, doing so is New3DS-only, at the time of writing(it's unknown whether Old3DS could even be supported under the *hax payload with Smash).

Right after the initial arm11code initializes stack, it will overwrite the framebuffers in VRAM with junk, to indicate that the code is running. Originally this was intended for the top-screen, however with v1.1.0 on new3ds this ends up only overwritting the bottom-screen framebuffers.

The baseaddr for the payload is 0x00111000, max size is 0xa000-bytes. Whenever loading the payload fails, the arm11code will just execute an infinite loop.

Homebrew Launcher Payload

With the release builds, the hax loads the payload from SD "/smashpayload.bin". This should contain the hb-launcher( otherapp payload, which can be downloaded with the otherapp-payload selector on that site.

Usage Guide