yext / answers-search-ui

Answers Javascript API Library for building Search experiences.
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Answers Search UI

Coverage Status

  1. Install / Setup
  2. ANSWERS.init Configuration Options
  3. Component Usage
  4. Types of Built-in Components
  5. Customizing Components
  6. Extending the Built-in Renderer
  7. Analytics
  8. Rich Text Formatting
  9. Processing Translations
  10. Performance Metrics

Install and Setup

The Answers Javascript API Library does not need to be installed locally. Instead, it can be used with script tags on a webpage. The instructions below explain how to do this; they will walk you through adding the Answers stylesheet, JS library, and an intialization script to an HTML page. After doing this, you can view your page in the browser.

Include the Answers CSS

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">

Add the Javascript library and placeholder elements for Answers components.

<script src="" onload="ANSWERS.domReady(initAnswers)" defer async></script>

<div id="SearchBarContainer"></div>
<div id="UniversalResultsContainer"></div>

Add an initialization script with an apiKey or token, experienceKey and onReady function. In the example below, we've initialized two basic components with apiKey: SearchBar and UniversalResults.

function initAnswers() {
    apiKey: '<API_KEY_HERE>', // See [1]
    experienceKey: '<EXPERIENCE_KEY_HERE>',
    onReady: function() {
      ANSWERS.addComponent('SearchBar', {
        container: '#SearchBarContainer',

      ANSWERS.addComponent('UniversalResults', {
        container: '#UniversalResultsContainer',

ANSWERS.init() returns a promise which optionally allows components to be added using promise syntax

function initAnswers() {
    apiKey: '<API_KEY_HERE>', // See [1]
    experienceKey: '<EXPERIENCE_KEY_HERE>',
  }).then(function() {
    ANSWERS.addComponent('SearchBar', {
      container: '#SearchBarContainer',

    ANSWERS.addComponent('UniversalResults', {
      container: '#UniversalResultsContainer',

[1] Learn more about getting your API key.

ANSWERS.init Configuration Options

The configuration provided here is configuration that is shared across components.

function initAnswers() {
    // Required*, your Yext Answers API key. *Do NOT provide apiKey if token is used.
    apiKey: '<API_KEY_HERE>',
    // Required*, custom auth token. *Do NOT provide token if apiKey is used.
    token: '<TOKEN_HERE>',
    // Required, the key used for your Answers experience
    experienceKey: '<EXPERIENCE_KEY_HERE>',
    // Optional, indicates the environment to run Answers experience in ('production' or 'sandbox')
    environment: '<ENVIRONMENT_HERE',
    // Optional, visitor interacting with the experience, see Visitor Configuration below for details
    visitor: {
      // Required, see below
      id: '<ID_HERE>',
      // Optional, see below
      idMethod: '<ID_METHOD_HERE>',
    // Optional, initialize components here, invoked when the Answers component library is loaded/ready.
    //    If components are not added here, they can also be added when the init promise resolves
    onReady: function() {},
    // Optional*, Yext businessId, *required to send analytics events
    businessId: 'businessId',
    // Optional, if false, the library will not fetch pre-made templates. Only use change this to false if you provide a
    //    template bundle in the `templateBundle` config option or implement custom renders for every component
    useTemplates: true,
    // Optional, additional templates to register with the renderer
    templateBundle: {},
    // Optional, provide configuration for each vertical that is shared across components, see Vertical Pages Configuration below
    verticalPages: [],
    // Optional, search specific settings, see Search Configuration below
    search: {},
    // Optional, vertical no results settings, see Vertical No Results below
    noResults: {},
    // Optional, the locale will affect how queries are interpreted and the results returned. Defaults to 'en'.
    locale: 'en',
    // Optional, the Answers Experience version to use for api requests
    experienceVersion: 'PRODUCTION',
    // Optional, prints full Answers error details when set to `true`. Defaults to false.
    debug: false,
    // Optional, If true, the search session is tracked. If false, there is no tracking. Defaults to true.
    sessionTrackingEnabled: true,
    // Optional, invoked when the state of any component changes
    onStateChange: function() {},
    // Optional, analytics callback after a vertical search, see onVerticalSearch Configuration for additional details
    onVerticalSearch: function() {},
    // Optional, analytics callback after a universal search, see onUniversalSearch Configuration for additional details
    onUniversalSearch: function() {},
    // Optional, opt-out of automatic css variable resolution on init for legacy browsers
    disableCssVariablesPonyfill: false,
    // Optional, the analytics key describing the Answers integration type. Accepts 'STANDARD', 'OVERLAY', or arbitrary strings. Defaults to 'STANDARD'
    querySource: 'STANDARD',
    // Optional, additional values for the HTTP headers listed below. Headers other than those listed below will be ignored.
    additionalHttpHeaders: {
      // Additional key-value pairs to send in the Client-SDK header.
      // ANSWERS_CORE and ANSWERS_SEARCH_UI_SDK are automatically set and cannot be overwritten.
      'Client-SDK': {}

Vertical Pages Configuration

Below is a list of configuration options related to vertical pages in navigation and no results, used in the base configuration above.

verticalPages: [
    // Required, the label for this page
    label: 'Home',
    // Required, the link to this page
    url: './index.html',
    // Optional*, the verticalKey, *required for vertical pages (must omit this property for universal)
    verticalKey: 'locations',
    // Optional, the icon name to use in no results, defaults to no icon
    icon: 'star',
    // Optional, the URL icon to use in no results, defaults to no icon
    iconUrl: '',
    // Optional, if true, will show this page first in the Navigation Component, defaults to false
    isFirst: false,
    // Optional, if true, will add a special styling to this page in the Navigation Component, defaults to false
    isActive: false,
    // Optional, if true, hide this tab in the Navigation Component, defaults to false
    hideInNavigation: false,

Search Configuration

Below is a list of configuration options related to search, used in the base configuration above.

    search: {
      // Optional, the vertical key to use for searches
      verticalKey: 'verticalKey',
      // Optional, the number of results to display per page, defaults to 20. Maximum is 50.
      limit: '20',
      // Optional, an object containing the number of results to display per vertical key. Minimum is 1. Maximum is 50.
      // The default value is determined by the API at 10.
      universalLimit: {
        verticalKey1: 20,
        verticalKey2: 49
      // Optional, Vertical Pages only, a default search to use on page load when the user hasn't provided a query
      defaultInitialSearch: 'What is Yext Answers?',

Vertical No Results Configuration

Below is a list of configuration options related to no results on Vertical Pages, used in the base configuration above.

    noResults: {
      // Optional, whether to display all results for the Vertical when a query has no results, defaults to false
      displayAllResults: false,
      // Optional, a custom template for the no results card
      template: '',

onVerticalSearch Configuration

The onVerticalSearch Configuration is a function, used in the base configuration above.

It allows you to send an analytics event each time a search is run on a Vertical page. This function should take in one parameter, searchParams, which contains information about the search, and return the desired analytics event.

Like all Answers Javascript API Library analytics, this will only work if there is a businessId in the ANSWERS.init.

The search information exposed in searchParams is shown below.

function (searchParams) => {
     * Vertical key used for the search.
     * @type {string}
    const verticalKey = searchParams.verticalKey;

     * The string being searched for.
     * @type {string}
    const queryString = searchParams.queryString;

     * The total number of results found.
     * @type {number}
    const resultsCount = searchParams.resultsCount;

     * Either 'normal' or 'no-results'.
     * @type {string}
    const resultsContext = searchParams.resultsContext;

    let analyticsEvent = new ANSWERS.AnalyticsEvent('ANALYTICS_EVENT_TYPE');
      label: 'Sample analytics event',
      searcher: 'VERTICAL',
      query: queryString,
      resultsCount: resultsCount,
      resultsContext: resultsContext,
    return analyticsEvent;

onUniversalSearch Configuration

The onUniversalSearch Configuration is a function, used in the base configuration above.

It allows you to send an analytics event each time a search is run on a Universal page. This function should take in one parameter, searchParams, which contains information about the search, and return the desired analytics event.

Like all Answers Javascript API Library analytics, this will only work if there is a businessId in the ANSWERS.init.

The search information exposed in searchParams is shown below.

function (searchParams) => {
     * The string being searched for.
     * @type {string}
    const queryString = searchParams.queryString;

     * The total number of results found.
     * @type {number}
    const sectionsCount = searchParams.sectionsCount;

     * A map containing entries of the form:
     * { totalResultsCount: 150, displayedResultsCount: 10}
     * for each returned vertical. The totalResultsCount indicates how many results
     * are present in the vertical. The displayResultsCount indicates how many of
     * those results are actually displayed.
     * @type {Object<string,Object>}
    const resultsCountByVertical = searchParams.resultsCountByVertical;

    let analyticsEvent = new ANSWERS.AnalyticsEvent('ANALYTICS_EVENT_TYPE');
      label: 'Sample analytics event',
      searcher: 'UNIVERSAL',
      query: queryString
      sectionsCount: sectionsCount,
    return analyticsEvent;

Visitor Configuration

Below is a list of configuration attributes related to a visitor, used in the base configuration above.

The visitor object ties a user's identity to their searches and actions. The visitor can also be set or changed using the ANSWERS.setVisitor function.

    visitor: {
      // Required, the ID associated with the user. This will be the yextUserId if Yext Auth is used.
      id: '123919',
      // Optional, the method used to generate the visitor ID.
      idMethod: 'YEXT_USER',

Component Usage

The Answers Component Library exposes an easy to use interface for adding and customizing various types of UI components on your page.

What is a Component?

At a high level, components are the individual pieces of an Answers page. The Answers Javascript API Library comes with many types of components. Each component is an independent, reusable piece of code. A component fills an HTML element container that the implementer provides on the page. Components are updated from their config, the config from the ANSWERS.init, and potentially an API response.

Each type of Component has its own custom configurations. Additionally, all components share the base configuration options defined above. We will provide a brief description below of what each component does, along with describing how it can be configured.

Base Component Configuration

Every component has the same base configuration options.

    // Required, the selector for the container element where the component will be injected
    container: 'container',
    // Optional, a unique name for the component
    name: 'name',
    // Optional, an additional, custom HTML classname for the component. The component will also 
    // have a classname of 'yxt-Answers-component' applied.
    class: 'class',
    // Optional, handlebars template or HTML to override built-in handlebars template for the component
    template: 'template',
    // Optional, override render function
    render: function(data) {},
    // Optional, a hook for transforming data before it gets sent to render
    transformData: function(data) {},
    // Optional, invoked when the HTML is mounted to the DOM, this will not override any built-in onMount function for a component
    onMount: function(data) {},
    // Optional, invoked when the HTML is mounted to the DOM, this will override any built-in onMount function for a component
    onMountOverride: function(data) {},
    // Optional, additional properties to send with every analytics event
    analyticsOptions: {},

Adding a Component to Your Page

Adding a component to your page is super easy! You can add many different types of components to your page. Each component supports the base configuration options above, as well as their own unique configurations.

To start, every component requires an HTML container.

<div class="search-container"></div>

Then, you can add a component to your page through the ANSWERS add interface. You need to call addComponent from onReady.

This is an example of the SearchBar. See Types of Built-in Components below.

ANSWERS.addComponent('SearchBar', {
  container: '.search-container'

Removing Components

If you'd like to remove a component and all of its children, you can do it. Simply ANSWERS.removeComponent(<component name>):

ANSWERS.addComponent('SearchBar', {
  container: '.search-container',
  name: 'MySearchBar'


Types of Built-in Components

SearchBar Component

The SearchBar component is the main entry point for search querying. It provides the input box, where the user types their query, as well as the autocomplete behavior.

<div class="search-query-container"></div>

If the verticalKey config option is omitted, the SearchBar will perform Universal searches. Universal searches return results across multiple Verticals; Vertical searches search within one Vertical. Additionally, Universal search and Vertical search provide a different way of auto complete.

ANSWERS.addComponent('SearchBar', {
  // Required, the selector for the container element where the component will be injected
  container: '.search-query-container',
  // Required* for Vertical pages, omit for Universal pages
  verticalKey: '<VERTICAL_KEY>',
  // Optional, title is not present by default
  title: 'Search my Brand',
  // Optional, the initial query string to use for the input box
  query: 'query',
  // Optional, defaults to 'Conduct a search'
  labelText: 'What are you looking for?',
  // Optional, used for labeling the submit button, also provided to the template
  submitText: 'Submit',
  // Optional, used for labeling the clear button, also provided to the template
  clearText: 'Clear',
  // Optional, used to specify a different built-in icon for the submit button. Defaults to Animated Magnifying glass when CSS is included.
  submitIcon: 'iconName',
  // Optional, a url for a custom icon for the submit button. Defaults to Animated Magnifying glass when CSS is included.
  customIconUrl: 'path/to/icon',
  // Optional, the query text to show as the first item for auto complete
  promptHeader: 'Header',
  // Optional, no default
  placeholderText: 'Start typing...',
  // Optional, auto focuses the search bar. Defaults to false
  autoFocus: false,
  // Optional, opens the autocomplete suggestions on page load. Defaults to false. Requires autoFocus to be set to true
  autocompleteOnLoad: false,
  // Optional, allows a user to conduct an empty search. Should be set to true if the defaultInitialSearch is "".
  allowEmptySearch: false,
  // Optional, defaults to 300ms (0.3 seconds)
  searchCooldown: 2000,
  // Optional, asks the user for their geolocation when "near me" intent is detected
  promptForLocation: true,
  // Optional, displays an "x" button to clear the current query when true
  clearButton: true,
  // Optional, redirect search query to url
  redirectUrl: 'path/to/url',
  // Optional, target frame for the redirect url, defaults to current frame. Expects a valid target: "_blank", "_self", "_parent", "_top" or the name of a frame
  redirectUrlTarget: '_self',
  // Optional, defaults to native form node within container
  formSelector: 'form',
  // Optional, defaults to true. When true, a form is used as the query submission context.
  // Note that WCAG compliance is not guaranteed if a form is not used as the context.
  useForm: 'true',
  // Optional, the input element used for searching and wires up the keyboard interaction
  inputEl: '.js-yext-query',
  // Optional, options to pass to the geolocation api, which is used to fetch the user's current location.
  geolocationOptions: {
    // Optional, whether to improve accuracy at the cost of response time and/or power consumption, defaults to false.
    enableHighAccuracy: false,
    // Optional, the maximum amount of time (in ms) a geolocation call is allowed to take before defaulting, defaults to 1 second.
    timeout: 1000,
    // Optional, the maximum amount of time (in ms) to cache a geolocation call, defaults to 5 minutes.
    maximumAge: 300000,
  // Optional, options for an alert when the geolocation call fails.
  geolocationTimeoutAlert: {
    // Optional, whether to display a window.alert() on the page, defaults to false.
    enabled: false,
    // Optional, the message in the alert. Defaults to the below
    message: "We are unable to determine your location"
  // Optional, functions invoked when certain events occur
  customHooks: {
    // Optional, a callback invoked when the clear search button is clicked
    onClearSearch: function() {},
    // Optional, a function invoked when a search is conducted. The search terms are passed in as a string
    onConductSearch: function(searchTerms) {}
  // Optional, options to pass to the autocomplete component
  autocomplete: {
    // Optional, boolean used to hide the autocomplete when the search input is empty (even if the
    // input is focused). Defaults to false.
    shouldHideOnEmptySearch: false,
    // Optional, callback invoked when the autocomplete component changes from open to closed.
    onClose: function() {},
    // Optional, callback invoked when the autocomplete component changes from closed to open.
    onOpen: function() {},
    // Optional, a string array of custom prompts to include in the autocomplete dropdown.
    customPrompts: []
  // Optional, options for loading indicator on seachbar
  loadingIndicator: {
    // Optional, whether to include a loading indicator on seachbar
    display: false,
    // Optional, use custom icon url instead of the default loading indicator animation
    iconUrl: ""
  // Optional, options for voice search feature on seachbar
  voiceSearch: {
    // Optional, whether or not voice search is enabled
    enabled: false,
    // Optional, provide custom mic icon url to override the voice start icon
    customMicIconUrl: "",
    // Optional, provide custom listening icon url to override the voice stop icon
    customListeningIconUrl: ""

Direct Answer Component

This component is for Universal pages only.

The Direct Answer Component will render the BEST result, if found, based on the query.

<div class="direct-answer-container"></div>
ANSWERS.addComponent('DirectAnswer', {
  // Required, the selector for the container element where the component will be injected
  container: '.direct-answer-container',
  // Optional, a custom direct answer card to use, which is the default when there are no matching card overrides.
  // See the Custom Direct Answer Card section below.
  defaultCard: 'MyCustomDirectAnswerCard',
  // Optional, the selector for the form used for submitting the feedback
  formEl: '.js-directAnswer-feedback-form',
  // Optional, the selector to bind ui interaction to for reporting
  thumbsUpSelector: '.js-directAnswer-thumbUp',
  // Optional, the selector to bind ui interaction to for reporting
  thumbsDownSelector: '.js-directAnswer-thumbDown',
  // Optional, the display text for the View Details click to action link
  viewDetailsText: 'View Details',
  // Optional, the screen reader text for positive feedback on the answer
   positiveFeedbackSrText: 'This answered my question',
  // Optional, the screen reader text for negative feedback on the answer
   negativeFeedbackSrText: 'This did not answer my question',
  // Optional, the footer text to display on submission of feedback
  footerTextOnSubmission: 'Thank you for your feedback!',
  // Optional, specify card types and overrides based on the direct answer type. The first matching cardOverride will be used, otherwise the cardType is used
  types: {
      cardType: "documentsearch-standard",
      cardOverrides: [
          fieldName: 'description',
          entityType: 'ce_menuItem',
          cardType: 'MenuItemDescriptionDirectAnswer'
          fieldName: 'description',
          entityType: 'ce_menuItem',
          fieldType: 'rich_text'
          cardType: 'MenuItemDescriptionDirectAnswer'
    'FIELD_VALUE': {
      cardType: "allfields-standard",
      cardOverrides: [
          cardType: 'MenuItemDescriptionDirectAnswer',
          fieldName: 'description',
          entityType: 'ce_menuItem',
          fieldType: 'rich_text'
  // DEPRECATED: use the types option instead
  // Optional, card overrides that allow you to specify a specific direct answers card depending on the fieldName, entityType, and fieldType of the direct answer. The first matching card will be used, otherwise defaultCard will be used.
  cardOverrides: [
      cardType: 'MenuItemDescriptionDirectAnswer',
      fieldName: 'description',
      entityType: 'ce_menuItem',
      fieldType: 'rich_text'
      cardType: 'DeliveryHoursDirectAnswer',
      fieldName: 'c_deliveryHours'
      cardType: 'PhoneDirectAnswer',
      fieldType: 'phone'

Creating a Custom Direct Answer Card

You can customize the look and behavior of your Direct Answer by creating a custom Direct Answer card.

A custom Direct Answer card is given the same data as the built-in card. That data will look something like the below:

  type: "FIELD_VALUE",
  answer: {
    entityName: "Entity Name",
    fieldName: "Phone Number",
    fieldApiName: "mainPhone",
    value: "+11234567890",
    fieldType: "phone" 
  relatedItem: { 
    verticalConfigId: 'people',
    data: { 
      id: "Employee-2116",
      type: "ce_person",
      fieldValues: {
        description: "This is the description field.",
        name: "First Last",
        firstName: "First",
        lastName: "Last",
        mainPhone: "+1234567890",

A custom Direct Answer card needs a corresponding template. This can be added either inline by changing the component's constructor to:

    constructor(config, systemConfig) {
      super(config, systemConfig);
      this.setTemplate(`<div> your template here </div>`)

Or by including a custom template bundle, and adding:

  static defaultTemplateName () {
    return 'CustomDirectAnswerTemplate';

Where 'CustomDirectAnswerTemplate' is the name the template is registered under.

We will use the following template for our example card.

  <div class="customDirectAnswer">
    <div class="customDirectAnswer-type">
    <div class="customDirectAnswer-value">
      {{#each customValue}}
      {{#if url}}
        {{> valueLink }}
    {{> feedback}}

  {{#*inline 'feedback'}}
  <span class="customDirectAnswer-thumbsUpIcon js-customDirectAnswer-thumbsUpIcon"
    data-opts='{"iconName": "thumb"}'
  <span class="customDirectAnswer-thumbsDownIcon js-customDirectAnswer-thumbsDownIcon"
    data-opts='{"iconName": "thumb"}'

  {{#*inline 'valueLink'}}
  <a class="customDirectAnswer-fieldValueLink" href="{{{url}}}"
    {{#if @root/eventType}}data-eventtype="{{@root/eventType}}"{{/if}}
    {{#if @root/eventOptions}}data-eventoptions='{{{ json @root/eventOptions }}}'{{/if}}>

This specific example needs some css to flip the thumbs up icon the right way.

  .customDirectAnswer-thumbsUpIcon svg {
    transform: rotate(180deg);

This is the javascript class for our custom Direct Answer card. It applies custom formatting to the Direct Answer, registers analytics events to the thumbs up/down icons, and passes custom event options into the template.

  class CustomDirectAnswerClass extends ANSWERS.Component {
    constructor(config, systemConfig) {
      // If you need to override the constructor, make sure to call super(config, systemConfig) first.
      super(config, systemConfig);

      // For simplicity's sake, we set this card's template using setTemplate(), as opposed to
      // a custom template bundle.
      this.setTemplate(`<div> your template here </div>`)

     * setState() lets you pass variables directly into your template.
     * Here, data is the directAnswer data from the query.
     * Below, we pass through a custom direct answers value, customValue.
     * @param {Object} data
     * @returns {Object}
    setState(data) {
      const { type, answer, relatedItem } = data;
      const associatedEntityId = data.relatedItem && &&;
      const verticalConfigId = data.relatedItem && data.relatedItem.verticalConfigId;
      return super.setState({,
        customValue: this.getCustomValue(answer),
        eventType: 'CUSTOM_EVENT',
        eventOptions: {
          searcher: 'UNIVERSAL',
          verticalConfigId: verticalConfigId,
          entityId: associatedEntityId,

     * onMount() lets you register event listeners. Here, we register the thumbs up and thumbs
     * down buttons to fire an analytics event on click.
    onMount() {
      const thumbsUpIcon = this._container.querySelector('.js-customDirectAnswer-thumbsUpIcon');
      const thumbsDownIcon = this._container.querySelector('.js-customDirectAnswer-thumbsDownIcon');
      thumbsUpIcon.addEventListener('click', () => this.reportQuality(true));
      thumbsDownIcon.addEventListener('click', () => this.reportQuality(false));

     * reportQuality() sends an analytics event (either THUMBS_UP or THUMBS_DOWN).
     * @param {boolean} isGood true if the answer is what you were looking for
    reportQuality(isGood) {
      const eventType = isGood === true ? 'THUMBS_UP' : 'THUMBS_DOWN';
      const event = new ANSWERS.AnalyticsEvent(eventType).addOptions({
        directAnswer: true

     * Formats a Direct Answer value based on its fieldType.
     * @param {Object} answer the answer property in the directAnswer model
     * @returns {string}
    formatValue(answer) {
      const { fieldType, value } = answer;
      switch (fieldType) {
        case 'phone':
          return {
              url: '' + value,
              displayText: value,
        case 'rich_text':
          return ANSWERS.formatRichText(value);
        case 'single_line_text':
        case 'multi_line_text':
          return value;

     * Computes a custom Direct Answer. If answer.value is an array, this method
     * formats every value in the array and returns it, otherwise it just formats the single
     * given value.
     * @param {Object} answer
     * @returns {Array<string>}
    getCustomValue(answer) {
      if (Array.isArray(answer.value)) {
        return => this.formatValue(answer))
      } else {
        return [ this.formatValue(answer) ];

     * The name of your custom direct answer card. THIS is the value you will use in any config,
     * such as defaultCard, when you want to specify this custom Direct Answer card.
     * @returns {string}
    static get type() {
      return 'MyCustomDirectAnswerCard';

  // Don't forget to register your Direct Answer card within the SDK. Otherwise the SDK won't recognize your card name!

Universal Results Component

The Universal Results component will render the results of a query, across all configured verticals, with one section per vertical.

<div class="universal-results-container"></div>
ANSWERS.addComponent('UniversalResults', {
  // Required, the selector for the container element where the component will be injected
  container: '.universal-results-container',
  // Settings for the applied filters bar in the results header. These settings can be overriden in the
  // "config" option below on a per-vertical basis.
  appliedFilters: {
    // If true, show any applied filters that were applied to the universal search. Defaults to true
    show: true,
    // If is true, whether to display the field name of an applied filter, e.g. "Location: Virginia" vs just "Virginia". Defaults to false.
    showFieldNames: false,
    // If is true, this is list of filters that should not be displayed.
    // By default, builtin.entityType will be hidden
    hiddenFields: ['builtin.entityType'],
    // The character that separates the count of results (e.g. “1-6”) from the applied filter bar. Defaults to '|'
    resultsCountSeparator: '|',
    // Whether to display the change filters link in universal results. Defaults to false.
    showChangeFilters: false,
    // The text for the change filters link. Defaults to 'change filters'.
    changeFiltersText: 'change filters',
    // The character that separates each field (and its associated filters) within the applied filter bar. Defaults to '|'
    delimiter: '|',
    // The aria-label given to the applied filters bar. Defaults to 'Filters applied to this search:'.
    labelText: 'Filters applied to this search:',
  // Optional, configuration for each vertical's results
  config: {
    people: { // The verticalKey
      card: {
        // Configuration for the cards in this vertical, see Cards
      // Optional: A custom handlebars template for this section
      template: '<div> Custom section template </div>',
      // The title of the vertical
      // Defaults to the vertical key, in this example 'people'
      title: 'People',
      // Icon to display to the left of the title. Must be one of our built-in icons, defaults to 'star'
      icon: 'star',
      // The url for both the viewMore link and the change-filters link. Defaults to '{{VERTICAL_KEY}}.html',
      // in this case that is 'people.html'
      url: 'people.html',
      // Whether to display a view more link. Defaults to true
      viewMore: true,
      // The text for the view more link, if viewMore is true. Defaults to 'View More'
      viewMoreLabel: 'View More!',
      // Config for the applied filters bar in the results header.
      appliedFilters: {
        // Same as appliedFilters settings above. Settings specified here will override any top level settings.
      // If true, display the count of results at the very top of the results. Defaults to false.
      showResultCount: true,
      // If true, display the total number of results. Defaults to true
      // Optional, whether to use the AccordionResults component instead of VerticalResults for this vertical
      useAccordion: false,
      // Optional, whether to include a map with this vertical's results, defaults to false
      includeMap: true,
      // Optional*, if includeMap is true, this is required
      mapConfig: {
        // Required, either 'mapbox' or 'google', not case sensitive
        mapProvider: 'google',
        // Required, API key for the map provider
        apiKey: '<<< enter your api key here >>>',
        // ... Optional, any other config for the Map Component, find more info in the section "Map Component"
      // Optional, override the render function for each result in this vertical
      renderItem: function(data) {},
      // Optional, override the handlebars template for each item in this vertical
      itemTemplate: `my item {{name}}`,
      // DEPRECATED, please use viewMoreLabel instead. viewAllText is a synonym for viewMoreLabel, where viewMoreLabel takes precedence over viewAllText. Defaults to 'View More'.
      viewAllText: 'View All Results For Vertical'
  // Optional, override the render function for each item in the result list
  renderItem: function(data) {},
  // Optional, override the handlebars template for each item in the result list
  itemTemplate: `my item {{name}}`,

Vertical Results Component

The Vertical Results component shares all the same configurations from Universal Results, but you don't need to specifiy a config or context. You may limit the number of search results returned, with a maximum of 50.

You define all the options at the top level object.

<div class="vertical-results-container"></div>
ANSWERS.addComponent('VerticalResults', {
  // Required, the selector for the container element where the component will be injected
  container: '.vertical-results-container',
  // Optional, function to give each result item custom rendering
  renderItem: () => {},
  // Optional, string to give custom template to result item
  itemTemplate: `<div> Custom template </div>`,
  // Optional, set a max number of columns to display at the widest breakpoint. Possible values are 1, 2, 3 or 4, defaults to 1
  maxNumberOfColumns: 1,
  // Optional, a modifier that will be appended to a class on the results list like this `yxt-Results--{modifier}`
  modifier: '',
  // Optional, whether to hide the default results header that VerticalResults provides. Defaults to false.
  hideResultsHeader: false,
  // Optional, the card used to display each individual result, see the Cards section for more details,
  card: {
    // Optional, The type of card, built-in types are: 'Standard', 'Accordion', and 'Legacy'. Defaults to 'Standard'
    cardType: 'Standard',
    // Optional, see Data Mappings for more details
    dataMappings: () => {},
    // Optional, see Calls To Action for more details
    callsToAction: () => []
  // Optional, configuration for what to display when no results are found.
  noResults: {
    // Optional, used to specify a custom template for the no results card, defaults to a built-in template.
    template: '<div> <em>No results found!</em> Try again? </div>',
    // Optional, whether to display all results in the vertical when no results are found. Defaults to false, in which case only the no results card will be shown.
    displayAllResults: false

   * NOTE: The config options below are DEPRECATED.
   * They will still work as expected, and the defaults will still be applied,
   * but future major versions of the SDK will remove them.
   * We recommend setting hideResultsHeader to true, and using the VerticalResultsCount and AppliedFilters components instead.
  // Optional, whether to display the total number of results, default true
  showResultCount: true,
  // Optional, a custom template for the results count. You can specify the variables resultsCountStart, resultsCountEnd, and resultsCount.
  resultsCountTemplate: '<div>{{resultsCountStart}} - {{resultsCountEnd}} of {{resultsCount}}</div>',
  // Configuration for the applied filters bar in the header.
  appliedFilters: {
    // If true, show any applied filters that were applied to the vertical search. Defaults to true
    show: true,
    // If is true, whether to display the field name of an applied filter, e.g. "Location: Virginia" vs just "Virginia". Defaults to false.
    showFieldNames: false,
    // If is true, this is list of filters that should not be displayed.
    // By default, builtin.entityType will be hidden
    hiddenFields: ['builtin.entityType'],
    // The character that separates the count of results (e.g. “1-6”) from the applied filter bar. Defaults to '|'
    resultsCountSeparator: '|',
    // If the filters are shown, whether or not they should be removable buttons. Defaults to false.
    removable: false,
    // The character that separates each field (and its associated filters) within the applied filter bar. Defaults to '|'
    delimiter: '|',
    // The aria-label given to the applied filters bar. Defaults to 'Filters applied to this search:'.
    labelText: 'Filters applied to this search:',
    // The aria-label given to the removable filter buttons.
    removableLabelText: 'Remove this filter'

Vertical Results Count Component

The results count component displays the current results count on a vertical page.

ANSWERS.addComponent('VerticalResultsCount', {
  container: '.results-count-container',
  noResults: {
    // Optional, whether the results count should be visible when displaying no results.
    // Defaults to false.
    visible: false


Cards are used in Universal/Vertical Results for configuring the UI for a result on a per-item basis.

Cards take in a dataMappings attribute, which contains configuration for the card, and a callsToAction attribute, which contains config for any callToAction buttons in the card.

callsToAction config is common throughout all cards, whereas different cards such as Standard vs BigImage have specialized configuration depending on the card. See Calls To Action

There are three built-in cards, the Standard Card, the Accordion Card and Legacy Card.

Calls To Action

callsToActions are specified as either an array of CTA configs, or a function that returns an array of CTA configs. An array of CTA configs is an object of either static config options or functions that return the desired config option.

Examples are detailed below.

Note: A CTA without both a label and icon will not be rendered.

  1. an array of static CTA config objects
const callsToAction = [{
  // Label below the CTA icon, default null
  label: 'cta label',
  // Icon name for the CTA that is one of the built-in icons, defaults to undefined (no icon). If your icon
  // is not recognized it will default to 'star'.
  icon: 'star',
  // URL to a custom icon for the cta. This takes priority over icon if both are present, default is
  // no icon url.
  iconUrl: '',
  // Click through url for the icon and label
  // Note, a protocol like https:// is required here.
  url: '',
  // Analytics event that should fire, defaults to 'CTA_CLICK'. Other events outlined in the Analytics section.
  analytics: 'CTA_CLICK',
  // The target attribute for the CTA link, defaults to '_blank'. To open in a new window use '_blank'
  target: '_blank',
  // The eventOptions needed for the event to fire. Either a valid json string, an object, or a function that
  // takes in the result data response.
  // By default, if no event options are specified the SDK will try to add verticalKey, entityId, and searcher options
  // to the analytics event.
  eventOptions: result => {
    return {
      // The vertical key for the CTA. If unspecified, this defaults to the vertical key this cta is a part of
      verticalKey: 'people',
      // The entity id of the result this cta is a part of, defaults to the entityId field in Knowledge Graph
      // If the CTA is inside a vertical search, defaults to the value "VERTICAL",
      // if is inside a universal search, defaults to the value "UNIVERSAL"
      searcher: 'VERTICAL'
  1. as a function that returns a cta config object. NOTE: we do not allow multiple nested functions, to avoid messy user configurations.
const callsToAction = item => [{
  url: '',
  analyticsEventType: 'CTA_CLICK',
  target: '_blank',
  icon: 'briefcase',
  eventOptions: `{ "verticalKey": "credit-cards", "entityId": "${}", "searcher":"UNIVERSAL", "ctaLabel": "cards"}`
}, {
  label: 'call now',
  url: '',
  analyticsEventType: 'CTA_CLICK',
  target: '_blank',
  icon: 'phone',
  eventOptions: `{ "verticalKey": "credit-cards", "entityId": "${}", "searcher": "UNIVERSAL", "ctaLabel": "cards"}`
  1. Each individual field in a CTA config can also be a function that operates on the result item.
const callsToAction = item => [{
  label: item =>,
  url: '',
  analyticsEventType: 'CTA_CLICK',
  target: '_self',
  icon: 'briefcase',
  eventOptions: `{ "verticalKey": "credit-cards", "entityId": "${}", "searcher": "UNIVERSAL", "ctaLabel": "cards"}`

callsToActions can then be included in a card object like so:

ANSWERS.addComponent('VerticalResults', {
  /* ...other vertical results config... */
  card: {
    /* ...other card config...*/
    callsToAction: item => [{
      label: item =>,
      url: '',
  /* ...other vertical results config... */

Data Mappings

The dataMappings config option define how a card's attributes, such as title and details, will be rendered. They can be configured either through a function that returns a dataMappings object or a static dataMappings object.

Each attribute of a dataMappings object is also either a function or a static value.

Below is an example of dataMappings as function.

ANSWERS.addComponent('VerticalResults', {
  /* ...other vertical results config... */
  card: {
    /* ...other card config...*/
    dataMappings: item => ({
      subtitle: `Department: ${} `,
      details: item.description,
      image: item.headshot ? item.headshot.url : '',
      url: '',
      showMoreLimit: 500,
      showMoreText: "show more",
      showLessText: "put it back",
      target: '_blank'
  /* ...other vertical results config... */

And below is an example of dataMappings as an object with functions inside it. You can use both static attributes and function attributes together.

ANSWERS.addComponent('VerticalResults', {
  /* ...other vertical results config... */
  card: {
    /* ...other card config...*/
    dataMappings: {
      title: item =>,
      subtitle: item => `Department: ${} `,
      details: item => item.description,
      image: item => item.headshot ? item.headshot.url : '',
      url: '',
      showMoreLimit: 500,
      showMoreText: 'show more',
      showLessText: 'put it back',
      target: '_blank'
  /* ...other vertical results config... */

Standard Card

The data mappings for a Standard Card has these attributes

const dataMappings = item => {
  return {
    // Title for the card, defaults to the name of the entity
    title: item.title,
    // Subtitle, defaults to null
    subtitle: `Department: ${} `,
    // Details, defaults to the entity's description
    details: item.description,
    // Image to display, defaults to null
    image: item.headshot ? item.headshot.url : '',
    // Url for the title/subtitle, defaults to the entity's website url
    // Note, a protocol like is required, as opposed to just
    url: ||,
    // Character limit to hide remaining details and display a show more button, defaults to no limit.
    showMoreLimit: 350,
    // Text for show more button, defaults to 'Show More'
    showMoreText: 'show more',
    // Text for show less button, defaults to 'Show Less'
    showLessText: 'put it back',
    // The target attribute for the title link, defaults to '_self'. To open in a new window use '_blank'
    target: '_blank',
    // Whether to show the ordinal of this card in the results, i.e. first card is 1 second card is 2,
    // defaults to false
    showOrdinal: false,
    // A tag to display on top of an image, always overlays the image, default no tag
    tagLabel: 'On Sale!'

Accordion Card

The data mappings for an Accordion Card has these attributes

const dataMappings = item => {
  return {
    // Title for the card, defaults to the name of the entity
    title: item.title,
    // Subtitle, defaults to null
    subtitle: `Department: ${} `,
    // Details, defaults to the entity's description
    details: item.description,
    // Whether the first Accordion Card shown in vertical/universal results should be open on page load, defaults to false
    expanded: false

Legacy Card

The Legacy Card is very similar to the Standard Card, but with the legacy DOM structure and class names from before v0.13.0. New users should not use the Legacy Card; instead, use the Standard Card. Features added after v0.13.0 may not work with the Legacy Card.

The data mappings for a legacy card has these attributes

const dataMappings = item => {
  return {
    // Title for the card, defaults to the name of the entity
    title: item.title,
    // Subtitle, defaults to null
    subtitle: `Department: ${} `,
    // Details, defaults to the entity's description
    details: item.description,
    // Image to display, defaults to null
    image: item.headshot ? item.headshot.url : '',
    // Url for the title/subtitle, defaults to the entity's website url
    url: ||,
    // The target attribute for the title link, defaults to '_self'. To open in a new window use '_blank'
    target: '_blank',
    // Whether to show the ordinal of this card in the results, i.e. first card is 1 second card is 2,
    // defaults to false
    showOrdinal: false

Pagination Component

This component is only for Vertical pages.

The Pagination component allows users to page through vertical search results.

<div class="pagination-container"></div>
ANSWERS.addComponent('Pagination', {
  // Required, the selector for the container element where the component will be injected
  container: '.pagination-component',
  // Required*, the vertical for pagination, *if omitted, will fall back to the search base config
  verticalKey: 'verticalKey',
  // Optional, the maximum number of pages visible to non-mobile users. Defaults to 1.
  maxVisiblePagesDesktop: 1,
  // Optional, the maximum number of pages visible to mobile users. Defaults to 1.
  maxVisiblePagesMobile: 1,
  // Optional, ensure that the page numbers for first and last page are always shown. Not recommended to use with showFirstAndLastButton. Defaults to false.
  pinFirstAndLastPage: false,
  // Optional, display double-arrows allowing users to jump to the first and last page of results. Defaults to true.
  showFirstAndLastButton: true,
  // Optional, label for a page of results. Defaults to 'Page'.
  pageLabel: 'Page',
  // Optional, configuration for the pagination behavior when a query returns no results
  noResults: {
    // Optional, whether pagination should be visible when displaying no results.
    // Defaults to false.
    visible: false
  // Function invoked when a user clicks to change pages. By default, scrolls the user to the top of the page.
  onPaginate: (newPageNumber, oldPageNumber, totalPages) => {},
  // DEPRECATED, please use showFirstAndLastButton instead.
  // Display a double arrow allowing users to jump to the first page of results. Defaults to showFirstAndLastButton.
  showFirst: true,
  // DEPRECATED, please use showFirstAndLastButton instead.
  // Display a double arrow allowing users to jump to the last page of results. Defaults to showFirstAndLastButton.
  showLast: true,

FilterBox Component

This component is only for Vertical pages.

The FilterBox component shows a list of filters to apply to a search.

<div class="filters-container"></div>
ANSWERS.addComponent('FilterBox', {
  // Required, the selector for the container element where the component will be injected
  container: '.filters-container',
  // Required, list of filter component configurations
  filters: [
      type: 'FilterOptions',
      control: 'multioption',
      options: [
          label: 'Open Now',
          field: 'c_openNow',
          value: true
          label: 'Dog Friendly',
          field: 'c_dogFriendly',
          value: true
          label: 'Megastores',
          field: 'c_storeType',
          value: 'Megastore'
  // Optional, title to display above the filter
  title: 'Filters',
  // Optional, show number of results for each filter
  showCount: true,
  // Optional, execute a new search whenever a filter selection changes. If true, the Apply and Reset buttons will not display
  searchOnChange: false,
  // Optional, show a reset button per filter group, this will only display if searchOnChange is false
  resetFilter: false,
  // Optional, the label to use for the reset button above, this will only display if searchOnChange is false
  resetFilterLabel: 'reset',
  // Optional, show a reset-all button for the filter control. Defaults to displaying a reset button if searchOnChange is false.
  resetFilters: true,
  // Optional, the label to use for the reset-all button above, this will only display if resetFilters is true.
  resetFiltersLabel: 'reset-all',
  // Optional, allow collapsing excess filter options after a limit
  showMore: true,
  // Optional, the max number of filter to show before collapsing extras
  showMoreLimit: 5,
  // Optional, the label to show for displaying more filter
  showMoreLabel: 'show more',
  // Optional, the label to show for displaying less filter
  showLessLabel: 'show less',
  // Optional, allow expanding and collapsing entire groups of filters
  expand: true,
  // Optional, show the number of applied filter when a group is collapsed
  showNumberApplied: true,
  // Optional, the label to show on the apply button, this will only display if searchOnChange is false
  applyLabel: 'apply',
  // Optional, whether or not this filterbox contains dynamic filters, default false
  isDynamic: true

Facets Component

This component is only for Vertical pages.

The Facets component displays filters relevant to the current search, configured on the server, automatically. The Facets component will be hidden when a query returns no results. The selected options in a facets component will float to the top.

<div class="facets-container"></div>
ANSWERS.addComponent('Facets', {
  // Required, the selector for the container element where the component will be injected
  container: '.facets-container',
  // Optional, title to display above the facets
  title: 'Filters',
  // Optional, show number of results for each facet
  showCount: true,
  // Optional, execute a new search whenever a facet selection changes
  searchOnChange: false,
  // Optional, show a reset button per facet group
  resetFacet: false,
  // Optional, the label to use for the reset button above
  resetFacetLabel: 'reset',
  // Optional, show a reset-all button for the facets control. Defaults to showing a reset-all button if searchOnChange is false.
  resetFacets: true,
  // Optional, the label to use for the reset-all button above
  resetFacetsLabel: 'reset-all',
  // Optional, allow collapsing excess facet options after a limit
  showMore: true,
  // Optional, the max number of facets to show before collapsing extras
  showMoreLimit: 5,
  // Optional, the label to show for displaying more facets
  showMoreLabel: 'show more',
  // Optional, the label to show for displaying less facets
  showLessLabel: 'show less',
  // Optional, allow expanding and collapsing entire groups of facets
  expand: true,
  // Optional, show the number of applied facets when a group is collapsed
  showNumberApplied: true,
  // Optional, the placeholder text used for the filter option search input
  placeholderText: 'Search here...',
  // Optional, if true, display the filter option search input
  searchable: false,
  // Optional, the form label text for the search input, defaults to 'Search for a filter option'
  searchLabelText: 'Search for a filter option',
  // Optional, a transform function which is applied to an array of facets
  // See the "Transforming Facets" section below for more info
  transformFacets: (facets, config => facets),
  // DEPRECATED, please use transformFacets instead. This option is disabled if transformFacets is supplied
  // Optional, field-specific overrides for a filter
  fields: {
    'c_customFieldName':  { // Field id to override e.g. c_customFieldName, builtin.location
      // Optional, the placeholder text used for the filter option search input
      placeholderText: 'Search here...',
      // Optional, show a reset button per facet group
      showReset: false,
      // Optional, the label to use for the reset button above
      resetLabel: 'reset',
      // Optional, if true, display the filter option search input
      searchable: false,
      // Optional, the form label text for the search input, defaults to 'Search for a filter option'
      searchLabelText: 'Search for a filter option',
      // Optional, control type, singleoption or multioption
      control: 'singleoption',
      // Optional, override the field name for this facet
      label: 'My custom field'
      // Optional, allow collapsing excess facet options after a limit
      showMore: true,
      // Optional, the max number of facets to show before collapsing extras
      showMoreLimit: 5,
      // Optional, the label to show for displaying more facets
      showMoreLabel: 'show more',
      // Optional, the label to show for displaying less facets
      showLessLabel: 'show less',
      // Optional, allow expanding and collapsing entire groups of facets
      expand: true,
      // Optional, callback function for when a facet is changed
      onChange: function() { console.log('Facet changed'); },
      // Optional, the selector used for options in the template, defaults to '.js-yext-filter-option'
      optionSelector: '.js-yext-filter-option',
  // Optional, the label to show on the apply button
  applyLabel: 'apply'

Transforming Facets

The transformFacets option of the Facets component allows facets data to be fully customized. The function takes in and returns an array of the search-core DisplayableFacet which is described here. The function also has access to the Facets config as the second parameter.

Here's an example of using this option to customize a boolean facet.

transformFacets: facets => {
  return => {
    const options = => {
      let displayName = option.displayName;
      if (facet.fieldId === 'c_acceptingNewPatients') {
        if (option.value === false) { displayName = "Not Accepting Patients"; }
        if (option.value === true) { displayName = "Accepting Patients"; }
      return Object.assign({}, option, { displayName });
    return Object.assign({}, facet, { options });

FilterSearch Component

The FilterSearch component provides a text input box for users to type a query and select a preset matching filter. When a filter is selected, a vertical search is performed, and the filter and query are stored in the url. If multiple FilterSearch components are on the page, the search will include all selected filters across all of the components.

<div class="filter-search-container"></div>
ANSWERS.addComponent('FilterSearch', {
  // Required, the selector for the container element where the component will be injected
  container: '.filter-search-container',
  // Required
  verticalKey: '<VERTICAL_KEY>',
  // Required, the search parameters for autocompletion
  searchParameters: {
    // List of fields to query for
    fields: [{
      // Field id to query for e.g. c_customFieldName, builtin.location
      fieldId: 'builtin.location',
      // Entity type api name e.g. healthcareProfessional, location, ce_person
      entityTypeId: 'ce_person',
    // Optional, if true, sections search results by search filter, default false
    sectioned: false
  // Optional, no default
  placeholderText: 'Start typing...',
  // Optional, if true, the selected filter is saved and used for the next search,
  // but does not trigger a search itself. Defaults to false.
  storeOnChange: true,
  // Optional, defaults to native form node within container
  formSelector: '.js-form',
  // Optional, the input element used for searching and wires up the keyboard interaction
  inputEl: '.js-query',
  // Optional, provided to the template as a data point
  title: 'title',
  // Optional, the search text used for labeling the input box, also provided to template
  searchText: 'What do you want to search',
  // Optional, the query text to show as the first item for auto complete
  promptHeader: 'Header',
  // Optional, auto focuses the input box if set to true, default false
  autoFocus: true,
  // Optional, redirect search query to url
  redirectUrl: 'path/to/url',
  // Optional, the query displayed on load. Defaults to the query stored in the url (if any).
  query: 'Green Ice Cream Flavor',
  // Optional, the filter for filtersearch to apply on load, defaults to the filter stored in the url (if any).
  // An example filter is shown below. For more information see the filter section of
  filter: {
    c_iceCreamFlavors: {
      $eq: 'pistachio'

Filter Components

Filter components can be used in a FilterBox or on their own to affect a search.


FilterOptions displays a set of filters with either checkboxes or radio buttons. As a user interacts with FilterOptions, information on which options are selected is stored in the url. Returning to that same url will load the page with those saved options already selected.

<div class="filter-container"></div>
ANSWERS.addComponent('FilterOptions', {
  // Required, the selector for the container element where the component will be injected
  container: '.filter-container',
  // Required, control type: 'singleoption' or 'multioption'
  control: 'singleoption',
  // The type of options to filter by, either 'STATIC_FILTER' or 'RADIUS_FILTER'.
  // Defaults to 'STATIC_FILTER'.
  optionType: 'STATIC_FILTER',
  // Required, list of options
  options: [
    /** Depends on the above optionType, either 'STATIC_FILTER' or 'RADIUS_FILTER', see below. **/
  // Optional, if true, the filter value is saved on change and sent with the next search. Defaults to true.
  storeOnChange: true,
  // Optional, the selector used for options in the template, defaults to '.js-yext-filter-option'
  optionSelector: '.js-yext-filter-option',
  // Optional, if true, show a reset button
  showReset: false,
  // Optional, the label to use for the reset button, defaults to 'reset'
  resetLabel: 'reset',
  // Optional, allow collapsing excess filter options after a limit, defaults to true
  showMore: true,
  // Optional, the max number of filter options to show before collapsing extras, defaults to 5
  showMoreLimit: 5,
  // Optional, the label to show for displaying more options, defaults to 'show more'
  showMoreLabel: 'show more',
  // Optional, the label to show for displaying less options, defaults to 'show less'
  showLessLabel: 'show less',
  // Optional, allow expanding and collapsing the filter, defaults to true
  showExpand: true,
  // Optional, show the number of applied options when a group is collapsed, defaults to true
  showNumberApplied: true,
  // Optional, the callback function to call when changed
  onChange: function() {},
  // Optional, the label to be used in the legend, defaults to 'Filters'
  label: 'Filters',
  // Optional, the placeholder text used for the filter option search input
  placeholderText: 'Search here...',
  // Optional, if true, display the filter option search input
  searchable: false,
  // Optional, the form label text for the search input, defaults to 'Search for a filter option'
  searchLabelText: 'Search for a filter option',

The options config varies depending on whether the optionType is 'STATIC_FILTER' or 'RADIUS_FILTER'. A STATIC_FILTER allows you to filter on a specified field, while a RADIUS_FILTER allows you to filter results based on their distance from the user.

  options: [
      // Required, the api field to filter on, configured on the Yext platform.
      field: 'c_openNow',
      // Required, the value for the above field to filter by.
      value: true,
      // Optional, the label to show next to the filter option.
      label: 'Open Now',
      // Optional, whether this option will be selected on page load. Selected options stored in the url
      // take priority over this. Defaults to false.
      selected: false
      field: 'c_dogFriendly',
      value: true,
      label: 'Dog Friendly',
      selected: true
      field: 'c_storeType',
      value: 'Megastore',
      label: 'Megastores'
  options: [
      // Required, the value of the radius to apply (in meters). If this value is 0, the SDK will not add explicit radius filtering to the request. The backend may still perform its own filtering depending on the query given.
      value: 8046.72,
      // Optional, the label to show next to the filter option.
      label: '5 miles',
      // Optional, whether this option will be selected on page load. Selected options stored in the url
      // take priority over this. Defaults to false.
      selected: false
      value: 16093.4,
      label: '10 miles',
      selected: true
      value: 40233.6,
      label: '25 miles'
      value: 80467.2,
      label: '50 miles'
      value: 0,
      label: "Do not filter by radius"


Displays two numeric inputs for selecting a number range.

<div class="range-filter-container"></div>
ANSWERS.addComponent('RangeFilter', {
  // Required, the selector for the container element where the component will be injected
  container: '.range-filter-container',
  // Required, the API name of the field to filter on
  field: 'outdoorPoolCount',
  // Optional, title to display for the range control, defaults to empty legend
  title: 'Number of Outdoor Pools',
  // Optional, the label to show next to the min value, defaults to no label
  minLabel: 'At Least',
  // Optional, the placeholder text for the min value, defaults to 'Min'
  minPlaceholderText: 'Min',
  // Optional, the label to show next to the max value, defaults to no label
  maxLabel: 'Not More Than',
  // Optional, the placeholder text for the max value, defaults to 'Max'
  maxPlaceholderText: 'Max',
  // Optional, the initial min value to show, defaults to 0. Set this to null to clear the value.
  initialMin: 1,
  // Optional, the initial max value to show, defaults to 10. Set this to null to clear the value.
  initialMax: 5,
  // Optional, the callback function to call when changed
  onChange: function() {}


Displays two date inputs for selecting a range of dates.

<div class="date-range-filter-container"></div>
ANSWERS.addComponent('DateRangeFilter', {
  // Required, the selector for the container element where the component will be injected
  container: '.date-range-filter-container',
  // Required, the API name of the field to filter on
  field: 'time.start',
  // Optional, title to display for the range, defaults to empty legend
  title: 'Event Start Date',
  // Optional, the label to show next to the min date, defaults to no label
  minLabel: 'Earliest',
  // Optional, the label to show next to the max date, defaults to no label
  maxLabel: 'Latest',
  // Optional, the initial min date to show in yyyy-mm-dd format, defaults to today. Set this to null to clear the value.
  initialMin: '2019-08-01',
  // Optional, the initial max date to show in yyyy-mm-dd format, defaults to today. Set this to null to clear the value.
  initialMax: '2019-09-01',
  // Optional, whether to store the filter on change to input
  storeOnChange: true,
  // Optional, if true, this filter represents an exclusive range, rather than an inclusive one, defaults to false
  isExclusive: false,
  // Optional, the callback function to call when changed
  onChange: function() {}


Displays a "Use My Location" button that filters results to a radius around the user's current position.

<div class="geolocation-filter-container"></div>

For all optional config in the example, unless otherwise specified, the default is the example value.

ANSWERS.addComponent('GeoLocationFilter', {
  // Required, the selector for the container element where the component will be injected
  container: '.geolocation-filter-container',
  // Optional, the vertical key to use
  verticalKey: 'verticalKey',
  // Optional, radius around the user, in miles, to find results, default 50
  radius: 50,
  // Optional, the text to show when enabled
  enabledText: 'Disable My Location',
  // Optional, the text to show ehn loading the user's location
  loadingText: 'Loading',
  // Optional, The label to show when unable to get the user's location
  errorText: 'Unable To Use Location',
  // Optional, CSS selector of the button
  buttonSelector: '.js-yxt-GeoLocationFilter-button',
  // Optional, Css selector of the query input
  inputSelector: '.js-yxt-GeoLocationFilter-input',
  // Optional, if true, triggers a search on each change to a filter, default false
  searchOnChange: true,
  // Optional, the icon url to show in the geo button
  geoButtonIcon: 'path/to/url',
  // Optional, the alt text to use with the geo button's icon
  geoButtonIconAltText: 'Use My Location',
  // Optional, the text to show in the geo button
  geoButtonText: 'Use my location',
  // Optional, Search parameters for the geolocation autocomplete
  searchParameters: {
    // List of fields to query for
    fields: [{
      // Field id to query for e.g. c_customFieldName, builtin.location
      fieldId: 'builtin.location',
      // Entity type api name e.g. healthcareProfessional, location, ce_person
      entityTypeId: 'ce_person',
      // Optional, if true sections search results by search filter, default false
      sectioned: false,
  // Optional, options to pass to the geolocation api, which is used to fetch the user's current location.
  geolocationOptions: {
    // Optional, whether to improve accuracy at the cost of response time and/or power consumption, defaults to false.
    enableHighAccuracy: false,
    // Optional, the maximum amount of time (in ms) a geolocation call is allowed to take before defaulting, defaults to 6 seconds.
    timeout: 6000,
    // Optional, the maximum amount of time (in ms) to cache a geolocation call, defaults to 5 minutes.
    maximumAge: 300000,
  // Optional, options for an alert when the geolocation call fails.
  geolocationTimeoutAlert: {
    // Optional, whether to display a window.alert() on the page, defaults to false.
    enabled: false,
    // Optional, the message in the alert. Defaults to the below
    message: "We are unable to determine your location"

Applied Filters Component

The Applied Filters Component displays your currently applied filters as a row of text tags, labeled by filter display value. If the "removable" config option is set to true, these text tags will instead be "removable filters", which, when clicked, will remove the clicked filter from the search. Only intended for vertical pages.

ANSWERS.addComponent('AppliedFilters', {
  container: '.applied-filters-container',
  // Optional, The vertical key of your search. Defaults to the vertical key specified in the search config.
  verticalKey: 'aVerticalKey',
  // Optional, Whether to display the field name of each group of applied filters. e.g. "Location: Virginia, New York" vs just "Virginia, New York". Defaults to false.
  showFieldNames: false,
  // Optional, This is list of filters that should not be displayed. Defaults to hiding ['builtin.entityType'].
  hiddenFields: ['builtin.entityType'],
  // Optional, Whether or not the displayed filters should be removable filters, or just simple text tags. Defaults to false (text tags).
  removable: false,
  // Optional, The character that separates each group of filters (grouped by field name). Defaults to '|'.
  delimiter: '|',
  // Optional, The aria-label given to the component. Defaults to 'Filters applied to this search:'.
  labelText: 'Filters applied to this search:',
  // Optional, The aria-label given to the removable filters. Defaults to 'Remove this filter'.
  removableLabelText: 'Remove this filter'

Navigation Component

The Navigation Component adds a dynamic experience to your pages navigation experience.

When using multiple vertical searches in a universal search, the navigation ordering will be automatically updated based on the search results. By default, tabs that do not fit in the container will go inside a dropdown menu.

Vertical configurations should be provided the ANSWERS.init's verticalPages configuration. Find more info in the Vertical Pages Configuration section.

<div class="navigation-container"></nav>
ANSWERS.addComponent('Navigation', {
  // Required, the selector for the container element where the component will be injected
  container: '.navigation-container',
  // Optional, controls if navigation shows a scroll bar or dropdown for mobile. Options are COLLAPSE and INNERSCROLL
  mobileOverflowBehavior: 'COLLAPSE',
  // Optional, the aria-label to set on the navigation, defaults to 'Search Page Navigation'
  ariaLabel: 'Search Page Navigation',
  // Optional, the label to display on the dropdown menu button when it overflows, defaults to 'More'
  overflowLabel: 'More',
  // Optional, name of the icon to show on the dropdown button instead when it overflows
  overflowIcon: null,

QA Submission Component

The QA Submission component provides a form for submitting a QA question, when a search query is run.

<div class="question-submission-container"></div>
ANSWERS.addComponent('QASubmission', {
  // Required, the selector for the container element where the component will be injected
  container: '.question-submission-container',
  // Required. Set this to the Entity ID of the organization entity in the Knowledge Graph
  entityId: 123,
  // Required. Defaults to ''
  privacyPolicyUrl: '',
  // Optional, defaults to native form node within container
  formSelector: '.js-form',
  // Optional, ;abel for name input
  nameLabel: 'Name',
  // Optional, label for email input
  emailLabel: 'Email',
  // Optional, label for question input
  questionLabel: 'Question',
  // Optional, title displayed for the form
  sectionTitle: 'Ask a question',
  // Optional, teaser displayed for the form, next to the title
  teaser: 'Can\'t find what you’re looking for? Ask a question below.',
  // Optional, description for the form
  description: 'Enter your question and contact information, and we\'ll get back to you with a response shortly.'
  // Optional, text before the privacy policy link
  privacyPolicyText: 'By submitting my email address, I consent to being contacted via email at the address provided.',
  // Optional, label for the privacy policy url
  privacyPolicyUrlLabel: 'Learn more here.',
  // Optional, error message displayed when the privacy policy is not selected
  privacyPolicyErrorText: '* You must agree to the privacy policy to submit feedback.',
  // Optional, error message displayed when an invalid email is not submitted
  emailFormatErrorText: '* Please enter a valid email address.'
  // Optional, placeholder displayed in all required fields
  requiredInputPlaceholder: '(required)',
  // Optional, confirmation displayed once a question is submitted
  questionSubmissionConfirmationText: 'Thank you for your question!',
  // Optional, label displayed on the button to submit a question
  buttonLabel: 'Submit',
  // Optional, set this to whether or not the form is expanded by default when a user arrives on the  page
  expanded: true,
  // Optional, error message displayed when there is an issue with the QA Submission request
  networkErrorText: 'We\'re sorry, an error occurred.'

Spell Check Component

The spell check component shows spell check suggestions/autocorrect.

<div class="spell-check-container"></div>
ANSWERS.addComponent('SpellCheck', {
  // Required, the selector for the container element where the component will be injected
  container: '.spell-check-container',
  // Optional, the help text to display when suggesting a query
  suggestionHelpText: 'Did you mean:',

Location Bias Component

The location bias component shows location that used for location bias and allow user to improve accuracy with HTML5 geolocation.

<div class="location-bias-container"></div>
ANSWERS.addComponent('LocationBias', {
  // Required, the selector for the container element where the component will be injected
  container: '.location-bias-container',
  // Optional, the vertical key for the search, default null
  verticalKey: 'verticalKey',
  // Optional, the element used for updating location
  updateLocationEl: '.js-locationBias-update-location',
  // Optional, help text to inform someone their IP was used for location
  ipAccuracyHelpText: 'based on your internet address',
  // Optional, help text to inform someone their device was used for location
  deviceAccuracyHelpText: 'based on your device',
  // Optional, text used for the button to update location
  updateLocationButtonText: 'Update your location',
  // Optional, options to pass to the geolocation api, which is used to fetch the user's current location.
  geolocationOptions: {
    // Optional, whether to improve accuracy at the cost of response time and/or power consumption, defaults to false.
    enableHighAccuracy: false,
    // Optional, the maximum amount of time (in ms) a geolocation call is allowed to take before defaulting, defaults to 6 seconds.
    timeout: 6000,
    // Optional, the maximum amount of time (in ms) to cache a geolocation call, defaults to 5 minutes.
    maximumAge: 300000,
  // Optional, options for an alert when the geolocation call fails.
  geolocationTimeoutAlert: {
    // Optional, whether to display a window.alert() on the page, defaults to false.
    enabled: false,
    // Optional, the message in the alert. Defaults to the below
    message: "We are unable to determine your location"

Sort Options Component

The sort options component displays a list of radio buttons that allows users to sort the results of a vertical search. When a query returns no results, the component will not be rendered on the page. Currently, there may be only one sort options component per page.

<div class='sort-options-container'></div>
// note: showExpand and showNumberApplied options are explicitly not included:
// sorting will always be exposed to the user if added.
ANSWERS.addComponent('SortOptions', {
  // Required, the selector for the container element where the component will be injected
  container: '.sort-options-container',
  // Optional: The label used for the “default” sort (aka sort the order provided by the config), defaults to 'Best Match'
  defaultSortLabel: 'Best Match',
  // Required: List of component configurations
  options: [
      // Required: Either FIELD, ENTITY_DISTANCE, or RELEVANCE
      type: 'FIELD',
      // Required only if type is FIELD, field name to sort by
      field: 'c_popularity',
      // Direction to sort by, either 'ASC' or 'DESC'
      // Required only if type is FIELD
      direction: 'ASC',
      // Required: Label for the sort option's radio button
      label: 'Popularity',
      type: "ENTITY_DISTANCE",
      label: 'Distance'
      type: 'RELEVANCE',
      label: 'Relevance'
  // Required: the vertical key used
  verticalKey: 'KM',
  // Optional: the selector used for options in the template, defaults to '.yxt-SortOptions-optionSelector'
  optionSelector: '.yxt-SortOptions-optionSelector',
  // Optional: if true, triggers a resorts on each change to the sort options,
  // if false the component also renders an apply button that applies the sort, defaults to false
  searchOnChange: false,
  // Optional: Show a reset button, defaults to false
  showReset: false,
  // Optional: The label to use for the reset button, defaults to 'reset'
  resetLabel: 'reset',
  // Optional: Allow collapsing excess filter options after a limit, defaults to true
  // Note: screen readers will not read options hidden by this flag, without clicking show more first
  showMore: true,
  // Optional: The max number of filter options to show before collapsing extras, defaults to 5
  showMoreLimit: 5,
  // Optional: The label to show for displaying more options, defaults to 'Show more'
  showMoreLabel: 'Show more',
  // Optional: The label to show for displaying less options, defaults to 'Show less'
  showLessLabel: 'Show less',
  // Optional, the callback function to call when changed, defaults to function() => {}
  // runs BEFORE search triggered by searchOnChange if searchOnChange is true
  onChange: function() {},
  // Optional, the label to be used in the legend, defaults to 'Sorting'
  label: 'Sorting',
  // Optional, the label to be used on the apply button
  // only appears if searchOnChange is false, defaults to 'Apply'
  applyLabel: 'Apply'

Map Component

The Map component displays a map with a pin for each result that has Yext display coordinates.

<div class='map-container'></div>
ANSWERS.addComponent('Map', {
  // Required. This is the class of the target HTML element the component will be mounted to
  container: '.map-container',
  // Required. Supported map providers include: `google` or `mapBox`, not case-sensitive
  mapProvider: 'mapBox',
  // Required*. The API Key used for interacting with the map provider; (*except for Google Maps if provided `clientId`)
  apiKey: '',
  // Optional, can be used for Google Maps in place of the API key
  clientId: '',
  // Optional, used to determine the language of the map. Defaults to the locale specified in the ANSWERS init.
  // Refer to the section "Supported Map Locales" below for the list of supported locales.
  locale: 'en',
  // Optional, determines whether or not to collapse pins at the same lat/lng
  collapsePins: false,
  // Optional, the zoom level of the map, defaults to 14
  zoom: 14,
  // Optional, the default coordinates to display if there are no results returned used if showEmptyMap is set to true
  defaultPosition: { lat: 37.0902, lng: -95.7129 },
  // Optional, determines if an empty map should be shown when there are no results. Defaults to false.
  showEmptyMap: false,
  // Optional, callback to invoke when a pin is clicked. The clicked item(s) are passed to the callback
  onPinClick: null,
  // Optional, callback to invoke when a pin is hovered. The clicked item(s) are passed to the callback
  onPinMouseOver: null,
  // Optional, callback to invoke when a pin is no longer hovered after being hovered. The clicked item(s) are passed to the callback
  onPinMouseOut: null,
  // Optional, callback to invoke once the Javascript is loaded
  onLoaded: function () {},
  // Optional, configuration for the map's behavior when a query returns no results
  noResults: {
    // Optional, whether to display map pins for all possible results when no results are found. Defaults to false.
    displayAllResults: false,
    // Optional, whether to display the map when no results are found, taking priority over showEmptyMap. If unset, a map will be visible if showEmptyMap is true OR if displayAllResults is true and alternative results are returned.
    visible: false
  // Optional, the custom configuration override to use for the map markers, function
  pin: function () {
    return {
      icon: {
        anchor: null, // e.g. { x: 1, y: 1 }
        svg: null,
        url: null,
        scaledSize: null // e.g. { w: 20, h: 20 }
      labelType: 'numeric'
  // Optional, an object which contains options which are passed directly to the specified mapProvider.
  // Refer to the map option api reference for the specified map provider
  providerOptions: {
    style: 'mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v9' // Specifies a custom style for mapbox

Supported Map Locales

When using MapBox (mapBox) as the mapProvider, the valid locale options are the ones listed here:

When using Google Maps (google) as the mapProvider, the valid locale options can be found here.

Icon Component

The Icon Component will typically be created by other components, but it can be used as a standalone component as well.

<div class='icon-container'></div>
ANSWERS.addComponent('IconComponent', {
  // Required. This is the class of the target HTML element the component will be mounted to.
  container: '.icon-container',
  // Optional. Can be used to access an icon defined within the Answers system. See below for default icon names.
  iconName: 'default',
  // Optional. Sets the icon to reference an image URL. Overrides icon name.
  iconUrl: '',
  // Optional. Adds class names to the icon. Multiple classnames should be space-delimited.
  classNames: '',

The following is a list of names for the icons that are supported by default.

Customizing Components

Using a Custom Renderer

If you want to use a use your own template language (e.g. soy, mustache, groovy, etc), you should NOT use the template argument. Instead, you can provide a custom render function to the component.

ANSWERS.addComponent('SearchBar', {
  container: '.search-container',
  render: function(data) {
    // Using native ES6 templates -- but you can replace this with soy,
    // or any other templating language as long as it returns a string.
    return `<div class="my-search">${data.title}</div>`

Custom Data Formatting

You can format specific entity fields using fieldFormatters. These formatters are applied before the transformData step.

Each formatter takes in an object with the following properties :

Below is an example usage.

  apiKey: '<API_KEY_HERE>',
  experienceKey: '<EXPERIENCE_KEY_HERE>',
  fieldFormatters: {
    'name': (formatterObject) => formatterObject.entityFieldValue.toUpperCase(),
    'description' : (formatterObject) => formatterObject.highlightedEntityFieldValue

Custom Data Transforms

If you want to mutate the data thats provided to the render/template before it gets rendered, you can use the transformData hook.

All properties and values that you return from here will be accessible from templates.

ANSWERS.addComponent('SearchBar', {
  container: '.search-container',
  transformData: (data) => {
    // Extend/overide the data object
    return Object.assign({}, data, {
      title: data.title.toLowerCase()
  render: function(data) {
    // Using native ES6 templates -- but you can replace this with soy,
    // or any other templating language as long as it returns a string.
    return `<div class="my-search">${data.title}</div>`

Using a Custom Template for a Component

All component templates are written using Handlebars templates.

It's easy to override these templates with your own templates. Keep in mind, that you must provide valid handlebars syntax here.

// Use handlebars syntax to create a template string
let customTemplate = `<div class="my-search">{{title}}</div>`

ANSWERS.addComponent('SearchBar', {
  container: '.search-container',
  template: customTemplate

The SDK also offers an ANSWERS.registerTemplate function. This will map a template string to an entry in the Answers handlebars renderer.

   * Compile and add a template
   * @param {string} templateName The unique name for the template
   * @param {string} template The handlebars template string
  registerTemplate (templateName, template)

The default handlebars renderer uses a mapping from template name strings to handlebars template strings. If, while trying to register a template, the template name does not exist, a new template entry is created. If the name already exists, the current template for the template name is overriden. This allows you override default template names.

For example:

  // override current SpellCheck template
    '<div class="Mine">Did you mean {{correctedQuery}}?</div>'

  // create new Card template
    '<p>Card content</p>'

Creating Custom Components

You can create custom Answers components with the same power of the builtin components. First, create a subtype of ANSWERS.Component and register it.

For ES6:

class MyCustomComponent extends ANSWERS.Component {
  constructor (config) {
    this.myProperty = config.myProperty;

  static defaultTemplateName () {
    return 'default';

  static areDuplicateNamesAllowed () {
    return false;

  static get type () {
    return 'MyCustomComponent';
ANSWERS.registerComponentType(MyCustomComponent); // Register the component with the library

For ES5:

function MyCustomComponent (config) {, config);

  this.myProperty = config.myProperty;

MyCustomComponent.prototype = Object.create(ANSWERS.Component.prototype);
MyCustomComponent.prototype.constructor = MyCustomComponent;
MyCustomComponent.defaultTemplateName = function () { return 'default' };
MyCustomComponent.areDuplicateNamesAllowed = function () { return false };
Object.defineProperty(MyCustomComponent, 'type', { get: function () { return 'MyCustomComponent' } });

ANSWERS.registerComponentType(MyCustomComponent); // Register the component with the library

Now you can use your custom component like any built-in component:

ANSWERS.addComponent('MyCustomComponent', {
  container: '.my-component-container',
  template: `<div>{{_config.myProperty}}</div>`,
  myProperty: 'my property'

Extending the Built-in Renderer

Custom Partials

Handlebars partials use the same handlebars syntax as templates, but they can be reused and be called directly from templates or other partials. The ANSWERS object offers an ANSWERS.registerPartial function for custom partials. This will map a partial string to an entry in the Answers handlebars renderer.

   * Add a partial
   * @param {string} partialName The unique name for the partial
   * @param {string} partial The handlebars partial string
  registerPartial (partialName, partial)

The default handlebars renderer uses a mapping from partial name strings to handlebars partial strings. Once registered, this custom partial can be called from other partials or templates.

For example,

  // create custom partial
    '<div class="thanks">Thank you!</div>'

  // use new partial in a template
    '<p>Main information</p> {{> thank-you-message }}'

Template Helpers

When using handlebars templates, Answers ships with a bunch of pre-built template helpers that you can use. You can learn more about them here.

If you want to register custom template helpers to the handlebars render, you can do so like this:

ANSWERS.registerHelper('noop', function(options) {
  return options.fn(this);

You can learn more about the interface for registering helpers by taking a look at the Handlebars Block Helpers documentation.


If a businessId is supplied in the config, Answers will track some basic interaction analytics automatically, such as search bar impressions and Call-To-Action clicks.

If you would like to add custom analytics on top of the built-in ones, use the following:

Custom Analytics Using JavaScript

You may send analytics from external code with the below interface.

  const event = new ANSWERS.AnalyticsEvent('CUSTOM');
  event.addOptions({ myData: 'data' });

Custom Analytics Using Data Attributes

You may add additional, custom analytic events to templates using certain data attributes. Click analytics can be attached to an element by adding the data-eventtype attribute to the element you want to track clicks for. The provided string should be the type of the analytics event. You can optionally include metadata inside the data-eventoptions attribute, in a JSON format. Whenever the element is clicked, an analtyics event with that data will be sent to the server.

<button class="driving-directions-button"
        data-eventoptions='{"store": "{{store}}"}'
    Drive to {{store}}

Built-In Analytics Events For CTAs

Here are the possible Event Types for CTAs:

These types are accepted as the analytics attribute in Calls To Action.

Conversion Tracking

By default, Answers does not perform conversion tracking for analytics. To opt-in to this behavior, use the setConversionsOptIn method after initialization:

ANSWERS.init({ ... });
agreementButton.onclick = function() { ANSWERS.setConversionsOptIn(true); };

You must also add the following to your HTML:

<script src=""></script>

On-Search Analytics

You can find instructions for configuring on search analytics above in these sections: onVerticalSearch Configuration, onUniversalSearch Configuration.

Rich Text Formatting

The Answers SDK exposes a formatRichText function which translates CommonMark to HTML. This function will ensure that a Rich Text Formatted value is shown properly on the page. To use this function, call it like so:

ANSWERS.formatRichText(rtfFieldValue, eventOptionsFieldName, targetConfig)

For instance, this function can be used in the dataMappings of a Card to display an RTF attribute.

When clicking any link in the resultant HTML, an AnalyticsEvent will be fired. If the eventOptionsFieldName has been specified, the eventOptions will include a fieldName attribute with the given value.

The targetConfig parameter dictates where the link is opened: the current window, a new tab, etc. It can have the following forms:

targetConfig = { url: '_blank', phone: '_self', email: '_parent' }
targetConfig = '_blank'

When targetConfig is a string, it is assumed that any link, regardless of type, has the specified target behavior. This parameter, like eventOptionsFieldName, is optional. When not provided, no target attribute is supplied to the links.

Note that when using this function, you must ensure that the relevant Handlebars template correctly unescapes the output HTML.

CSS Variable Styling

The Answers SDK supports styling specific elements with CSS variables for runtime styling.

  :root {
    --yxt-font-font-family: sans-serif;
    --yxt-color-brand-primary: green;
    --yxt-color-text-primary: #212121;
    --yxt-searchbar-button-background-color-hover: red;
    --yxt-nav-border-color: #e9e9e9;

Most browsers have native css variable support. In legacy browsers, we use the css-vars-ponyfill.

        onError: function() {},
        onSuccess: function() {},
        onFinally: function() {},

Processing Translations

The Answers SDK provides functionality to perform translation interpolation, pluralization, or both.


Interpolation allows the use of dynamic values in translations. Interpolation parameters are defined inside double brackets, and they must also be defined in an object in the second parameter.

The following example will return 'Bonjour Howard' provided the variable myName equals 'Howard':

ANSWERS.processTranslation('Bonjour [[name]]', { name: myName });

The translation processor is also available though a Handlebars helper:

{{ processTranslation phrase='Bonjour [[name1]] et [[name2]]' name1=name1 name2=name2}}


Pluralization makes it possible to select the plural form of a translation depending on a qualifying count. Different languages have different plural rules, which is the method of selecting a plural form based on a count. An optional third parameter 'count' and an optional fourth parameter 'locale' may be used for pluralization. The locale parameter determines the plural forms and the plural rule used. If locale is not defined but the first parameter is an object containing pluralizations, the locale supplied in the ANSWERS.init() will be used. For more information on plural forms, see this doc:

The following example will use the singular form keyed by '0' for a count of 1, and the plural form keyed by '1' for any other count. A count of 0 will return '0 results':

  { 0: '[[resultsCount]] result', 1: '[[resultsCount]] results' }, 
  { resultsCount: count }, 

French is different than English in that a count of zero uses the same plural form as a count of one. For example, a count of 0 will return '0 résultat':

  { 0: '[[resultsCount]] résultat', 1: '[[resultsCount]] résultats' }, 
  { resultsCount: count }, 

Here's what the usage looks like in a Handlebars helper:

{{ processTranslation 
  pluralForm0='[[resultsCount]] résultat' 
  pluralForm1='[[resultsCount]] résultats' 

Performance Metrics

The SDK uses the Performance API, via window.performance.mark(), to create performance metrics regarding ANSWERS.init(), vertical search, and universal search. These marks can be viewed through browser developer tools, or programmatically through window.performance.getEntries().


  1. 'yext.answers.initStart' called when ANSWERS.init beings

  2. 'yext.answers.ponyfillStart' called when css-variables ponyfill starts

  3. 'yext.answers.ponyfillEnd' called when css-variables ponyfill ends.

  4. 'yext.answers.statusStart' called when the ANSWERS status call is made

  5. 'yext.answers.statusEnd' called when the ANSWERS status check is done

Vertical Search

  1. 'yext.answers.verticalQueryStart' called when a vertical query begins

  2. 'yext.answers.verticalQuerySent' called right before the vertical query API call is made

  3. 'yext.answers.verticalQueryResponseReceived' called immediately after a vertical query response is received

  4. 'yext.answers.verticalQueryResponseRendered' called after a vertial query is finished, and all components have finished rendering

Universal Search

  1. 'yext.answers.universalQueryStart' called when a universal query starts

  2. 'yext.answers.universalQuerySent' called right before the universal query API call is made

  3. 'yext.answers.universalQueryResponseReceived' called immediately after a universal query response is received

  4. 'yext.answers.universalQueryResponseRendered' called after a universal query is finished and all components have finished rendering


Yext Answers-Search-UI is an open-sourced library licensed under the BSD-3 License.

Third Party Licenses

The licenses of our 3rd party dependencies are collected here: THIRD-PARTY-NOTICES.