yglukhov / nim-jwt

JWT implementation for nim-lang
MIT License
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JWT Implementation for Nim Build Status

This is a implementation of JSON Web Tokens for Nim, it allows for the following operations to be performed:

proc toJWT*(node: JsonNode): JWT - parse a JSON object representing a JWT token to create a JWT token object.

proc toJWT*(s: string): JWT - parse a base64 string to decode it to a JWT token object

sign*(token: var JWT, secret: string) - sign a token. Creates a signature property on the given token and assigns the signature to it.

proc verify*(token: JWT, secret: string, alg: SignatureAlgorithm): bool - verify a token (typically on your incoming requests)

proc $*(token: JWT): string - creates a b64url string from the token


After installing nim's package manager nimble execute this: nimble install jwt


An example to demonstrate use with a userId

import jwt, times, json, tables

var secret = "secret"

proc sign(userId: string): string =
  var token = toJWT(%*{
    "header": {
      "alg": "HS256",
      "typ": "JWT"
    "claims": {
      "userId": userId,
      "exp": (getTime() + 1.days).toUnix()


  result = $token

proc verify(token: string): bool =
    let jwtToken = token.toJWT()
    result = jwtToken.verify(secret, HS256)
  except InvalidToken:
    result = false

proc decode(token: string): string =
  let jwt = token.toJWT()
  result = $jwt.claims["userId"].node.str

Getting google api oauth2 token:

import jwt, json, times, httpclient, cgi

const email = "username@api-12345-12345.iam.gserviceaccount.com" # Acquired from google api console
const scope = "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/androidpublisher" # Define needed scope
const privateKey = """
The key should be Acquired from google api console

var tok = initJWT(
  header = JOSEHeader(alg: RS256, typ: "JWT"),
  claims = toClaims(%*{
  "iss": email,
  "scope": scope,
  "aud": "https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v4/token",
  "exp": int(epochTime() + 60 * 60),
  "iat": int(epochTime())


let postdata = "grant_type=" & encodeUrl("urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer") & "&assertion=" & $tok

proc request(url: string, body: string): string =
  var client = newHttpClient()
  client.headers = newHttpHeaders({ "Content-Length": $body.len, "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" })
  result = client.postContent(url, body)

let resp = request("https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v4/token", postdata).parseJson()
echo "Access token is: ", resp["access_token"].str