yi-editor / yi-editor.github.com

Official documentation files
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This repository contains the documentation for the Yi text editor. The documentation is available on http://yi-editor.github.io/.


The site is built with Hakyll. If you're familiar with Hakyll, you should be able to just cd into yi-documentation and proceed normally.

The source folder for the documentation is yi-documentation. Files in the top level directory are most likely Hakyll's output.

If you're not a frequent Hakyll user, you can get into a Hakyll environment either using stack, or using Nix. Both the necessary cabal and nix files are attached. The makefile will automatically build the site for you, and preview it on localhost:8000.

The development workflow would look like the following:

$ git clone https://github.com/yi-editor/yi-editor.github.com
$ cd yi-editor.github.com
$ cd yi-documentation
$ stack exec --package hakyll -- make

If you prefer Nix instead, just drop into a nix-shell once you're inside yi-documentation and run make.


The output of the site is present it yi-documentation/_site. Copy the files in the output directory into the root of the github project.