yichunk / JLaTeXMath-iOS

JLaTeXMath for iOS
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JLaTeXMath for iOS

This project is a fork of original JLaTeXMath (http://forge.scilab.org/index.php/p/jlatexmath/), refacored to be used on iOS device. Converted by j2Objc.

Include in your project

First, download j2Objc from http://j2objc.org/. Drag this project into your main app project.

In Build Setting,

Add "${your j2objc source folder path}/include" and to "User Header Search Path"
Add "${PROJECT_DIR}/JLaTeXMath-iOS" to "User Header Search Path", and choose recursive.
Add "${your j2objc source folder path}/lib" to "library search path"

In Build Phase,

Add libcucore.dylib, libz.1.2.5.dylib and Security.framework to "Link Binary With Libraries"
Add all files under cyrillic, fonts and greek to "Copy Bundle Resources"


Before using, set the platform dependent factory instance.

OrgScilabForgeJlatexmathPlatformFactoryProvider_set_INSTANCE_([[FactoryProvideriOS alloc] init]);

You can find the example in ViewController.m


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