yifanai / video2anime

Turn your videos (and selfies) into anime with generative adversarial network (GAN)
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Turn your videos (and selfies) into anime!


This repository uses a generative adversarial network to transform real-life videos and images into anime. It is based on the paper [1] and the official implementation [2], which contain a lot more stuff. I suppose most people are more interested in trying out the anime generation demo, so I made the following adaptations:

Example Results

Photos / Selfies

dany jon cersei


webcam webcam2

Guy vs. Girl Video Results

Note: training data was biased, containing only images of women, which might explain why things could get weird for guys close-up :laughing:

Try It Yourself

  1. Install the following requirements. I have tested with these exact versions, although earlier versions might also work.
    • Ubuntu 18.04
    • Python 3.6
    • OpenCV 4.1 Python binding
    • TensorFlow 1.14 (GPU or CPU only)
    • CUDA 10.0 (for GPU support)
    • CUDNN 7.6.1 (for GPU support)
  2. Clone this repository.
  3. Download the pretrained checkpoint files, and put them in the directory: video2anime/checkpoints/
Checkpoint Description Link Size
UGATIT_100_epoch_generator_only Minified, generator only checkpoint based on 100-epoch checkpoint from [2] Google Drive 1 GB
  1. Run the following scripts. For best results, input images and videos should be square, and contain a big face in the center.
Script Description Run (with help for options)
record.py Record your video to anime live with a webcam* python record.py --help
selfie.py Turn your selfie into an anime character python selfie.py --help

*Note: powerful computer with NVIDIA GPU may be required


This project is based on the paper [1] and official TensorFlow implementation by the authors [2].

[1] Junho Kim, Minjae Kim, Hyeonwoo Kang, et al. “U-GAT-IT: Unsupervised Generative Attentional Networks with Adaptive Layer-Instance Normalization for Image-to-Image Translation”. In: arXiv preprint arXiv:1907.10830 (2019).

[2] https://github.com/taki0112/UGATIT