yigbt / deepFPlearn

Link molecular structures of chemicals (in form of topological fingerprints) with multiple targets
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Link molecular structures of chemicals with multiple targets.

DeepFPlearn+[1] transforms chemical SMILES or InChIkeys into molecular graph representations for use in a graph neural network (GNN) that predicts an association to a target molecule, e.g., a receptor protein.

DeepFPLearn<sup>+</sup> workflow

DeepFPlearn+ is an extension of deepFPlearn[2], which uses binary fingerprints to represent the molecule's structure computationally.

Setting up Python environment

The DFPL package requires a particular Python environment to work properly. It consists of a recent Python interpreter and packages for data-science and neural networks. The exact dependencies can be found in the requirements.txt (which is used when installing the package with pip) and environment.yml (for installation with conda).

You have several ways to provide the correct environment to run code from the DFPL package.

  1. Use the automatically built docker/Singularity containers
  2. Build your own container following the steps here
  3. Setup a python virtual environment
  4. Set up a conda environment install the requirements via conda and the DFPL package via pip

In the following, you find details for option 1., 3., and 4.

Docker container

You need docker installed on you machine.

In order to run DFPL use the following command line

docker run --gpus GPU_REQUEST registry.hzdr.de/department-computational-biology/deepfplearn/deepfplearn:TAG dfpl DFPL_ARGS

where you replace

In order to get an interactive bash shell in the container use:

docker run -it --gpus GPU_REQUEST registry.hzdr.de/department-computational-biology/deepfplearn/deepfplearn:TAG bash

Singularity container

You need Singularity installed on your machine. You can download a container with

singularity pull dfpl.TAG.sif docker://registry.hzdr.de/department-computational-biology/deepfplearn/deepfplearn:TAG

This stores the container as a file dfpl.TAG.sif which can be run as follows:

singularity run --nv dfpl.TAG.sif dfpl DFPL_ARGS

or you can start a shell script (look at run-all-cases.sh for an example)

singularity run --nv dfpl.sif ". ./example/run-multiple-cases.sh"

It's also possible to get an interactive shell into the container

singularity shell --nv dfpl.TAG.sif

Note: The Singularity container is intended to be used on HPC cluster where your ability to install software might be limited. For local testing or development, setting up the conda environment is preferable.

Set up DFPL in a python virtual environment

From within the deepFPlearn directory call

virtualenv -p python3 ENV_PATH
. ENV_PATH/bin/activate
pip install ./

replace ENV_PATH by the directory where the python virtual environment should be created. If your system has only python3 installed -p python3 may be removed.

In order to use the environment it needs to be activated with . ENV_PATH/bin/activate.

Set up DFPL in a conda environment

To use this tool in a conda environment:

  1. Create the conda env from scratch

    From within the deepFPlearn directory, you can create the conda environment with the provided yaml file that contains all information and necessary packages

    conda env create -f environment.yml
  2. Activate the dfpl_env environment with

    conda activate dfpl_env
  3. Install the local dfpl package by calling

    pip install --no-deps ./

Prepare data

DFPL can calculate fingerprints of chemical structures from SMILES or INCHI representation. Therefore, e.g. CSV input-files need to contain a "smiles" or "inchi" which is then used to calculate the fingerprints. There is an example CSV file in the tests/directory directory and when you're training using the DFPL package, it will load the input files and add fingerprints. You can test the conversion

import dfpl.fingerprint as fp


If you're data is in CSV format, has a header row, and contains a "smiles" or an "inchi" column, you can use it as input for training as it is. However, if you're data is in a different format, you can use function in the fingerprint module to import it correctly.

The tests/data/inchi.tsv contains data in TSV format without a header row which makes it impossible to identify how to import it automatically. You can use the import_function argument to tell importDataFile how it can turn your data into a Pandas DataFrame that contains, e.g. an "inchi" column. After that DFPL can calculate and add the fingerprints to the DataFrame

import pandas as pd
import dfpl.fingerprint as fp

data = fp.importDataFile(
    import_function=(lambda f: pd.read_table(f, names=["toxid", "inchi", "key"]))

You can store the converted data as a "pickle" file which is a binary representation of the Pandas dataframe and can be used directly as input file for the DFPL program. The advantage is that the fingerprint calculation needs to be done only once and loading these files is fast.


Note that the file-extension needs to be "pkl" to be identified correctly by DFPL. Also, you might want to look at the convert_all function in the fingerprint module that we use to convert different data-files all at once.

Running deepFPlearn

Here you will find example code for running deepFPlearn in all five modes:

The input data for each of these modes can be found in the example/data folder. The pre-computed output of the train mode can be found in the assets of the release, for the predict mode it is stored in the respective example/results_predict folder. Trained models that are used in the prediction mode are stored in the models folder.


The train mode is used to train models to predict the association of molecular structures to biological targets. The encoding of the molecules is done based on molecular fingerprints (we chose 2048 as the fp length). The training data contains three targets and you may train models for each using the following command:

python -m dfpl train -f example/train.json

Training with the configurations from the example/train.json file will take approximately 4 minutes on a single CPU. The trained models, training histories, respective plots, as well as the predictions on the test data are stored in the example/results_train folder as defined in the example/train.json file (this can be changed).


The predict mode is used to predict the from molecular structures. Use this command to predict the provided data for prediction:

python -m dfpl predict -f example/predict.json

The compounds are predicted with the provided model and results are returned as a float number between 0 and 1.


python -m dfpl traingnn -f example/traingnn.json

The traingnn mode is used to train models using a graph neural network to predict the chemical-biological associations from molecular structures. If the training data contains multiple targets the GNN will perform nultilabel classification.

The trained models, training histories, and respective plots, as well as the predictions on the test data, are stored in the example/results_traingnn folder as defined in the example/traingnn.json file (you may change this). Similar and even more options are offered via the GNN model. Go to chemprop/args.py to take a peek and set your options.

Some basic arguments include:


python -m dfpl predictgnn -f example/predictgnn.json

The predictgnn mode is using trained GNN model to predict these chemical-biological target associations from molecular structures using a graph neural network.

Again some basic arguments:


The convert mode is used to convert .csv or .tsv files into .pkl files for easy access in Python and to reduce memory on disk.


[1] Kyriakos Soulios, Patrick Scheibe, Matthias Bernt, Jörg Hackermüller, and Jana Schor. deepFPlearn+: Enhancing Toxicity Prediction Across the Chemical Universe Using Graph Neural Networks. Submitted to a scientific journal, currently under review.

[2] Jana Schor, Patrick Scheibe, Matthias Bernt, Wibke Busch, Chih Lai, and Jörg Hackermüller. AI for predicting chemical-effect associations at the chemical universe level—deepFPlearn. Briefings in Bioinformatics, Volume 23, Issue 5, September 2022, bbac257, https://doi.org/10.1093/bib/bbac257

For questions or comments please reach out: jana.schor@ufz.de