yiiext / zend-autoloader-component

Fast autoloader for Zend Framework classes.
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Fast Zend Framework class loader for Yii

Allows to efficiently load Zend Framework classes without need to additionally call require_once() or Yii::import().



Unpack extension to protected/extensions/.

Zend Framework

Copy ZF directory Zend to protected/vendors/. You can use special service to get only required ZF classes.

Stripping all require_once from ZF

It is required for this extension and allows to load ZF classes faster.

You can do search-replace from your IDE: search require_once replace to //require_once.

Altenatively you can use console:


% cd path/to/ZendFramework/library
% find . -name '*.php' -not -wholename '*/Loader/Autoloader.php' \
  -not -wholename '*/Application.php' -print0 | \
  xargs -0 sed --regexp-extended --in-place 's/(require_once)/\/\/ \1/g'


% cd path/to/ZendFramework/library
% find . -name '*.php' | grep -v './Loader/Autoloader.php' | \
xargs sed -E -i~ 's/(require_once)/\/\/ \1/g'
% find . -name '*.php~' | xargs rm -f

Updating your index.php

We need to register loader before application is run:

define('YII_DEBUG', true);
$app = Yii::createWebApplication($configFile);

Yii::import("ext.yiiext.components.zendAutoloader.EZendAutoloader", true);

// you can load not only Zend classes but also other classes with the same naming
// convention
EZendAutoloader::$prefixes = array('Zend', 'Custom');
Yii::registerAutoloader(array("EZendAutoloader", "loadClass"), true);
