yiisoft-contrib / yiiframework.com

Source code for official Yii website
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php website yii yii-framework

Yii Framework Website

This project contains the source code for the yiiframework.com Website.

If you want to contribute please get in touch with us using the issue tracker.

Build Status


Install Docker and Docker Compose.

docker-compose build
docker-compose up

The site will be available at http://localhost:81.

Generating screenshots

You can use the script run_pageres.sh at the root of the source directory to generate screenshots.

Initial setup

Adjust local config files if needed:

Generate a personal Github token (from your Github profile settings section). Paste it in a file in the data directory (@app/data) called github.token (one line, no line-break).

Continue with the following commands:

# run migrations
./yii migrate

# fill RBAC
./yii rbac/up

# build contributors page (this may take some time as it downloads a lot of user avatars from github)
./yii contributors/generate

# If you're on Windows you have to manually symlink or copy
# %appdata%/npm/node_modules/browser-sync to your app's node_modules

# The next step is for building the API documentation and the Guide files.
# It is optional for the site to be working but you will have no API docs and Guide.
# This step includes cloning the Yii 1 and Yii 2 repositories and a lot of computation,
# so you might want to skip it on the first install.
# This also requires an instance of elasticsearch to be configured and running
# (if you do not have it, it will still run, but the site search will not work).
# It also assumes you have pdflatex installed for building PDF guide docs.
# You may also build only parts of the docs, run  make help  for the available commands.
make docs

# If you are using Docker image, you need to additionally pass VENDOR_DIR:

# Yii 1.0 API docs generation. They are already included in VCS. Run this only if layout has changed.
docker build -f Dockerfile.yii-1.0 -t yiiframeworkcom-yii-1.0 .
docker run -it -v $PWD/data/api-1.0:/code/data/api-1.0 yiiframeworkcom-yii-1.0

# populate the search index by running
./yii search/rebuild

/code/vendor/bin/apidoc guide data/yii-2.0/docs/guide-ru data/docs-offline/yii-docs-2.0-ru --interactive=0
./yii guide "2.0" --interactive=0

Data import

For importing data from the old website, the following steps are necessary:

If you don't have that data, you can work with dummy content:

To assign users extra permissions use ./yii rbac/assign.

Cron jobs

The following commands need to be set up to run on a regular basis:

command interval Purpose
yii sitemap/generate daily regenerate sitemap.xml
yii contributors/generate weekly update contributors list on team page
yii badge/update hourly update badges for users in badge_queue
yii cron/update-packagist hourly update packagist extension data
yii user/ranking daily update user ranking
yii github-progress hourly update Github progress data

Additionally, queue/listen should run as a daemon or queue/run as a cronjob.


This section covers notes for deployment on a server, you may not need this for your dev env. OS is assumed to be Debian "bullseye".

apt-get install texlive-full python3-pygments git nodejs make


The contributors list and the avatar thumbnails is generated by a console command:

./yii contributors/generate

It will connect to Github via the API and fetch a list of contributors, generate data/contributors.json and thumbnail images of the user avatars in data/avatars and finally invoke Gulp to generate a sprite image and Sass code.

It would be a good idea to set up a Cron job to run that once in a while - perhaps once each month.

Directory structure

  commands/           contains console commands (controllers)
  config/             contains application configurations
  controllers/        contains Web controller classes
  data/               contains important data generated by different commands
  env/                contains environment-dependent files
          fonts/      contains fonts
          scss/       contains Sass source files
          js/         contains JS source files
  mail/               contains view files for e-mails
  models/             contains model classes
  node_modules/       contains installed NPM packages
  runtime/            contains files generated during runtime
  scripts/            contains shell scripts
  vendor/             contains dependent 3rd-party packages
  views/              contains view files for the Web application
  web/                contains the entry script and Web resources



CSS Files

JS Files
