yiliucs / BadSampler-KDD24

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Additional experimental results

Our attack code: https://github.com/yiliucs/BadSampler-KDD24/blob/main/BadSampler.zip

New Results for Reviewer msjs


Attack (K=1000, M=1%) $\Delta$
Ours (Meta) 5.44%

fig 1


Defences $\Delta$
[R3] 7.68%
[R4] 8.97%
[31] 6.42%


fig 1

fig 1

fig 1

fig 1

Reviwer HQZq


fig 1

Reviewer msjs


fig 1


Attack Dataset $\Delta$
[33] FMNIST 10.67%
[33] CIFAR-10 5.4%
Meta (Ours) FMNIST 12.96%
Meta (Ours) CIFAR-10 19.30%


Attack Defense $\Delta$
Meta (Ours) CONTRA 9.43%
Meta (Ours) DnC 7.65%


Attack $\Delta$
LMPA 8.21%
DOA 5.46%
Top-πœ… (Ours) 10.7%
Meta (Ours) 13.15%


fig 1

fig 1


Method $\Delta$
FedAvg 72.8%
Meta (Ours) 62.8%


Ξ± $\Delta$
0.1 21.2%
0.5 25.6%
1 27.4%

Reviewer uF7w


k $\Delta$
16 8.71%
32 7.44%
64 7.87%
B $\Delta$
128 8.64%
512 9.12%
1024 7.97%


Attack $\mathcal{D}_{cos}$ $H_N$ $H_D$
LMPA Group1: 1.17, Group2: 0.18 Group1: 9243, Group2: 18964 Group1: 0.95, Group2: 0.26
DOA Group1: 1.11, Group2: 0.78 Group1: 8697, Group2: 11352 Group1: 0.94, Group2: 0.82
OBLIVION Group1: 1.07, Group2: 0.34 Group1: 8798, Group2: 12456 Group1: 0.94, Group2: 0.73
Top-πœ… (Ours) Group1: 1.09, Group2: 0.73 Group1: 8456, Group2: 13256 Group1: 0.98, Group2: 0.67
Meta (Ours) Group1: 1.12, Group2: 0.89 Group1: 9687, Group2: 15428 Group1: 0.97, Group2: 0.96

Reviewer P31t


fig 1


Symbols Description
$b$ The number of bins in the histogram
$B$ The local batch size
$\mathcal{B}$ The after-attack adversarial training batch
$c$ The number of malicious clients
$D_k$ The local dataset of the $k$-th client
$E_{local}$ The local training epoch
$H_N$ Hessian norm
$H_D$ Hessian direction
$K$ The the total number of clients
$M$ The proportion of the compromised clients
$N$ The number of local training batches
$q$ The proportion of client participation
$s$ The meat-state
$T$ The total number of training rounds
$\kappa$ The constant
$\eta$ The learning rate
$\mathcal{D}_{cos}$ The gradient cosine distance

Reviewer y1Gw


Method $\Delta$
FedAvg 72.8%
Meat (Ours) 62.8%

Full version of our rebuttal

Reviewer HQZq:

Q1: This paper does not discuss the persistence of the attack. For example, during FL, since only a small portion of clients is active for each round, the malicious clients might not participate in training for several rounds. I wonder whether the impact of the attack will fade away when the attack is stopped. If it is, how many rounds the impact of the attack can be sustained?

Answer 1:

Result: https://anonymous.4open.science/r/BadSampler-KDD24-0419/README.md

Q2: Badsampler is designed based on the idea of increasing the validation accuracy. I wonder why this kind of attack cannot be detected by the defender using a validation dataset? A detail explanation is suggested here.

Answer 2:

Reviewer msjs:

Q1: The experimental setting does not align with the proposed threat model. In the threat model, the authors argue that they follow the "production FL setting [34]" compared to the unrealistic assumptions in prior works [3,4,9,42,48]. In the experiments, they considered the large-scale FL scenario called the "cross-device" setting. The authors even criticize that the total client number (from 50 to 100) used in prior works is not practical (see Table 8)! However, they only consider a small number of total clients (K=100) which is inconsistent with [34]. [34] argues that the total number of clients should be over 1000 in cross-device setting. In general, the motivation of this paper is conflict with their experimental setting.

Answer 1:

Q2: Limited comparison with State-of-the-Art Baseline Attacks: One notable omission in the paper is the lack of comparison with some state-of-the-art and significant baseline attacks, FedInv[R1] and Cerberus[R2]. Including these baselines in the evaluation would have offered a more comprehensive understanding of BadSampler's relative effectiveness and positioned it more accurately within the landscape of existing poisoning attacks.

Answer 2:

Attack Dataset $\Delta$
[33] FMNIST 10.67%
[33] CIFAR-10 5.4%
Meta (Ours) FMNIST 12.96%
Meta (Ours) CIFAR-10 19.30%

Q3: Lack of Recent State-of-the-Art Defenses for Robustness Evaluation: The paper positions FLTrust [8] as the state-of-the-art defense against poisoning attacks in federated learning systems. However, recent research has highlighted certain limitations of FLTrust, suggesting that it may not be the most effective defense mechanism under some circumstances [2]. Given these developments, it is crucial for a comprehensive evaluation of the proposed attacks' robustness to evaluate against other state-of-the-art defenses, including FLAME [R3], CONTRA [2], DeepSight [31], DnC [33], and RoseAgg [R4]. These defenses represent advancements in securing federated learning systems and might offer different levels of resistance against the BadSampler attack.

Answer 3:

Attack Defense $\Delta$
Meta (Ours) CONTRA 9.43%
Meta (Ours) DnC 7.65%

Q4: Lack of Baseline Attacks Evaluation in Non-IID Setting: The paper's evaluation of the proposed BadSampler attack primarily focuses on its effectiveness in a non-IID (non-Independently and Identically Distributed) setting, which is crucial for reflecting realistic federated learning environments. However, a notable limitation is the absence of comparative evaluations involving baseline attacks within the same non-IID setting. Such comparative analyses are crucial for understanding whether the advantages of BadSampler are consistent across various federated learning scenarios and how it stands in the landscape of poisoning attacks under the complex dynamics introduced by non-IID data.

Answer 4:

Attack $\Delta$
LMPA 8.21%
DOA 5.46%
Top-πœ… (Ours) 10.7%
Meta (Ours) 13.15%

Q5: Absence of Training and Validation Loss Trajectory Visualization: It lacks a figure illustrating the trajectory of training and validation loss during the federated learning process under attack conditions. Such visualizations can offer intuitive insights into how an attack influences the learning dynamics, including evidence of catastrophic forgetting or subtle degradation in model performance over time. The paper introduces BadSampler, emphasizing its ability to exploit catastrophic forgetting by manipulating the model's generalization error through adversarial sampling. The visualization would provide a clear, empirical basis to support the claim that BadSampler effectively leads to increased generalization error, thereby validating the theoretical underpinnings of the attack strategy.

Answer 5:

Q6: Limited Dataset Diversity and Scale: The evaluation of the proposed BadSampler attack is conducted using two datasets, Fashion-MNIST (F-MNIST) and CIFAR-10, which, while commonly used in machine learning research, are relatively small and simple. To better demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed attack, especially in more challenging scenarios, it would be advantageous for the authors to include evaluations on larger and more complex datasets, such as the PURCHASE dataset (used in references [33] and [51]) and the LOAN dataset (used in [2] and [R2]). Including such datasets would test the scalability of BadSampler, assessing whether its effectiveness holds in scenarios with higher dimensional data and more complex data distributions.

Answer 6:

Method $\Delta$
FedAvg 72.8%
Meta (Ours) 62.8%

Q7: Simulation of Non-IID Setting not aligning with recent works: The paper's approach to simulating non-IID data settings for evaluating the proposed attack may not align with recent state-of-the-art works ([2], [46], [33], [34], [36]) that employ the Dirichlet distribution for a more realistic representation of data heterogeneity across clients in federated learning environments. The use of the Dirichlet distribution allows for the controlled simulation of varying degrees of data non-uniformity among clients. This would provide a more robust assessment of BadSampler's effectiveness in realistically heterogeneous federated learning.

Answer 7:

Ξ± $\Delta$
0.1 21.2%
0.5 25.6%
1 27.4%

Q8: Please add citations for "DPA" and "MPA" in Line 43.

Answer 8: We will add them in the revision.

Q9: Based on my knowledge of catastrophic forgetting, should it be "old tasks" in "Inspired by the phenomenon of catastrophic forgetting [15], well-designed benign updates (i.e., achieving higher training accuracy) may cause the global model to forget knowledge about new tasks, thus damaging the model’s generalization ability (Line 94 to 98)"?

Answer 9: Yes, you are right. We will revise it in the revision.

All additional experimental results and source code can be found at the anonymous link below: https://anonymous.4open.science/r/BadSampler-KDD24-0419/README.md

Reviewer uF7w:

W1. The contents of Table 4 cannot support the conclusions of section 6.2.4, especially for k and B. It is hoped that more experiments on different k and B can be added to reflect the influence of different hyperparameters on the attack effect. Answer 1:

k $\Delta$
16 8.71%
32 7.44%
64 7.87%
B $\Delta$
128 8.64%
512 9.12%
1024 7.97%

W2. The relevant experiments in Table 6 are insufficient. The effectiveness of the proposed attack can be better demonstrated by adding the numerical results of some existing attacks.

Answer 2:

Attack $\mathcal{D}_{cos}$ $H_N$ $H_D$
LMPA Group1: 1.17, Group2: 0.18 Group1: 9243, Group2: 18964 Group1: 0.95, Group2: 0.26
DOA Group1: 1.11, Group2: 0.78 Group1: 8697, Group2: 11352 Group1: 0.94, Group2: 0.82
OBLIVION Group1: 1.07, Group2: 0.34 Group1: 8798, Group2: 12456 Group1: 0.94, Group2: 0.73
Top-πœ… (Ours) Group1: 1.09, Group2: 0.73 Group1: 8456, Group2: 13256 Group1: 0.98, Group2: 0.67
Meta (Ours) Group1: 1.12, Group2: 0.89 Group1: 9687, Group2: 15428 Group1: 0.97, Group2: 0.96

W3. The paper emphasizes that not changing local data is one of the advantages of the attack.. However, under federated learning, the client's local data is not allowed to be accessed by other clients or servers. Therefore, this advantage emphasized in the paper is not attractive enough.

Answer 3:

[R1] Arjun Nitin Bhagoji, Supriyo Chakraborty, Prateek Mittal, and Seraphin Calo.

  1. Analyzing federated learning through an adversarial lens. In Proc. of ICML.

[R2] Minghong Fang, Xiaoyu Cao, Jinyuan Jia, and Neil Gong. 2020. Local model poisoning attacks to Byzantine-robust federated learning. In Proc. of USENIX Security.

[R3] Clement Fung, Chris JM Yoon, and Ivan Beschastnikh. 2020. The limitations of federated learning in sybil settings. In Proc. of RAID.

Reviewer rUYe

Q1: In line 121: |π·π‘π‘œπ‘–π‘ π‘œπ‘› | ≫ |𝐷|, is there a typo? In my understanding, it should be |π·π‘π‘œπ‘–π‘ π‘œπ‘› | << |𝐷|.

Answer 1:

Thanks again to the reviewer for your constructive comments.

Reviewer P31t:

Q1: Since the authors focus on realistic adversary models, is adversaries holding a surrogate model as well as training an adversarial meta-sampler are realistic assumptions?

Answer 1:

[R1] Qin Y, Xiong Y, Yi J, et al. Training meta-surrogate model for transferable adversarial attack[C]//Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. 2023, 37(8): 9516-9524.

[R2] Sun X, Cheng G, Li H, et al. Exploring effective data for surrogate training towards black-box attack[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2022: 15355-15364.

[R3] Li J, Rakin A S, Chen X, et al. Ressfl: A resistance transfer framework for defending model inversion attack in split federated learning[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2022: 10194-10202.

[R4] Zheng T, Li B. Poisoning attacks on deep learning based wireless traffic prediction[C]//IEEE INFOCOM 2022-IEEE Conference on Computer Communications. IEEE, 2022: 660-669.

[R5] Nguyen T D, Nguyen T A, Tran A, et al. Iba: Towards irreversible backdoor attacks in federated learning[J]. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 2024, 36.

[R6] Fang M, Cao X, Jia J, et al. Local model poisoning attacks to {Byzantine-Robust} federated learning[C]//29th USENIX security symposium (USENIX Security 20). 2020: 1605-1622.

[R7] Shejwalkar V, Houmansadr A, Kairouz P, et al. Back to the drawing board: A critical evaluation of poisoning attacks on production federated learning[C]//2022 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP). IEEE, 2022: 1354-1371.

Q2: BadSampler is based on adversarial data sampling strategies. Could this be easily mitigated by implementing TEE on client side, since it provides isolated execution of code and handling the data?

Answer 2:

We concur with the reviewer's acknowledgment of the potential security benefits offered by TEEs, which can safeguard code and data integrity. However, we provide the following justifications to clarify why deploying TEEs on the client side to defend against poisoning attacks in FL may not be practical:

Q3: In Section 3.1, while explaining generalization error, is high bias attributed to underfitting, i.e., the model being used is not robust enough to produce an accurate prediction? The generalization error is attributed to the opposite, overfitting, where ML models become too complex and start to fit the training data. This contradicts lines 231-235.

Answer 3:

Q4: In Table 1, the test accuracy of the CIFAR10 models is suspiciously low, especially for the ResNet-18 model trained for CIFAR-10. Even baseline FL models [26] reach test accuracy 80% in CIFAR10, why have the authors reported only 67% while achieving training accuracy at 92%? Similar inconsistencies with previous work are observed in Table 5, ResNet-18 model for CIFAR10.

Answer 4:

Link: https://anonymous.4open.science/r/BadSampler-KDD24-0419/README.md

Q5: In experimental results, did you find a particular reason why top-k and meta have a high difference in their impact against simpler models, compared to complex models?

Answer 5:

[R8] Shumailov I, Shumaylov Z, Kazhdan D, et al. Manipulating sgd with data ordering attacks[J]. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 2021, 34: 18021-18032.

Q6: Due to the heavy notation, I suggest the authors put a notation table to increase readability.

Answer 6:

Symbols Description
$b$ The number of bins in the histogram
$B$ The local batch size
$\mathcal{B}$ The after-attack adversarial training batch
$c$ The number of malicious clients
$D_k$ The local dataset of the $k$-th client
$E_{local}$ The local training epoch
$H_N$ Hessian norm
$H_D$ Hessian direction
$K$ The the total number of clients
$M$ The proportion of the compromised clients
$N$ The number of local training batches
$q$ The proportion of client participation
$s$ The meat-state
$T$ The total number of training rounds
$\kappa$ The constant
$\eta$ The learning rate
$\mathcal{D}_{cos}$ The gradient cosine distance

Reviewer y1Gw:

Q1: In the sampling process, accessing data from other clients in FL is not feasible. However, I am uncertain whether a sampling method akin to Equation 7 truly meets the author's criteria.

Answer 1:

$${\mathcal{H}_{bad}} = Top - \kappa (er{r_i},{D_k},B).$$

Q2: I'm slightly concerned that the validation using only two datasets, F-MNIST and CIFAR10, may not adequately reflect the generalizability of this approach.

Answer 2:

Method $\Delta$
FedAvg 72.8%
Meat (Ours) 62.8%