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ICML 2022: Learning Iterative Reasoning through Energy Minimization
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Learning Iterative Reasoning through Energy Minimization

Yilun Du, Shuang Li, Joshua B. Tenenbaum, Igor Mordatch

A link to our paper can be found on arXiv.


Official codebase for [Learning Iterative Reasoning through Energy Minimization](). Contains scripts to reproduce experiments.


Please install the listed requirements.txt file.

pip install -r requirements.txt

We provide code for running continuous graph reasoning experiments in graph_train.py and code for running continuous matrix experiments in train.py.

To run continuous matrix addition experiments you utilize the following command:

python train.py --exp=addition_experiment --train --num_steps=10 --dataset=addition --train --cuda --infinite

To evaluate the final performance of the model after training, you may use the command:

python train.py --exp=addition_experiment  --num_steps=10 --dataset=addition --cuda --infinite --resume_iter=10000 

and the following command for the OOD test set:

python train.py --exp=addition_experiment  --num_steps=10 --dataset=addition --cuda --infinite --resume_iter=10000  --ood

We may substitute the flag --dataset with other keywords such as inverse or lowrank (as well as additional ones defined in dataset.py).

To run discrete graph reasoning experiments you may utilize the following command:

python graph_train.py --exp=identity_experiment --train --num_steps=10 --dataset=identity --train --cuda --infinite

We may substitute the flag --dataset with other datasets such as shortestpath or connected (as well as additional ones defined in graph_dataset.py).

To evaluate the model, you may then utilize the following command:

python graph_train.py --exp=identity_experiment --num_steps=10 --dataset=identity --cuda --infinite  --resume_iter=10000


Please cite our paper as:

  title={Learning Iterative Reasoning through Energy Minimization},
  author={Yilun Du and Shuang Li and Joshua B. Tenenbaum and Igor Mordatch},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Machine 
                    Learning (ICML-22)},

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