yineza7 / Summarization-of-a-stack-of-papers-using-LLMs-

Summarizing a stack of papers involves systematically reviewing and condensing the key information from each paper to provide a concise overview It might be feasible to have two stages to come out the summarization of a stack of papers.
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the readme file is written in Markdown code here is a Markdown cheatsheet


Authors: Ynes Ineza, Colin W. Thomas, Joseph Obasuyi, Tahmid Khan, Jaewook Kwon, and Israel Akpati

Summarizing a stack of papers involves systematically reviewing and condensing the key information from each paper to provide a concise overview. It is time-consuming. To save readers’ time, it might be helpful to utilize LLMs. Leveraging LLMs like GPT-3 for summarizing a stack of papers involves using natural language processing capabilities to generate concise and coherent summaries. It might be feasible to have two stages to come out the summarization of a stack of papers. The first step is to generate a summary for each paper using LLMs, and the second step is to aggregate all summaries of the stack of papers into a cohesive document.

Team Webpage

Our website serves as a comprehensive hub for our product, meticulously designed to facilitate seamless communication and collaboration among our team members. It is a virtual repository that houses a wealth of information pertinent to our team and our project.

The website is structured to provide easy access to essential details about each team member, fostering a sense of unity and camaraderie. It serves as a digital directory, offering insights into the unique skills and contributions of each individual, thereby promoting transparency and synergy within our team. One of the key features of our website is its extensive archive of meetings. This includes both past and future engagements, ensuring that every team member is kept abreast of our progress and plans. The archive is a treasure trove of knowledge, capturing the essence of each meeting, the decisions made, the challenges encountered, and the solutions proposed. It also provides a roadmap of upcoming meetings, helping us stay organized and prepared. The website is a testament to our technical prowess, having been crafted using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. These technologies were chosen for their versatility and wide acceptance in the web development community. Our team has leveraged these languages to create a user-friendly interface and a robust backend, ensuring a smooth and engaging user experience. Our final product, the culmination of our team’s hard work and dedication, will be proudly hosted on this website. This will not only serve as a demonstration of our capabilities but also provide a platform for users to interact with our product. We believe that this will greatly enhance the visibility and accessibility of our product, paving the way for feedback and improvements. In essence, our website is more than just a platform; it’s a dynamic space that reflects our team’s spirit, showcases our product, and fosters a culture of openness and collaboration. It is a testament to our journey, our growth, and our unwavering commitment to delivering a product that we are truly proud of.

Link To Powerpoint Presantation

everyone has access to the PowerPoint

Potential Models to Study/Research

Potential Sources for Data Collection

Group Members and their Official Roles

- Ynes Ineza[Project manager]:

Will be organizing meetings, keeping track of progress, will be developing and testing models to improve text summarization, while contributing to the overall project in code, suggestions, and documentation.

- Colin W. Thomas[developer]:

will be developing and testing models to improve text summarization, while contributing to the overall project in code, suggestions, and documentation.

- Joseph Obasuyi[Developer,designer] :

will be working on both testing models and hosting the results, while contributing to the overall project in code, suggestions, and documentation.

- Tahmid Khan[Developer,designer] :

will be working on both testing models and hosting the results, while contributing to the overall project in code, suggestions, and documentation.

- Jaewook Kwon- [Developer,designer] :

will be working on both testing models and hosting the results, while contributing to the overall project in code, suggestions, and documentation.

- Israel Akpati[Developer,designer] :

will be working on both testing models and hosting the results, while contributing to the overall project in code, suggestions, and documentation. overall the roles above are not limited but are more flexible based on experience and collaboration

Group meetings and activities

upcoming schedules


proposed solution


Code github