yinggegit / DataConverter

DataConverter is a powerful data processing and algorithmic tool,Meet the common data processing needs of C, Java and python programmers in daily programming, and effectively improve work efficiency.Based on reliable algorithm suite, support common cryptography algorithms such as finance, network security and information security, especially support China's national security algorithms SM2, SM3 and SM4.The layout of the interface has been carefully adjusted to support more than ten themes and fonts, support a variety of resolutions, and have a good visual experience.DataConverter 是一款强大的数据处理和算法工具.满足C、Java ,Python程序员的编程中常见的数据处理需求,有效提升Coding效率。基于可靠算法套件,支持金融,网络安全,信息安全等常见密码学算法,特别支持中国国密算法SM2,SM3,SM4.精心调整过界面布局,支持多种主题和字体,支持多种分辨率显示,视觉体验佳。
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DataConverter 是一款强大的数据处理和算法工具

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1.DATA Format 数据格式化


3.Configuration 配置

As [John Gruber] writes on the [Markdown site][df1]

This text you see here is actually written in Markdown! To get a feel for Markdown's syntax, type some text into the left window and watch the results in the right.

Plugins Executable Program

DataConverter can use below tools to work properly:



Single file execution program, under the operating system above Win7, can run without installation after downloading. 

Plugins Open Source

OpenSource Links
WeiboSpider https://github.com/SpiderClub/weibospider
monitor https://github.com/seefan/monitor


C++ Builder 10


$ build app



Free Software, Hell Yeah!



开发此程序的目的是为了提升程序员的开发效率,在过去十几年从业生涯里,我迫切需要这样一个开发工具来帮助我提示Coding的效率,在现有工具不满足需求的情况下,不得不开发出DataConverter。某人说过,最了解程序员的可能是另外一个位程序员吧,我爱你们,希望我的付出能给你带来不错的使用体验,同时感谢github提供了一个共享平台和众多优秀的开源软件。 如果你愿意支持作者完善此软件,请扫码捐助,并留言。 使用愉快,多谢!

This program is used to improve the development efficiency of programmers, and in the past decade or so of my career, I urgently need such a development tool to help me prompt the efficiency of Coding, and I had to develop the DataConverter when the existing tools did not meet the requirements. I'm afraid the one who understands the programmer best is another programmer, like me. My programmer I love you, hope my efforts will give you a good experience, thanks again to github for a shared platform and many excellent open source software. If you are willing to provide financial assistance to support the author in improving the software, please scan QR code to donation and please leave message! Thanks and enjoy it.