yingrliu / TAAN-MTL

Adaptive Activation Network and Functional Regularization for Efficient and Flexible Deep Multi-Task Learning
MIT License
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deep-neural-networks multi-task-learning pytorch

Task Adaptive Activation Network

This repository contains the Pytorch implementation of my paper:

Y. Liu, X. Yang, D. Xie, X. Wang, L. Shen, H. Huang, N. Balasubramanian, "Adaptive Activation Network and Functional Regularization for Efficient and Flexible Deep Multi-Task Learning." in Proceedings of the 34th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-20), 2020. [citation]

In this paper, we are going to automatically learn the optimal splitting of network architecture for deep Multi-Task Learning in a scalable way.


Set Up


Getting Started

Inside this repository, we conduct comprehensive experiments on two datasets.

We also implement several recent deep Multi-Task Learning methods, including:

The implementations can be found in the path Youtube8M/models.py.


Layer Implementation

In the path Layers, we already implement the layers of MRN, DMTRL and TAL in our model. You can directly use them as the general Pytorch layers nn.Linear and nn.Conv2d. The only difference is that these layers have some extra parameters to set-up the regularization based on their proposed methods, and they have an additional member function self.regularization(c) that computes the corresponding regularization term with respect to the Lagrangian coefficient c. The details are given in Layers/README.md.

Run on Datasets

For the detailed instructions on reproducing our experiments, please refer Youtube8M/README.md and Omniglot/README.md.