yinqiwen / gsnova

Private proxy solution & network troubleshooting tool.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
557 stars 190 forks source link
http http2 kcp low-memory mitmproxy nat p2p p2s2p packet-capture proxy quic ssh tcp tls transparent-proxy websocket

GSnova: Private Proxy Solution & Network Troubleshooting Tool.
Join the chat at https://gitter.im/gsnova/Lobby Build Status

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Deprecated, use the rust version rsnova instead.



go1.9 or higher is requied.


   go get -t -u -v github.com/yinqiwen/gsnova

There is also prebuilt binary release at here

Command Line Usage

Usage of ./gsnova:
  -admin string
        Client Admin listen address
  -blackList value
        Proxy blacklist item config
        Launch gsnova as client.
        Launch gsnova by command line without config file.
  -cnip string
        China IP list. (default "./cnipset.txt")
  -conf string
        Config file of gsnova.
  -forward value
        Forward connection to specified address
  -hosts string
        Hosts file of gsnova client. (default "./hosts.json")
  -httpdump.dst string
        HTTP Dump destination file or http url
  -httpdump.filter value
        HTTP Dump Domain Filter, eg:*.google.com
  -key string
        Cipher key for transmission between local&remote. (default "809240d3a021449f6e67aa73221d42df942a308a")
  -listen value
        Listen on address.
  -log string
        Log file setting (default "color,gsnova.log")
        Launch gsnova as a MITM Proxy
  -ots string
        Online trouble shooting listen address
  -p2p string
        P2P Token.
  -pid string
        PID file (default ".gsnova.pid")
  -ping_interval int
        Channel ping interval seconds. (default 30)
  -pprof string
        PProf trouble shooting listen address
  -proxy string
        Proxy setting to connect remote server.
  -remote value
        Next remote proxy hop server to connect for client, eg:wss://xxx.paas.com
        Client as a proxy server for peer p2p client
        Launch gsnova as server.
  -stream_idle int
        Mux stream idle timout seconds. (default 10)
  -tls.cert string
        TLS Cert file
  -tls.key string
        TLS Key file
  -upnp int
        UPNP port to expose for p2p.
  -user string
        Username for remote server to authorize. (default "gsnova")
        Print version.
  -whitelist value
        Proxy whitelist item config
  -window string
        Max mux stream window size, default 512K
  -window_refresh string
        Mux stream window refresh size, default 32K

Deploy & Run Server

   ./gsnova -cmd -server -listen tcp://:48100 -listen quic://:48100 -listen tls://:48101 -listen kcp://:48101 -listen http://:48102 -listen http2://:48103  -key 809240d3a021449f6e67aa73221d42df942a308a -user "*"

This would launch a running instance listening at serveral ports with different transport protocol.

The server can also be deployed to serveral PAAS service like heroku/openshift and some docker host service.

Deploy & Run Client

Run From Command Line

   ./gsnova -cmd -client -listen :48100 -remote http2://app1.openshiftapps.com  -key 809240d3a021449f6e67aa73221d42df942a308a

This would launch a socks4/socks5/http proxy at port 48100 and use http2://app1.openshiftapps.com as next proxy hop.

Run With Confguration

This is a sample for client.json, the Key and the ServerList need to be modified to match your server.

   ./gsnova -client -conf ./client.json

Advanced Usage

Multi-Hop Proxy

GSnova support more than ONE remote server as the next hops, just add more -remote server arguments to enable multi-hop proxy.
This would use http2://app1.openshiftapps.com as the first proxy ho and use wss://app2.herokuapp.com as the final proxy hop.

   ./gsnova -cmd -client -listen :48101 -remote http2://app1.openshiftapps.com -remote wss://app2.herokuapp.com -key 809240d3a021449f6e67aa73221d42df942a308a

Transparent Proxy

MITM Proxy

GSnova support running the client as a MITM proxy to capture HTTP(S) packets for web debuging.
This would capture HTTP(S) traffic packets into local dist file httpdump.log.

   ./gsnova -cmd -client -listen :48101 -remote direct -mitm -httpdump.dst ./httpdump.log -httpdump.filter "*.google.com" -httpdump.filter "*.facebook.com"

P2P/P2S2P Proxy

P2P/P2S2P Proxy can help you to connect two nodes, and use one of them as a tcp proxy server for the other one. This feature can be used for scenarios like:

There are 3 nodes which should install/run gsnova, a middle server(S) with public IP address, two client nodes(A & B) behind a NAT or firewall.
For the middle server(S), run as a server with a cipher key.

   ./gsnova -cmd -server  -listen tcp://:48103 -key p2pkey -log color

For the node(B) as a proxy server, run as a client to connect server with a P2P token:

  ./gsnova -cmd -client -servable -key p2pkey -remote tcp://<server ip>:48103 -p2p testp2p  -log color  

For the node(A) as a client for peer proxy server, run as a client to connect server with same P2P token:

  ./gsnova -cmd -client -listen :7788 -key p2pkey -remote tcp://<server ip>:48103 -p2p testp2p -log color  

If there is no error, now the node A with listen address :7788 can be used as a http/socks4/socks5 proxy to access servers behind a NAT or firewall which node B located in.

And in gsnova, it would try to run with P2P mode first, if it's not pissible, it would use P2S2P mode which would use the middle server to forward tcp stream to remote peeer.

Mobile Client(Android)

The client side can be compiled to android library by gomobile, eg:

   gomobile bind -target=android -a -v github.com/yinqiwen/gsnova/local/gsnova

Users can develop there own app by using the generated gsnova.aar.
There is a very simple andorid app gsnova-android-v0.27.3.1.zip which use tun2socks + gsnova to build.