yioneko / nvim-vtsls

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Plugin to help utilize capabilities of vtsls.

NOTE: This plugin is not needed to work with vtsls. It simply offers some extra helper commands and optional improvements. Any server related issue should go up to the upstream.


Setup server

Through nvim-lspconfig:

require("lspconfig.configs").vtsls = require("vtsls").lspconfig -- set default server config, optional but recommended

-- If the lsp setup is taken over by other plugin, it is the same to call the counterpart setup function
require("lspconfig").vtsls.setup({ --[[ your custom server config here ]] })

Execute commands

:VtsExec {command}

Rename file/folder and update import paths

:VtsRename {from} {to}


This is OPTIONAL. All the fields are also optional.

  -- customize handlers for commands
  handlers = {
    source_definition = function(err, locations) end,
    file_references = function(err, locations) end,
    code_action = function(err, actions) end,
  -- automatically trigger renaming of extracted symbol
  refactor_auto_rename = true,
  refactor_move_to_file = {
    -- If dressing.nvim is installed, telescope will be used for selection prompt. Use this to customize
    -- the opts for telescope picker.
    telescope_opts = function(items, default) end,


name description
restart_tsserver This not restart vtsls itself, but restart the underlying tsserver.
open_tsserver_log It will open prompt if logging has not been enabled.
select_ts_version Select version of ts either from workspace or global.
goto_project_config Open tsconfig.json.
goto_source_definition Go to the source definition instead of typings.
file_references Show references of the current file.
rename_file Rename the current file and update all the related paths in the project.
source_actions Pick applicable source actions (same as above)


require('vtsls').commands[any_command_name](bufnr, on_resolve, on_reject)
require('vtsls').commands.goto_source_definition(winnr, on_resolve, on_reject) -- goto_source_definition requires winnr
require('vtsls').rename(old_name, new_name, on_resolve, on_reject) -- rename file or folder

-- These callbacks are useful if you want to promisify the command functions to write async code.
function on_resolve() end -- after handler called
function on_reject(msg_or_err) end -- in case any error happens

Other useful snippets

Common settings to enable inlay hints ```lua { settings = { typescript = { inlayHints = { parameterNames = { enabled = "literals" }, parameterTypes = { enabled = true }, variableTypes = { enabled = true }, propertyDeclarationTypes = { enabled = true }, functionLikeReturnTypes = { enabled = true }, enumMemberValues = { enabled = true }, } }, } } ```
Handler for codelens command ```lua vim.lsp.commands["editor.action.showReferences"] = function(command, ctx) local locations = command.arguments[3] local client = vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(ctx.client_id) if locations and #locations > 0 then local items = vim.lsp.util.locations_to_items(locations, client.offset_encoding) vim.fn.setloclist(0, {}, " ", { title = "References", items = items, context = ctx }) vim.api.nvim_command("lopen") end end ``` Then executing `vim.lsp.codelens.run()` will open up a quickfix window for references shown by the lens.
Integration to nvim-tree.lua for automatic renamed paths update Excellent replacement for manually calling `:VtsExec rename_file` or `:VtsRename`. You have two ways. You can use [nvim-lsp-file-operations](https://github.com/antosha417/nvim-lsp-file-operations). It has integration with nvim and neo tree. Or you can use the following snippet. It also works for any server supporting `workspace/didRenameFiles` notification. ```lua local path_sep = package.config:sub(1, 1) local function trim_sep(path) return path:gsub(path_sep .. "$", "") end local function uri_from_path(path) return vim.uri_from_fname(trim_sep(path)) end local function is_sub_path(path, folder) path = trim_sep(path) folder = trim_sep(folder) if path == folder then return true else return path:sub(1, #folder + 1) == folder .. path_sep end end local function check_folders_contains(folders, path) for _, folder in pairs(folders) do if is_sub_path(path, folder.name) then return true end end return false end local function match_file_operation_filter(filter, name, type) if filter.scheme and filter.scheme ~= "file" then -- we do not support uri scheme other than file return false end local pattern = filter.pattern local matches = pattern.matches if type ~= matches then return false end local regex_str = vim.fn.glob2regpat(pattern.glob) if vim.tbl_get(pattern, "options", "ignoreCase") then regex_str = "\\c" .. regex_str end return vim.regex(regex_str):match_str(name) ~= nil end local api = require("nvim-tree.api") api.events.subscribe(api.events.Event.NodeRenamed, function(data) local stat = vim.loop.fs_stat(data.new_name) if not stat then return end local type = ({ file = "file", directory = "folder" })[stat.type] local clients = vim.lsp.get_clients({}) for _, client in ipairs(clients) do if check_folders_contains(client.workspace_folders, data.old_name) then local filters = vim.tbl_get(client.server_capabilities, "workspace", "fileOperations", "didRename", "filters") or {} for _, filter in pairs(filters) do if match_file_operation_filter(filter, data.old_name, type) and match_file_operation_filter(filter, data.new_name, type) then client.notify( "workspace/didRenameFiles", { files = { { oldUri = uri_from_path(data.old_name), newUri = uri_from_path(data.new_name) } } } ) end end end end end) ```
