yisuanwang / Ultraman

Ultraman: Single Image 3D Human Reconstruction with Ultra Speed and Detail
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Ultraman: Single Image 3D Human Reconstruction with Ultra Speed and Detail

⚠️code is available at https://github.com/tomorrow1238/Ultraman

You can see some interesting examples on the project homepage.

🗂Project Page | GitHub Repo Stars | Open In Colab(coming soon) | arXiv


Without any 3D or 2D pre-training, our proposed Ultraman is able to quickly synthesize complete, realistic and highly detailed 3D avatars based on a single input RGB image.


🗓ToDO List

🔘1. Release offline version of Ultraman implementation

🔘2. Release online running version of Ultraman implementation


  title={Ultraman: Single Image 3D Human Reconstruction with Ultra Speed and Detail}, 
  author={Mingjin Chen and Junhao Chen and Xiaojun Ye and Huan-ang Gao and Xiaoxue Chen and Zhaoxin Fan and Hao Zhao},