You wake up to the sounds of the owls, in a dark forest. The parts of the plane you were on are scattered around you. As you try to remember the last night’s accident, you try to understand whether you are on a stranded island or not.
LOST is a text based survival game, where player needs to survive in the wilderness while interacting with objects around him/her. The player’s health, hunger, thirst, and items in inventory will change whether he succeeds in meeting his needs, by hunting or gathering items. Player will be in a specific part of the island at each time. These parts will vary such as lake, forest, hill, shore, and etc.
Player will be able to choose to navigate through these parts by choosing according text options in the screen. Based on his/her decisions the player will either survive the island, or end up dead in some wild part of the mysterious land. Additionally, the ends will be varying according to the player’s decisions. Player’s score will be based on his survival duration. The interactions will include common objects found in the wilderness, such as lakes, wood, animals, and plants. Also, hostile or friendly creatures will be appearing in the game, allowing player to interact as he wishes.
Stanley Parable: A game, where story is developed by user's decisions and interactions with the objects around him link:
Survival Island: A basic game, where user uses simple text based interface to move around the game and interact with objects to survive. link: