yiwang454 / prompt_ad_code

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Prompt-learning is the latest paradigm to adapt pre-trained language models (PLMs) to downstream NLP tasks. We hereby explore its application on Alzheimer's disease detection. Our relevant paper is accepted by ICASSP23 and available here

Currently, only codes for the primary results of prompt-based fine-tuning experiments in the paper are provided. More specifically, codes for system 2-4, 7-9, 12-14 cross-validation and test results using Manual transcripts (columns 5-10) in Table 2 of the paper are now available in this repository. Commands for running other experiments in the paper(disfluency feature based and ASR transcripts based) will be coming soon. Meanwhile, users can adopt those features by changing arguments in the provided commands and scripts accordingly.

Prompt-based Fine-tuning Command

After downloading this repository and solving environment for transformers and OpenPrompt, you can run the following commands in the parent directory of prompt_ad_code directory.

Before running the run_prompt_finetune.py or run_prompt_finetune_test.py in the following instruction, you'll have to define the project_root, logs_root, off_line_model_dir, data_dir configurations in your scripts. These configuration should be set to 1) the parent directory of your prompt_ad_code folder; 2) the directory to store your output (model or results); 3) the directory you store pre-trained model downloaded from huggingface; 4) the directory you store ADReSS data (csv file), respectively.

--project_root /parent/directory/of_prompt_ad_code \
--logs_root /directory/to/store/your/output \
--off_line_model_dir /directory/you/store/pre-trained/model/from/huggingface \
--data_dir /directory/you/store/ADReSS/data \

Also, you have to change CWD = "" in run_prompt_finetune.py or run_prompt_finetune_test.py scripts into your working directory.

Data Split

We adopt the given train and test split from the ADReSS2020 dataset, with train speaker ids all stored in prompt_ad_code/latest_tmp_dir/train_all_spk.json, and test speaker ids all stored in prompt_ad_code/latest_tmp_dir/test_all_spk.json. In cross validation experiments, we adopt 10 fold cross validtion, with validation split stored in prompt_ad_code/latest_tmp_dir/ten_fold_1.json.

ten_fold_1.json is a list with 10 entries. After 108 training speakers being splitted into 10 folds, each fold takes turns to serve as the validation set, leading to 10 train-validation set pairs. 10 entries of the list stored the dictionary of {"train_speaker": list_of_train_speaker, "test_speaker": list_of_test_speaker} representing a corresonding train-validation set pair.

Data Format

In your data directory, you'd have to store the ADReSS train data in csv file named train_chas_A.csv and test data in csv file named test_chas_A.csv with columns named id, age, joined_all_par_trans, ad, without the index column for csv. joined_all_par_trans should store a single string. The string is constructed by all transcript sentences of that corresponding speaker being joined together.

An example of train_chas_A.csv without any actual transcripts is in prompt_ad_code/data

You may want to involve a data pre-processing step which cuts the transcripts of each participant into the window length of 512 tokens (cutting at intervals between full sentences, so the resulted length may be slightly less than 512 tokens). This is done by adding --data_not_saved config into run_prompt_finetune_test.py; adding COMMAND_LIST = COMMAND_LIST[:1] to around line 30 in run_prompt_finetune_test.py and run for once. It will give you train_chas_A_cut.csv and test_chas_A_cut.csv files storing the cut data. The --data_not_saved flag will let the script stop running after saving data without running any experiments.

In real experiments running, please ensure you remove this config from run_prompt_finetune_test.py and remove the COMMAND_LIST = COMMAND_LIST[:1] in run_prompt_finetune_test.py.

If you prefer other data formatting, you can change the data loader part in prompt_finetune.py lines 127-179, and its corresponding functions in prompt_ad_utils.py, and maybe prompt_finetune.py lines 272-302 accordingly.

Cross Validation

To run the prompt-based fine-tuning with BERT as the PLM, and get 5 fold cross validation (CV) results:

python prompt_ad_code/run_prompt_finetune.py /parent/directory/of/prompt_ad_code

To run the prompt-based fine-tuning with RoBERTa as the PLM (CV), pls change model and model_name config in run_prompt_finetune.py to the following

--model roberta \
--model_name roberta-base \

And run

python prompt_ad_code/run_prompt_finetune.py /parent/directory/of/prompt_ad_code

The cross validation results as mentioned above are run on a ten-fold split specified in prompt_ad_code/latest_tmp_dir/ten_fold_1.json. You can use your own split by change val_file_dir config in run_prompt_finetune.py to your own split file using similar format as ten_fold_1.json.

--val_file_dir /your/own/split/file.json \


To run the prompt-based fine-tuning BERT PLM test results

python prompt_ad_code/run_prompt_finetune_test.py /parent/directory/of/prompt_ad_code

Similar change can be made as in CV to run the roBERTa experiments.

All the above scripts include running fine-tuning experiment with prompt location at the front or at the back of the input texts. The following line in run_prompt_finetune.py speficied the template used. template_id 1 refers to the front location prompt template, while 3 refers to the back location prompt template.

for template_id in [1, 3]

Fine-tuned Model Majority Vote Combination Command

To get the BERT epoch combination results (systems 4, columns 5-10), with majority voting between the last three epochs during fine-tuning, you can run the following command.

Cross Validation

python prompt_ad_code/post_process_vote_cv.py rand_cv_emg /directory/to/store/your/output


python prompt_ad_code/post_process_vote.py rand_test_emg /directory/to/store/your/output

In the two commands above, the directory to store your output is the same as logs_root mentioned before.

To get the RoBERTa epoch combination results (systems 9, columns 5-10), you can simply change the bert-base-uncased in line 122 of post_process_vote.py to

ckpt_dir = os.path.join(ckpt_root, 'roberta-base_tempmanual{}_verbmanual_full_100'.format(tem_id), 'version_{}'.format(seed))

The cross validation code modification from BERT to RoBERTa is similar.

Fine-tuned BERT+RoBRETa Model Combination Command

To get the BERT+RoBRETa feature combination results (systems 14, columns 5-10), you can run the following command:

Cross Validation

python prompt_ad_code/post_process_vote_cv.py rand_cv_robbertmg /directory/to/store/your/output


python prompt_ad_code/post_process_vote.py rand_test_robbertmg /directory/to/store/your/output

Using front/back prompt template, or using front + back prompt paradigm combination

In the above sections, by default the scripts is reporting front + back location prompt template combination (majority voting results). If you hope to get single template results, pls modify the corresponding lines in the scripts from:

template_id = [3, 1]

to front template id:

template_id = [1]

or to back template id:

template_id = [3]