Kafka serializer/deserializer using Avro.
The emphasis of this serializer is on serializing EDN to Avro, though the serializer will support any provided schema format.
This serializer uses Abracad and any bugs, quirks, and associated features/limitations are thus present. As Abracada is as of this writing seeing some churn and bug fixing, there may be a few quirks.
Please review Abracad and see if these behaviors are acceptable to you first.
Great fit with Franzy, a Clojure Kafka client, though not required.
ugly things floating around.Add the necessary dependency to your project:
[ymilky/franzy-avro "0.0.1"]
First, require:
(ns my-ns
(:require [franzy.serialization.avro.serializers :as serializers]))
Then use with a producer, such as the one with Franzy.
(let [;;optionally specify via Kakfa Config key - value.serializer using fully qualified class name
pc {:bootstrap.servers [""]}
;;ensure you define a schema, if not, a basic edn schema is the default
;;you must parse your schema so avro understands it
schema (avro/parse-schema
{:name "example", :type "record",
:fields [{:name "left", :type "string"}
{:name "right", :type "long"}]
:abracad.reader "vector"})]
;;Serializes producer record keys, ex: (keyword-serializer) from Franzy
key-serializer (your-key-serializer-type)
;;avro serializer - serializes to binary
value-serializer (serializers/avro-serializer schema)]
(with-open [p (producer/make-producer pc key-serializer value-serializer)]
;;assault Kafka with data no one will ever see
(send-async! "stolen-leftovers" 0 "lomein" "["3 days old, still stolen." 1234])))
You may not mix and match serializers and deserializers.
First, require:
(ns my-ns
(:require [franzy.serialization.avro.deserializers :as deserializers]))
Then use with a consumer, such as the one with Franzy.
(let [;;optionally specify via Kafka Config key - value.deserializer using fully qualified class name
cc {:bootstrap.servers [""]
:group.id "hungry-hippos"}
;;ensure you use a consistent schema with the deserializer, i.e. same as before
;;basic edn schema is again the default if no schema is provided.
schema (avro/parse-schema
{:name "example", :type "record",
:fields [{:name "left", :type "string"}
{:name "right", :type "long"}]
:abracad.reader "vector"})]
;;Deserializes your record keys, ex: (keyword-deserializer) from Franzy
key-deserializer (your-key-deserializer-type)
;;ensure you're using the same format when deserializing
value-deserializer (deserializers/avro-deserializer schema)
topic "stolen-leftovers"
topic-partitions [{:topic topic :partition 0}]]
(with-open [c (consumer/make-consumer cc key-deserializer value-deserializer)]
(assign-partitions! c topic-partitions)
(seek-to-beginning-offset! c topic-partitions)
(poll! c)))
You may not mix and match serializers and deserializers.
Copyright © 2016 Yossi M. (ymilky).
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.
Use at your own risk, I am not responsible or liable. Please give credit if you use pieces of this library or otherwise, it is much appreciated.