ynanwu / MABN

AAAI2024-Test-Time Domain Adaptation by Learning Domain-Aware Batch Normalization
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Test-Time Domain Adaptation by Learning Domain-Aware Batch Normalization

AAAI 2024 (Oral)

arXiv PDF Project Page

## ***(Code coming soon)*** ## Background We focus on the problem of *Test-time Domain Adaptation (TTDA)* or *Few-shot TTDA*. When an unseen target domain is encountered at test-time, a few unlabeled images are sampled to update the model towards that domain. The adapted model is then used for testing the data in that domain.
## Method overview
## :star: Acknowledgement Our code is built upon the codebase from [MetaDMoE (NeurIPS22)](https://github.com/n3il666/Meta-DMoE) ## :clipboard: Citation If you use this code in your research, please consider citing our paper: ``` @inproceedings{wu2024test, title={Test-Time Domain Adaptation by Learning Domain-Aware Batch Normalization}, author={Wu, Yanan and Chi, Zhixiang and Wang, Yang and Plataniotis, Konstantinos N and Feng, Songhe}, booktitle={Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence}, year={2024} } ```