yngvem / group-lasso

Group Lasso implementation following the scikit-learn API
MIT License
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can your code find these groups by itself? #3

Closed Sandy4321 closed 4 years ago

Sandy4321 commented 4 years ago

may you help understand what to do if I do not know how many groups there in data? can your code find these groups by itself? what would be for overlapping groups like your refrences https://papers.nips.cc/paper/4275-efficient-methods-for-overlapping-group-lasso.pdf https://www.researchgate.net/publication/46582615_Fast_Overlapping_Group_Lasso

yngvem commented 4 years ago

Group lasso is the regulariser you use if you know what the groups are and want to impose that information on the model. If you don't know the groups, then I guess you could cluster the groups first.

As to your reference, that is for group lasso with overlapping group, which may be useful if your covariates are not in disjoint groups. However, you should still know what the groups are to use group lasso.

I'm closing this issue as it doesn't contain any bug reports or feature request.

Sandy4321 commented 4 years ago

you don't know the groups, then I guess you could cluster the groups first. I see Do you know some code examples for this kind of case to use clusters

yngvem commented 4 years ago

No I do not know of any code examples for that, but it should be quite trivial to do it. You can for example google feature clustering or biclustering.