yngvem / group-lasso

Group Lasso implementation following the scikit-learn API
MIT License
105 stars 32 forks source link

⚠️⚠️ Disclaimer ⚠️⚠️: This package is no longer maintained.

If you are looking for efficient and scikit-learn-like models with group structure such Group Lasso and Group Logistic Regression, have a look at skglm <https://github.com/scikit-learn-contrib/skglm>_

skglm provides efficient and scikit-learn-compatible models with group structure such as Group Lasso <https://contrib.scikit-learn.org/skglm/generated/skglm.GroupLasso.html#skglm.GroupLasso> and Group Logistic Regression. It extends the features of scikit-learn for Generalized Linear Models by implementing a wealth of missing models. Check out the documentation <https://contrib.scikit-learn.org/skglm/api.html> for the full list of supported models, and the Gallery of examples <https://contrib.scikit-learn.org/skglm/auto_examples/index.html>_ to see its speed and efficiency when tackling large scale problems.

If you are looking for the grouplasso documentation, view the old version of the README <./old_README.rst>_.