ynput / ayon-launcher

AYON desktop application launcher
Apache License 2.0
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AYON Launcher - Desktop application

GitHub VFX Platform


Desktop application launcher for AYON pipeline. You need AYON launcher to be able to interact with any of the integrated applications. It acts as the main entry point into the pipeline for all artists publishing and loading data with AYON. Even though AYON launcher is a standalone desktop application, it doesn't do anything until it's connected to an AYON server instance.

The main purpose of application is to distribute updates based on current server state and to start main logic of core addon. At this moment core addon is ayon_core.

Desktop application also deploys AYON shim, which acts as bridge for different versions of AYON launcher. More information here.

To get all the information about the project, go to AYON.io


AYON shim is a small executable that knows where to find "real" executable of AYON launcher.

Usage of shim:

  1. Handle custom uri protocol scheme ayon-launcher:// which is used for running web actions.
  2. Path to shim executable can be used for shortcuts and automations, so you don't need to worry about updating the path on AYON launcher update. This might be useful e.g. for Deadline plugin.

Shim is installed with AYON launcher, or on first run of AYON launcher. It is installed to app data which is based on OS, or to {AYON_LAUNCHER_LOCAL_DIR}/shim/ directory if AYON_LAUNCHER_LOCAL_DIR environment variable is set.

Windows installation requires admin privileges, you'll be prompted for them on installation of AYON launcher.

Windows registry You can register custom uri protocol scheme `ayon-launcher://` by adding following registry keys: It uses default shim executable path `%LOCALAPPDATA%\Ynput\AYON\shim\ayon.exe`. ``` Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ayon-launcher] "URL Protocol"="" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ayon-launcher\DefaultIcon] @=hex(2):25,00,4c,00,4f,00,43,00,41,00,4c,00,41,00,50,00,50,00,44,00,41,00,54,\ 00,41,00,25,00,5c,00,59,00,6e,00,70,00,75,00,74,00,5c,00,41,00,59,00,4f,00,\ 4e,00,5c,00,73,00,68,00,69,00,6d,00,5c,00,61,00,79,00,6f,00,6e,00,2e,00,65,\ 00,78,00,65,00,00,00 [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ayon-launcher\shell] [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ayon-launcher\shell\open] [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ayon-launcher\shell\open\command] @=hex(2):25,00,4c,00,4f,00,43,00,41,00,4c,00,41,00,50,00,50,00,44,00,41,00,54,\ 00,41,00,25,00,5c,00,59,00,6e,00,70,00,75,00,74,00,5c,00,41,00,59,00,4f,00,\ 4e,00,5c,00,73,00,68,00,69,00,6d,00,5c,00,61,00,79,00,6f,00,6e,00,2e,00,65,\ 00,78,00,65,00,20,00,22,00,25,00,31,00,22,00,00,00 ```

[!CAUTION] Shim on macOs is installed to /Applications/AYON.app. To be able to use it in automation which waits for AYON launcher to finish then you have to use full path to executable /Applications/AYON.app/Contents/MacOS/ayon.

Building AYON Desktop application

We aim to closely follow VFX Reference Platform

AYON is written in Python 3 with specific elements still running in Python2 until all DCCs are fully updated. To see the list of those, that are not quite there yet, go to VFX Python3 tracker

CX_Freeze is used to freeze the Python code and all of its dependencies, and Poetry for virtual environment management.

We provide comprehensive build steps:

Linux build

We do recommend to use docker build options for linux distributions. Prepared dockerfiles do all necessary steps for you.

NOTE: There might be cases when linux installer should use PySide2 instead of PySide6 (which is default). You can change this by using --use-pyside2 in docker build command. Or you can use env variable QT_BINDING=pyside2 for local build. We do handle that case for Centos 7 build, but all other variants are using PySide6 by default.

Output of the build process is installer with metadata file that can be distributed to workstations.

Upload installer to server

Create installer information from json file on server and upload the installer file to be downloaded by users.


Run ./tools/manage.ps1 upload --server <your server> --api-key <your api key>

Or, run ./tools/manage.ps1 upload --server <your server> --username <your admin username> --password <your pasword>

Linux & macOS

Run ./tools/make.sh upload --server <your server> --api-key <your api key>

Or, run ./tools/make.sh upload --server <your server> --username <your admin username> --password <your pasword>

Upload command has more options, use --help to investigate them. For example, it is possible to use username & password instead of api key.

Running AYON Desktop application

AYON can be executed either from live sources (this repository) or from "frozen code" - executables that can be build using steps described above.

From sources

You need to create env and install dependencies first.

Ideally, this step should be re-run with each new version.


./tools/manage.ps1 create-env
./tools/manage.ps1 install-runtime-dependencies

Linux & macOS

./tools/make.sh create-env
./tools/make.sh install-runtime-dependencies


AYON can be run directly from sources by activating virtual environment:


./tools/manage.ps1 run

Linux & macOS

./tools/make.sh run

From frozen code

You need to build AYON first. This will produce executable - ayon.exe and ayon_console.exe on Windows, ayon on Linux and AYON {version}.app for macOS.


Executable ayon_console.exe creates console with output - useful for debugging, ayon.exe does not create console, but does not have any stdout or stderr output.


Once AYON launcher is installed and launched there are few ways how to affect what will happen. Default behavior will ask for login to server, if user did not log in yet, then starts distribution of updates, and last step is to start the main logic.

Main logic is now using command line handling from ayon_core addon. If path to python script is passed it will start the python script as main logic instead.


There are reserver global arguments that cannot be used in any cli handling:

Environment variables

Environment variables that are set during startup:

[!NOTE] Environment variables AYON_LAUNCHER_STORAGE_DIR and AYON_LAUNCHER_LOCAL_DIR are by default set to the same folder. Path is based on OS.

  • Windows: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Ynput\AYON
  • Linux: ~/.local/share/AYON
  • macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/AYON It is required to set the environment variables before AYON launcher is started as it is required for bootstrap.

[!TIP] Environment variables AYON_ADDONS_DIR and AYON_DEPENDENCIES_DIR by default lead relative to AYON_LAUNCHER_STORAGE_DIR.

  • AYON_DEPENDENCIES_DIR -> {AYON_LAUNCHER_STORAGE_DIR}/dependency_packages Changing their values will change where addons and dependency packages are stored even if you change AYON_LAUNCHER_STORAGE_DIR!

Developer mode

Developer mode enables to skip standard distribution process and use local sources of addon code. This is useful for development of addon. Developer mode must be enabled and configured on AYON server. To use it in AYON launcher create dev bundle and use --use-dev argument, or define bundle name --bundle <dev bundle name> in cli arguments.
